Yoann Tellier - 2 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2020 -

Pincus, R.; Buehler, S. A.; Brath, M.; Crevoisier, C.; Jamil, O.; Franklin Evans, K.; Manners, J.; Menzel, R. L.; Mlawer, E. J.; Paynter, D.; Pernak, R. L. and Tellier, Y., Benchmark Calculations of Radiative Forcing by Greenhouse Gases Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033483 (2020) 10.1029/2020JD033483

- 2018 -

Tellier, Y.; Pierangelo, C.; Wirth, M.; Gibert, F. and Marnas, F., Averaging bias correction for the future space-borne methane IPDA lidar mission MERLIN Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 5865-5884 (2018) 10.5194/amt-11-5865-2018

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