Balhane , Saloua : 2 publications


Balhane, S.; Driouech, F.; Chafki, O.; Manzanas, R.; Chehbouni, A. and Moufouma-Okia, W., Changes in mean and extreme temperature and precipitation events from different weighted multi-model ensembles over the northern half of Morocco, Climate Dynamics, vol.58, pp.389 (2022)
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-05910-w


Driouech, F.; ElRhaz, K.; Moufouma-Okia, W.; Arjdal, K. and Balhane, S., Assessing Future Changes of Climate Extreme Events in the CORDEX-MENA Region Using Regional Climate Model ALADIN-Climate, Earth Systems and Environment, vol.4, pp.477 (2020)
DOI: 10.1007/s41748-020-00169-3

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