Jérôme Pernin - 1 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2013 -

Crevoisier, C.; Nobileau, D.; Armante, R.; Crépeau, L.; Machida, T.; Sawa, Y.; Matsueda, H.; Schuck, T.; Thonat, T.; Pernin, J.; Scott, N. A. and Chédin, A., The 2007-2011 evolution of tropical methane in the mid-troposphere as seen from space by MetOp-A/IASI Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 4279-4289 (2013) 10.5194/acp-13-4279-2013

Retreived from SCOPUS using Rose, Michael E. and John R. Kitchin: “pybliometrics: Scriptable bibliometrics using a Python interface to Scopus”, SoftwareX 10 (2019) 100263.