Zoom Help

   |-- File_Index
   |-- Gains_in_Vizu.proposal
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   |-- Known_bugs
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   |-- Ordre_du_jour_permanent
   |-- Programmers/
   |   |-- Arborescence_sous_zoom
   |   |-- Ker/
   |   |   |-- Call_to_Zebra_Wipe_and_Garbage
   |   |   |-- D_Loop
   |   |   |-- D_flag_et_appel_des_Tr
   |   |   |-- Gestion_des_Fi_et_Fiz
   |   |   |-- Help_Programming/
   |   |   |   |-- Save_Environment_Sequence
   |   |   |   ·-- Tree_Movements
   |   |   |-- K_Tr_and_D_Loop
   |   |   |-- Ker_Matrices_and_Topology
   |   |   |-- Ker_Subroutines_CMZTree
   |   |   |-- Matrix_Computation
   |   |   |-- Mx_Package/
   |   |   |   |-- Circulation_de_l_info_entre_Bks
   |   |   |   |-- Cross_Ref_Tbles_General
   |   |   |   |-- Cross_Ref_Tbles_General.Futura
   |   |   |   |-- CtAB.product.hlp
   |   |   |   |-- Ct_A-1B_product
   |   |   |   |-- Ct_AB.short
   |   |   |   |-- Eole
   |   |   |   |-- Guide
   |   |   |   |-- MX_structures
   |   |   |   |-- Mx_Structure_d_une_BRow
   |   |   |   |-- Mx_pairing_et_crossT
   |   |   |   |-- OIC2RX.hlp
   |   |   |   ·-- Pro_Gemini/
   |   |   |       |-- CtABnew
   |   |   |       |-- CtABnew.Tarbes
   |   |   |       |-- Extr_Op_Vent_Toulouse
   |   |   |       |-- Extract_ABP
   |   |   |       |-- Extract_CtP
   |   |   |       |-- Extraction_Operation_Ventilation
   |   |   |       |-- SOELIM
   |   |   |       |-- Taches_a_repartir
   |   |   |       |-- Vent_CtABP
   |   |   |-- Status_bits
   |   |   |-- Tef_Mx_Structure
   |   |-- Macros_comprehension_des/
   |   |   |-- Chemins_banks
   |   |   |-- Stack_and_MTN_Block
   |   |   |-- Stack_and_ZBM_Block
   |   |   ·-- Tours_de_mains
   |   |-- Mortran/
   |   |   |-- Control_commands_for_the_Translator
   |   |   |-- Mortan_MP2_Description_in_short
   |   |   ·-- mtn_errors_list
   |   |-- Upgrades/
   |   |   |-- Installation
   |   |-- Vizu/
   |   |   ·-- Vizu_subroutines_cmzTree
   |   ·-- Zebra/
   |       |-- Divisions_DZstore_et_snap
   |       ·-- kuip_Zebra.flow
   |-- Remue_meninges
   |-- Requisits
   |-- Sensitivity_proposal
   |-- Suggestions
   |-- TexDoc
   |-- Users/
   |   |-- 00_New_User_Environment_Installation
   |   |-- Combined_Facilities/
   |   |   |-- Bank_desc.complete
   |   |   |-- Bank_desc.complete.Futura
   |   |   |-- Bank_desc.short
   |   |   |-- Gestion_des_pas_de_temps
   |   |   |-- Print_levels
   |   |   ·-- Vizu_Entry
   |   |-- General/
   |   |   |-- Execution_sur_Site_distant
   |   |   |-- Librairies_additionnelles
   |   |   |-- Mortran_manual
   |   |   |-- Mortran_standard_Macros
   |   |   |-- Premises
   |   |   ·-- Recipes_et_zoom
   |   |-- Graphics_and_post_treatment/
   |   |   |-- Borel_util
   |   |   |-- Gains_Systematiques
   |   |   |-- Gains_in_VIZU
   |   |   |-- Maps
   |   |   |-- Mx_package
   |   |   ·-- Vizu_Paw_Kumacs/
   |   |       |-- channel_entry_flow.kumac
   |   |       |-- fit.kumac
   |   |       |-- interpol_pressure_flow3.kumac
   |   |       |-- last.kumac
   |   |       |-- ntuple_pipe_flow_pressure.kumac
   |   |       |-- nuss1.kumac
   |   |       |-- paw.metafile
   |   |       |-- scale_temperature.kumac
   |   |       |-- tslice.kumac
   |   |       ·-- velox_canal_nat.kumac
   |   |-- Ker_features/
   |   |   |-- D_loop_simple
   |   |   ·-- Gestion_des_Fi_et_Fiz
   |   |-- Langages_tours_de_mains/
   |   |   |-- Procedure_re_entrante
   |   |-- Proc/
   |   |   |-- Cell_Grasp
   |   |   |-- D_Mx_programming
   |   |   |-- D_loop_stuff
   |   |   |-- Easy_printing_facilities
   |   |   |-- Proc_Getting_Started/
   |   |   |   |-- Zget_start
   |   |   |   ·-- lastcmz.kumac
   |   |   |-- Proc_Nature.list
   |   |   |-- Proc_TGR/
   |   |   |   ·-- Consult_TVSV
   |   |   |-- Proc_et_Derivateur
   |   |   |-- Tr_Grasp
   |   |   |-- Tr_flag_bits
   |   |   |-- Vizu_Entry
   |   |   |-- Vizualisation_of_parameters
   |   |   |-- ZBM_dictionnary.html
   |   |   ·-- ZBM_manuals/
   |   |       |-- Derivation_formelle.doc
   |   |       |-- New_Macs-04.93
   |   |       |-- zbm.doc
   |   |       |-- zbm0.doc
   |   |       |-- zbm_manual.doc
   |   |       |-- zbm_user_list.doc
   |   |       |-- zbm_user_list.doc.930511
   |   |       |-- zbm_user_manual.doc
   |   |       |-- zbm_user_manual.doc.930511
   |   |-- Upgrades/
   |   |   |-- Creation_d_une_Version_CMZ
   |   |   |-- Creation_d_une_Version_CMZ_7_94
   |   |   |-- D_loop_convergence_10_05_94
   |   |   |-- Passage_de_PATCHY_a_CMZ_01_93
   |   |   |-- SkipRead_Loops
   |   |   ·-- Upgrading_Symbols_04_93
   |   ·-- Zinit/
   |       |-- Tours_de_mains/
   |       |   |-- Identification_Fit
   |       |   |-- Variable_Mesh_Grid
   |       |   |-- Z_Matrix_Study
   |       |   ·-- Z_Steering_du_dTime
   |       ·-- ZDL/
   |           |-- OZ_Print_Levels
   |           |-- Read_me
   |           |-- Zdl.html
   |           |-- Zdl.maquoi
   |           |-- Zdl_Dictionnary.Obsolete
   |           |-- Zdl_html.dir/
   |           |   |-- Connecting
   |           |   |-- Fm_Cell_Create
   |           |   |-- Model_Instanciation
   |           |   |-- Object_Address
   |           |   |-- Results_Output
   |           |   |-- Transfer_Create
   |           |   ·-- ZSteer_Entry
   |           ·-- zdl_New_Macros-04_93
   |-- Versions_futures/
   |   |-- Emballages.steph
   |   |-- Futura_is_pro
   |   |-- Futurix
   |   |-- Stephurix.tef_zoom
   |   |-- Versions_prochaines
   |   |-- gemini.collab
   |   |-- pre_Futura_is_pro
   |-- Vizu_Features
   |-- logo.al1
   ·-- read_dev.ideas

27 directories, 202 files

tree v1.4b3 © 1996 - 2002 by Steve Baker and Thomas Moore
HTML output hacked and copyleft © 1998 by Francesc Rocher
This software is experimental. Send commends and/or
suggestions to rocher@econ.udg.es