Bernard Legras - 84 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2021 -

Lee, K. O.; Barret, B.; Flochmoën, E. L.; Tulet, P.; Bucci, S.; Von Hobe, M.; Kloss, C.; Legras, B.; Leriche, M.; Sauvage, B.; Ravegnani, F. and Ulanovsky, A., Convective uplift of pollution from the Sichuan Basin into the Asian monsoon anticyclone during the StratoClim aircraft campaign Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 3255-3274 (2021) 10.5194/acp-21-3255-2021

Teo, C. K.; Koh, T. Y.; Cheung, K. K.; Legras, B.; Huynh, H. N.; Chew, L. Y. and Norford, L., Scaling characteristics of modelled tropical oceanic rain clusters Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 147, 1055-1069 (2021) 10.1002/qj.3959

Kloss, C.; Berthet, G.; Sellitto, P.; Ploeger, F.; Taha, G.; Tidiga, M.; Eremenko, M.; Bossolasco, A.; Jégou, F.; Renard, J. B. and Legras, B., Stratospheric aerosol layer perturbation caused by the 2019 Raikoke and Ulawun eruptions and their radiative forcing Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 535-560 (2021) 10.5194/acp-21-535-2021

Ploeger, F.; Diallo, M.; Charlesworth, E.; Konopka, P.; Legras, B.; Laube, J. C.; Grooß, J. U.; Günther, G.; Engel, A. and Riese, M., The stratospheric Brewer-Dobson circulation inferred from age of air in the ERA5 reanalysis Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 8393-8412 (2021) 10.5194/acp-21-8393-2021

Kloss, C.; Sellitto, P.; von Hobe, M.; Berthet, G.; Smale, D.; Krysztofiak, G.; Xue, C.; Qiu, C.; Jégou, F.; Ouerghemmi, I. and Legras, B., Australian Fires 2019–2020: Tropospheric and Stratospheric Pollution Throughout the Whole Fire Season Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 652024 (2021) 10.3389/fenvs.2021.652024

Guermazi, H.; Sellitto, P.; Cuesta, J.; Eremenko, M.; Lachatre, M.; Mailler, S.; Carboni, E.; Salerno, G.; Caltabiano, T.; Menut, L.; Serbaji, M. M.; Rekhiss, F. and Legras, B., Quantitative retrieval of volcanic sulphate aerosols from iasi observations Remote Sensing, 13, 1808 (2021) 10.3390/rs13091808

Lestrelin, H.; Legras, B.; Podglajen, A. and Salihoglu, M., Smoke-charged vortices in the stratosphere generated by wildfires and their behaviour in both hemispheres: Comparing Australia 2020 to Canada 2017 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 7113-7134 (2021) 10.5194/acp-21-7113-2021

Cairo, F.; De Muro, M.; Snels, M.; Di Liberto, L.; Bucci, S.; Legras, B.; Kottayil, A.; Scoccione, A. and Ghisu, S., Lidar observations of cirrus clouds in Palau (7°33′ N, 134°48′ E) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 7947-7961 (2021) 10.5194/acp-21-7947-2021

- 2020 -

Tegtmeier, S.; Anstey, J.; Davis, S.; Dragani, R.; Harada, Y.; Ivanciu, I.; Pilch Kedzierski, R.; Krüger, K.; Legras, B.; Long, C.; Wang, J. S.; Wargan, K. and Wright, J. S., Temperature and tropopause characteristics from reanalyses data in the tropical tropopause layer Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 753-770 (2020) 10.5194/acp-20-753-2020

Courbot, J. B.; Duval, V. and Legras, B., Sparse analysis for mesoscale convective systems tracking Signal Processing: Image Communication, 85, 115854 (2020) 10.1016/j.image.2020.115854

Bucci, S.; Legras, B.; Sellitto, P.; D'Amato, F.; Viciani, S.; Montori, A.; Chiarugi, A.; Ravegnani, F.; Ulanovsky, A.; Cairo, F. and Stroh, F., Deep-convective influence on the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere composition in the Asian monsoon anticyclone region: 2017 StratoClim campaign results Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 12193-12210 (2020) 10.5194/acp-20-12193-2020

Johansson, S.; Höpfner, M.; Kirner, O.; Wohltmann, I.; Bucci, S.; Legras, B.; Friedl-Vallon, F.; Glatthor, N.; Kretschmer, E.; Ungermann, J. and Wetzel, G., Pollution trace gas distributions and their transport in the Asian monsoon upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere during the StratoClim campaign 2017 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 14695-14715 (2020) 10.5194/acp-20-14695-2020

Podglajen, A.; Hertzog, A.; Plougonven, R. and Legras, B., Lagrangian gravity wave spectra in the lower stratosphere of current (re)analyses Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 9331-9350 (2020) 10.5194/acp-20-9331-2020

S. Wright, J.; Sun, X.; Konopka, P.; Krüger, K.; Legras, B.; M. Molod, A.; Tegtmeier, S.; J. Zhang, G. and Zhao, X., Differences in tropical high clouds among reanalyses: Origins and radiative impacts Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 8989-9030 (2020) 10.5194/acp-20-8989-2020

Kloss, C.; Sellitto, P.; Legras, B.; Vernier, J. P.; Jégou, F.; Venkat Ratnam, M.; Suneel Kumar, B.; Lakshmi Madhavan, B. and Berthet, G., Impact of the 2018 Ambae Eruption on the Global Stratospheric Aerosol Layer and Climate Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032410 (2020) 10.1029/2020JD032410

Legras, B. and Bucci, S., Confinement of air in the Asian monsoon anticyclone and pathways of convective air to the stratosphere during the summer season Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 11045-11064 (2020) 10.5194/acp-20-11045-2020

- 2019 -

Diallo, M.; Konopka, P.; Santee, M. L.; Müller, R.; Tao, M.; Walker, K. A.; Legras, B.; Riese, M.; Ern, M. and Ploeger, F., Structural changes in the shallow and transition branch of the Brewer-Dobson circulation induced by El Niño Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 425-446 (2019) 10.5194/acp-19-425-2019

Kloss, C.; Berthet, G.; Sellitto, P.; Ploeger, F.; Bucci, S.; Khaykin, S.; Jégou, F.; Taha, G.; Thomason, L. W.; Barret, B.; Le Flochmoen, E.; Von Hobe, M.; Bossolasco, A.; Bègue, N. and Legras, B., Transport of the 2017 canadian wildfire plume to the tropics via the asian monsoon circulation Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 13547-13567 (2019) 10.5194/acp-19-13547-2019

Höpfner, M.; Ungermann, J.; Borrmann, S.; Wagner, R.; Spang, R.; Riese, M.; Stiller, G.; Appel, O.; Batenburg, A. M.; Bucci, S.; Cairo, F.; Dragoneas, A.; Friedl-Vallon, F.; Hünig, A.; Johansson, S.; Krasauskas, L.; Legras, B.; Leisner, T.; Mahnke, C.; Möhler, O. and 10 more, Ammonium nitrate particles formed in upper troposphere from ground ammonia sources during Asian monsoons Nature Geoscience, 12, 608-612 (2019) 10.1038/s41561-019-0385-8

Ploeger, F.; Legras, B.; Charlesworth, E.; Yan, X.; Diallo, M.; Konopka, P.; Birner, T.; Tao, M.; Engel, A. and Riese, M., How robust are stratospheric age of air trends from different reanalyses? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 6085-6105 (2019) 10.5194/acp-19-6085-2019

- 2018 -

Diallo, M.; Riese, M.; Birner, T.; Konopka, P.; Müller, R.; Hegglin, M. I.; Santee, M. L.; Baldwin, M.; Legras, B. and Ploeger, F., Response of stratospheric water vapor and ozone to the unusual timing of El Niño and the QBO disruption in 2015-2016 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 13055-13073 (2018) 10.5194/acp-18-13055-2018

- 2017 -

Diallo, M.; Legras, B.; Ray, E.; Engel, A. and Añel, J. A., Global distribution of CO2 in the upper troposphere and stratosphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 3861-3878 (2017) 10.5194/acp-17-3861-2017

Teo, C. K.; Huynh, H. N.; Koh, T. Y.; Cheung, K. K.; Legras, B.; Chew, L. Y. and Norford, L., The universal scaling characteristics of tropical oceanic rain clusters Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 5582-5599 (2017) 10.1002/2016JD025921

Sellitto, P.; Zanetel, C.; di Sarra, A.; Salerno, G.; Tapparo, A.; Meloni, D.; Pace, G.; Caltabiano, T.; Briole, P. and Legras, B., The impact of Mount Etna sulfur emissions on the atmospheric composition and aerosol properties in the central Mediterranean: A statistical analysis over the period 2000–2013 based on observations and Lagrangian modelling Atmospheric Environment, 148, 77-88 (2017) 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.10.032

Diallo, M.; Ploeger, F.; Konopka, P.; Birner, T.; Müller, R.; Riese, M.; Garny, H.; Legras, B.; Ray, E.; Berthet, G. and Jegou, F., Significant Contributions of Volcanic Aerosols to Decadal Changes in the Stratospheric Circulation Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10,780-10,791 (2017) 10.1002/2017GL074662

Guermazi, H.; Sellitto, P.; Serbaji, M. M.; Legras, B. and Rekhiss, F., Assessment of the combined sensitivity of nadir TIR satellite observations to volcanic SO2 and sulphate aerosols after a moderate stratospheric eruption Geosciences (Switzerland), 7, 84 (2017) 10.3390/geosciences7030084

- 2016 -

Abalos, M.; Legras, B. and Shuckburgh, E., Interannual variability in effective diffusivity in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere from reanalysis data Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 1847-1861 (2016) 10.1002/qj.2779

Plougonven, R.; Hertzog, A. and Legras, B., A modelling case study of a large-scale cirrus in the tropical tropopause layer Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 3881-3902 (2016) 10.5194/acp-16-3881-2016

Tissier, A. S. and Legras, B., Convective sources of trajectories traversing the tropical tropopause layer Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 3383-3398 (2016) 10.5194/acp-16-3383-2016

Podglajen, A.; Hertzog, A.; Plougonven, R. and Legras, B., Lagrangian temperature and vertical velocity fluctuations due to gravity waves in the lower stratosphere Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3543-3553 (2016) 10.1002/2016GL068148

Sellitto, P. and Legras, B., Sensitivity of thermal infrared nadir instruments to the chemical and microphysical properties of UTLS secondary sulfate aerosols Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 115-132 (2016) 10.5194/amt-9-115-2016

Dinh, T.; Podglajen, A.; Hertzog, A.; Legras, B. and Plougonven, R., Effect of gravity wave temperature fluctuations on homogeneous ice nucleation in the tropical tropopause layer Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 35-46 (2016) 10.5194/acp-16-35-2016

Sellitto, P.; Di Sarra, A.; Corradini, S.; Boichu, M.; Herbin, H.; Dubuisson, P.; Sèze, G.; Meloni, D.; Monteleone, F.; Merucci, L.; Rusalem, J.; Salerno, G.; Briole, P. and Legras, B., Synergistic use of Lagrangian dispersion and radiative transfer modelling with satellite and surface remote sensing measurements for the investigation of volcanic plumes: The Mount Etna eruption of 25-27 October 2013 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 6841-6861 (2016) 10.5194/acp-16-6841-2016

- 2015 -

Ploeger, F.; Abalos, M.; Birner, T.; Konopka, P.; Legras, B.; Müller, R. and Riese, M., Quantifying the effects of mixing and residual circulation on trends of stratospheric mean age of air Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 2047-2054 (2015) 10.1002/2014GL062927

Abalos, M.; Legras, B.; Ploeger, F. and Randel, W. J., Evaluating the advective Brewer-Dobson circulation in three reanalyses for the period 1979-2012 Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 7534-7554 (2015) 10.1002/2015JD023182

- 2013 -

Legras, B., Climate change sceptics European Review, 21, None (2013) 10.1017/S1062798713000173

Bolot, M.; Legras, B. and Moyer, E. J., Modelling and interpreting the isotopic composition of water vapour in convective updrafts Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 7903-7935 (2013) 10.5194/acp-13-7903-2013

- 2012 -

Reverdy, M.; Noel, V.; Chepfer, H. and Legras, B., On the origin of subvisible cirrus clouds in the tropical upper troposphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 12081-12101 (2012) 10.5194/acp-12-12081-2012

Diallo, M.; Legras, B. and Chédin, A., Age of stratospheric air in the ERA-Interim Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 12133-12154 (2012) 10.5194/acp-12-12133-2012

- 2011 -

Pommereau, J. P.; Garnier, A.; Held, G.; Gomes, A. M.; Goutail, F.; Durry, G.; Borchi, F.; Hauchecorne, A.; Montoux, N.; Cocquerez, P.; Letrenne, G.; Vial, F.; Hertzog, A.; Legras, B.; Pisso, I.; Pyle, J. A.; Harris, N. R.; Jones, R. L.; Robinson, A. D.; Hansford, G. and 23 more, An overview of the HIBISCUS campaign Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 2309-2339 (2011) 10.5194/acp-11-2309-2011

Tzella, A. and Legras, B., A Lagrangian view of convective sources for transport of air across the Tropical Tropopause Layer: Distribution, times and the radiative influence of clouds Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 12517-12534 (2011) 10.5194/acp-11-12517-2011

- 2010 -

Real, E.; Pisso, I.; Law, K. S.; Legras, B.; Bousserez, N.; Schlager, H.; Roiger, A. and Attié, J. L., Toward a novel high-resolution modeling approach for the study of chemical evolution of pollutant plumes during long-range transport Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 115, D12302 (2010) 10.1029/2009JD011707

Legras, B.; Mestre, O.; Bard, E. and Yiou, P., A critical look at solar-climate relationships from long temperature series Climate of the Past, 6, 745-758 (2010) 10.5194/cp-6-745-2010

Yiou, P.; Bard, E.; Dandin, P.; Legras, B.; Naveau, P.; Rust, H. W.; Terray, L. and Vrac, M., Statistical issues about solar-climate relations Climate of the Past, 6, 565-573 (2010) 10.5194/cp-6-565-2010

Pisso, I.; Marécal, V.; Legras, B. and Berthet, G., Sensitivity of ensemble Lagrangian reconstructions to assimilated wind time step resolution Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 3155-3162 (2010) 10.5194/acp-10-3155-2010

- 2009 -

Shuckburgh, E.; D'ovidio, F. and Legras, B., Local mixing events in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Part II: Seasonal and interannual variability Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 3695-3706 (2009) 10.1175/2009JAS2983.1

D'Ovidio, F.; Shuckburgh, E. and Legras, B., Local mixing events in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Part I: Detection with the lyapunov diffusivity Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 3678-3694 (2009) 10.1175/2009JAS2982.1

Legras, B. and Villone, B., Large-scale instability of a generalized turbulent Kolmogorov flow Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 16, 569-577 (2009) 10.5194/npg-16-569-2009

James, R. and Legras, B., Mixing processes and exchanges in the tropical and the subtropical UT/LS Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 25-38 (2009) 10.5194/acp-9-25-2009

Pisso, I.; Real, E.; Law, K. S.; Legras, B.; Bousserez, N.; Attié, J. L. and Schlager, H., Estimation of mixing in the troposphere from Lagrangian trace gas reconstructions during long-range pollution plume transport Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 114, D19301 (2009) 10.1029/2008JD011289

- 2008 -

Pisso, I. and Legras, B., Turbulent vertical diffusivity in the sub-tropical stratosphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 697-707 (2008) 10.5194/acp-8-697-2008

James, R.; Bonazzola, M.; Legras, B.; Surbled, K. and Fueglistaler, S., Water vapor transport and dehydration above convective outflow during Asian monsoon Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L20810 (2008) 10.1029/2008GL035441

- 2007 -

Auger, L. and Legras, B., Chemical segregation by heterogeneous emissions Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2303-2318 (2007) 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.11.032

- 2005 -

Legras, B.; Pisso, I.; Berthet, G. and Lefèvre, F., Variability of the Lagrangian turbulent diffusion in the lower stratosphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 1605-1622 (2005) 10.5194/acp-5-1605-2005

- 2004 -

Lacorata, G.; Aurell, E.; Legras, B. and Vulpiani, A., Evidence for a k-5/3 spectrum from the EOLE Lagrangian balloons in the low stratosphere Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 61, 2936-2942 (2004) 10.1175/JAS-3292.1

- 2003 -

Legras, B. and Villone, B., Dispersive and friction-induced stabilization of the Cahn-Hilliard inverse cascade Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 175, 139-166 (2003) 10.1016/S0167-2789(02)00720-0

Scott, R. K.; Shuckburgh, E. F.; Cammas, J. P. and Legras, B., Stretching rates and equivalent length near the tropopause Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108, None (2003) 10.1029/2002jd002988

Legras, B.; Joseph, B. and Lefèvre, F., Vertical diffusivity in the lower stratosphere from Lagrangian back-trajectory reconstructions of ozone profiles Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108, None (2003) 10.1029/2002jd003045

- 2002 -

Koh, T. Y. and Legras, B., Hyperbolic lines and the stratospheric polar vortex Chaos, 12, 382-394 (2002) 10.1063/1.1480442

Joseph, B. and Legras, B., Relation between kinematic boundaries, stirring, and barriers for the Antarctic polar vortex Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 59, 1198-1212 (2002) 10.1175/1520-0469(2002)059<1198:RBKBSA>2.0.CO;2

- 2001 -

Lapeyre, G.; Hua, B. L. and Legras, B., Comment on "finding finite-time invariant manifolds in two-dimensional velocity fields" [chaos 10, 99 (2000)] Chaos, 11, 427-430 (2001) 10.1063/1.1374241

Legras, B.; Dritschel, D. G. and Caillol, P., The erosion of a distributed two-dimensional vortex in a background straining flow Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 441, 369-398 (2001) 10.1017/S002211200100502X

- 2000 -

Mariotti, A.; Mechoso, C. R.; Legras, B. and Daniel, V., The evolution of the ozone 'collar' in the Antarctic lower stratosphere during early August 1994 Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 57, 402-414 (2000) 10.1175/1520-0469(2000)057<0402:TEOTOC>2.0.CO;2

- 1999 -

Legras, B.; Villone, B. and Frisch, U., Dispersive stabilization of the inverse cascade for the kolmogorov flow Physical Review Letters, 82, 4440-4443 (1999) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.4440

- 1998 -

Villone, B.; Legras, B. and Frisch, U., Inverse cascade and rossby waves in the kolmogorov flow on the beta-plane Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, 46, 457-460 (1998) 10.1007/978-94-011-5118-4_114

- 1997 -

Paireau, O.; Tabeling, P. and Legras, B., A vortex subjected to a shear: An experimental study Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 351, 1-16 (1997) 10.1017/S0022112097006915

- 1996 -

Frison, U.; Legras, B. and Villone, B., Large-scale Kolmogorov flow on the beta-plane and resonant wave interactions Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 94, 36-56 (1996) 10.1016/0167-2789(95)00304-5

Edouard, S.; Legras, B. and Zeitlin, V., The effect of dynamical mixing in a simple model of the ozone hole Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 101, 16771-16778 (1996) 10.1029/96JD00856

Edouard, S.; Legras, B.; Lefèvre, F. and Eymard, R., The effect of small-scale inhomogeneities on ozone depletion in the Arctic Nature, 384, 444-447 (1996) 10.1038/384444a0

- 1995 -

Vial, F.; Babiano, A.; Brioit, B.; Basdevant, C.; Legras, B.; Sadourny, R.; Ovarlez, H.; Ovarlez, J.; Teitelbaum, H.; Cariolle, D.; Lefèvre, F.; Simon, P.; Valero, F.; Mechoso, C.; Fararra, J.; Kelder, H.; Camy-Peyret, C.; Hart, T. and McIntyre, M. E., Stratéole: A project to study antarctic polar vortex dynamics and its impact on ozone chemistry Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 20, 83-96 (1995) 10.1016/0079-1946(95)00010-8

- 1994 -

Mariotti, A.; Legras, B. and Dritschel, D. G., Vortex stripping and the erosion of coherent structures in two-dimensional flows Physics of Fluids, 6, 3954-3962 (1994) 10.1063/1.868385

- 1993 -

Legras, B. and Dritschel, D., Vortex stripping and the generation of high vorticity gradients in two-dimensional flows Applied Scientific Research, 51, 445-455 (1993) 10.1007/BF01082574

Legras, B. and Dritschel, D. G., A Comparison of the contour surgery and pseudo-spectral methods Journal of Computational Physics, 104, 287-302 (1993) 10.1006/jcph.1993.1031

- 1992 -

Legras, B. and Zeitlin, V., Conformal dynamics for vortex motions Physics Letters A, 167, 265-271 (1992) 10.1016/0375-9601(92)90203-X

- 1991 -

Legras, B. and Dritschel, D. G., The elliptical model of two-dimensional vortex dynamics. I: The basic state Physics of Fluids A, 3, 845-854 (1991) 10.1063/1.858015

Dritschel, D. G. and Legras, B., The elliptical model of two-dimensional vortex dynamics. II: Disturbance equations Physics of Fluids A, 3, 855-869 (1991) 10.1063/1.858016

- 1989 -

Santangelo, P.; Benzi, R. and Legras, B., The generation of vortices in high-resolution, two-dimensional decaying turbulence and the influence of initial conditions on the breaking of self-similarity Physics of Fluids A, 1, 1027-1034 (1989) 10.1063/1.857393

- 1988 -

Vautard, R. and Legras, B., On the source of midlatitude low-frequency variability. Part II: nonlinear equilibration of weather regimes Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45, 2845-2867 (1988) 10.1175/1520-0469(1988)045<2845:OTSOML>2.0.CO;2

Vautard, R.; Legras, B. and Deque, M., On the source of midlatitude low-frequency variability. Part I: a statistical approach to persistence Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45, 2811-2843 (1988) 10.1175/1520-0469(1988)045<2811:otsoml>;2

Legras, B.; Santangelo, P. and Benzi, R., High-resolution numerical experiments for forced two-dimensional turbulence EPL, 5, 37-42 (1988) 10.1209/0295-5075/5/1/007

- 1987 -

Babiano, A.; Basdevant, C.; Legras, B. and Sadourny, R., Vorticity and passive-scalar dynamics in two-dimensional turbulence Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 183, 379-397 (1987) 10.1017/S0022112087002684

Benzi, R. and Legras, B., Wave-vortex dynamics Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 20, 5125-5144 (1987) 10.1088/0305-4470/20/15/028

- 1985 -

Legras, B. and Ghil, M., Persistent anomalies, blocking and variations in atmospheric predictability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 42, 433-471 (1985) 10.1175/1520-0469(1985)042<0433:PABAVI>2.0.CO;2

- 1980 -

Legras, B., Turbulent Phase Shift of Rossby Waves Geophysical &amp; Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 15, 253-281 (1980) 10.1080/03091928008241180

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