Sabrina Speich - 44 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2021 -

Brandão, M. C.; Benedetti, F.; Martini, S.; Soviadan, Y. D.; Irisson, J. O.; Romagnan, J. B.; Elineau, A.; Desnos, C.; Jalabert, L.; Freire, A. S.; Picheral, M.; Guidi, L.; Gorsky, G.; Bowler, C.; Karp-Boss, L.; Henry, N.; de Vargas, C.; Sullivan, M. B.; Acinas, S. G.; Babin, M. and 25 more, Macroscale patterns of oceanic zooplankton composition and size structure Scientific Reports, 11, 15714 (2021) 10.1038/s41598-021-94615-5

Christine Stephan, C.; Schnitt, S.; Schulz, H.; Bellenger, H.; De Szoeke, S. P.; Acquistapace, C.; Baier, K.; Dauhut, T.; Laxenaire, R.; Morfa-Avalos, Y.; Person, R.; Meléndez, E. Q.; Bagheri, G.; Böck, T.; Daley, A.; Güttler, J.; Helfer, K. C.; Los, S. A.; Neuberger, A.; Röttenbacher, J. and 16 more, Ship- And island-based atmospheric soundings from the 2020 EUREC4A field campaign Earth System Science Data, 13, 491-514 (2021) 10.5194/essd-13-491-2021

Manta, G.; Speich, S.; Karstensen, J.; Hummels, R.; Kersalé, M.; Laxenaire, R.; Piola, A.; Chidichimo, M. P.; Sato, O. T.; Cotrim da Cunha, L.; Ansorge, I.; Lamont, T.; van den Berg, M. A.; Schuster, U.; Tanhua, T.; Kerr, R.; Guerrero, R.; Campos, E. and Meinen, C. S., The South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Mesoscale Eddies in the First GO-SHIP Section at 34.5°S Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016962 (2021) 10.1029/2020JC016962

Cornec, M.; Laxenaire, R.; Speich, S. and Claustre, H., Impact of Mesoscale Eddies on Deep Chlorophyll Maxima Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093470 (2021) 10.1029/2021GL093470

Kersalé, M.; Meinen, C. S.; Perez, R. C.; Piola, A. R.; Speich, S.; Campos, E. J.; Garzoli, S. L.; Ansorge, I.; Volkov, D. L.; Le Hénaff, M.; Dong, S.; Lamont, T.; Sato, O. T. and van den Berg, M., Multi-Year Estimates of Daily Heat Transport by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 34.5°S Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016947 (2021) 10.1029/2020JC016947

Bosser, P.; Bock, O.; Flamant, C.; Bony, S. and Speich, S., Integrated water vapour content retrievals from ship-borne GNSS receivers during eurec4a Earth System Science Data, 13, 1499-1517 (2021) 10.5194/essd-13-1499-2021

Reverdin, G.; Olivier, L.; Foltz, G. R.; Speich, S.; Karstensen, J.; Horstmann, J.; Zhang, D.; Laxenaire, R.; Carton, X.; Branger, H.; Carrasco, R. and Boutin, J., Formation and Evolution of a Freshwater Plume in the Northwestern Tropical Atlantic in February 2020 Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016981 (2021) 10.1029/2020JC016981

Dayan, H.; Le Cozannet, G.; Speich, S. and Thiéblemont, R., High-End Scenarios of Sea-Level Rise for Coastal Risk-Averse Stakeholders Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 569992 (2021) 10.3389/fmars.2021.569992

- 2020 -

Close, S.; Penduff, T.; Speich, S. and Molines, J. M., A means of estimating the intrinsic and atmospherically-forced contributions to sea surface height variability applied to altimetric observations Progress in Oceanography, 184, 102314 (2020) 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102314

Ioannou, A.; Stegner, A.; Dubos, T.; Le Vu, B. and Speich, S., Generation and Intensification of Mesoscale Anticyclones by Orographic Wind Jets: The Case of Ierapetra Eddies Forced by the Etesians Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015810 (2020) 10.1029/2019JC015810

Kersalé, M.; Meinen, C. S.; Perez, R. C.; Le Hénaff, M.; Valla, D.; Lamont, T.; Sato, O. T.; Dong, S.; Terre, T.; van Caspel, M.; Chidichimo, M. P.; van den Berg, M.; Speich, S.; Piola, A. R.; Campos, E. J.; Ansorge, I.; Volkov, D. L.; Lumpkin, R. and Garzoli, S. L., Highly variable upper and abyssal overturning cells in the South Atlantic Science Advances, 6, eaba7573 (2020) 10.1126/sciadv.aba7573

Laxenaire, R.; Speich, S. and Stegner, A., Agulhas Ring Heat Content and Transport in the South Atlantic Estimated by Combining Satellite Altimetry and Argo Profiling Floats Data Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015511 (2020) 10.1029/2019JC015511

- 2019 -

Kersalé, M.; Perez, R. C.; Speich, S.; Meinen, C. S.; Lamont, T.; Le Hénaff, M.; van den Berg, M. A.; Majumder, S.; Ansorge, I. J.; Dong, S.; Schmid, C.; Terre, T. and Garzoli, S. L., Shallow and Deep Eastern Boundary Currents in the South Atlantic at 34.5°S: Mean Structure and Variability Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 1634-1659 (2019) 10.1029/2018JC014554

Caputi, L.; Carradec, Q.; Eveillard, D.; Kirilovsky, A.; Pelletier, E.; Pierella Karlusich, J. J.; Rocha Jimenez Vieira, F.; Villar, E.; Chaffron, S.; Malviya, S.; Scalco, E.; Acinas, S. G.; Alberti, A.; Aury, J. M.; Benoiston, A. S.; Bertrand, A.; Biard, T.; Bittner, L.; Boccara, M.; Brum, J. R. and 68 more, Community-Level Responses to Iron Availability in Open Ocean Plankton Ecosystems Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33, 391-419 (2019) 10.1029/2018GB006022

D'Ovidio, F.; Pascual, A.; Wang, J.; Doglioli, A. M.; Jing, Z.; Moreau, S.; Grégori, G.; Swart, S.; Speich, S.; Cyr, F.; Legresy, B.; Chao, Y.; Fu, L. and Morrow, R. A., Frontiers in fine-scale in situ studies: Opportunities during the SWOT fast sampling phase Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 168 (2019) 10.3389/fmars.2019.00168

Salazar, G.; Paoli, L.; Alberti, A.; Huerta-Cepas, J.; Ruscheweyh, H. J.; Cuenca, M.; Field, C. M.; Coelho, L. P.; Cruaud, C.; Engelen, S.; Gregory, A. C.; Labadie, K.; Marec, C.; Pelletier, E.; Royo-Llonch, M.; Roux, S.; Sánchez, P.; Uehara, H.; Zayed, A. A.; Zeller, G. and 35 more, Gene Expression Changes and Community Turnover Differentially Shape the Global Ocean Metatranscriptome Cell, 179, 1068-1083.e21 (2019) 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.014

Ibarbalz, F. M.; Henry, N.; Brandão, M. C.; Martini, S.; Busseni, G.; Byrne, H.; Coelho, L. P.; Endo, H.; Gasol, J. M.; Gregory, A. C.; Mahé, F.; Rigonato, J.; Royo-Llonch, M.; Salazar, G.; Sanz-Sáez, I.; Scalco, E.; Soviadan, D.; Zayed, A. A.; Zingone, A.; Labadie, K. and 39 more, Global Trends in Marine Plankton Diversity across Kingdoms of Life Cell, 179, 1084-1097.e21 (2019) 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.008

Ioannou, A.; Stegner, A.; Tuel, A.; LeVu, B.; Dumas, F. and Speich, S., Cyclostrophic Corrections of AVISO/DUACS Surface Velocities and Its Application to Mesoscale Eddies in the Mediterranean Sea Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 8913-8932 (2019) 10.1029/2019JC015031

Laxenaire, R.; Speich, S. and Stegner, A., Evolution of the Thermohaline Structure of One Agulhas Ring Reconstructed from Satellite Altimetry and Argo Floats Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 8969-9003 (2019) 10.1029/2018JC014426

Rühs, S.; Schwarzkopf, F. U.; Speich, S. and Biastoch, A., Cold vs. warm water route-sources for the upper limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation revisited in a high-resolution ocean model Ocean Science, 15, 489-512 (2019) 10.5194/os-15-489-2019

- 2018 -

Meinen, C. S.; Speich, S.; Piola, A. R.; Ansorge, I.; Campos, E.; Kersalé, M.; Terre, T.; Chidichimo, M. P.; Lamont, T.; Sato, O. T.; Perez, R. C.; Valla, D.; van den Berg, M.; Le Hénaff, M.; Dong, S. and Garzoli, S. L., Meridional Overturning Circulation Transport Variability at 34.5°S During 2009–2017: Baroclinic and Barotropic Flows and the Dueling Influence of the Boundaries Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 4180-4188 (2018) 10.1029/2018GL077408

Capuano, T. A.; Speich, S.; Carton, X. and Laxenaire, R., Indo-atlantic exchange, mesoscale dynamics, and antarctic intermediate water Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 3286-3306 (2018) 10.1002/2017JC013521

Capuano, T. A.; Speich, S.; Carton, X. and Blanke, B., Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes in the Southeast Atlantic and Their Impact on the Regional Thermohaline Structure Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 1937-1961 (2018) 10.1002/2017JC013396

Laxenaire, R.; Speich, S.; Blanke, B.; Chaigneau, A.; Pegliasco, C. and Stegner, A., Anticyclonic Eddies Connecting the Western Boundaries of Indian and Atlantic Oceans Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 7651-7677 (2018) 10.1029/2018JC014270

Seeleuthner, Y.; Mondy, S.; Lombard, V.; Carradec, Q.; Pelletier, E.; Wessner, M.; Leconte, J.; Mangot, J. F.; Poulain, J.; Labadie, K.; Logares, R.; Sunagawa, S.; De Berardinis, V.; Salanoubat, M.; Dimier, C.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Acinas, S. G.; Boss, E. and 30 more, Single-cell genomics of multiple uncultured stramenopiles reveals underestimated functional diversity across oceans Nature Communications, 9, 310 (2018) 10.1038/s41467-017-02235-3

Carradec, Q.; Pelletier, E.; Da Silva, C.; Alberti, A.; Seeleuthner, Y.; Blanc-Mathieu, R.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Rocha, F.; Tirichine, L.; Labadie, K.; Kirilovsky, A.; Bertrand, A.; Engelen, S.; Madoui, M. A.; Méheust, R.; Poulain, J.; Romac, S.; Richter, D. J.; Yoshikawa, G.; Dimier, C. and 33 more, A global ocean atlas of eukaryotic genes Nature Communications, 9, 373 (2018) 10.1038/s41467-017-02342-1

Kersalé, M.; Lamont, T.; Speich, S.; Terre, T.; Laxenaire, R.; Roberts, M. J.; Van Den Berg, M. A. and Ansorge, I. J., Moored observations of mesoscale features in the Cape Basin: Characteristics and local impacts on water mass distributions Ocean Science, 14, 923-945 (2018) 10.5194/os-14-923-2018

- 2017 -

L'Hévéder, B.; Speich, S.; Ragueneau, O.; Gohin, F. and Bryère, P., Observed and projected sea surface temperature seasonal changes in the Western English Channel from satellite data and CMIP5 multi-model ensemble International Journal of Climatology, 37, 2831-2849 (2017) 10.1002/joc.4882

Ioannou, A.; Stegner, A.; Le Vu, B.; Taupier-Letage, I. and Speich, S., Dynamical Evolution of Intense Ierapetra Eddies on a 22 Year Long Period Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 9276-9298 (2017) 10.1002/2017JC013158

Bony, S.; Stevens, B.; Ament, F.; Bigorre, S.; Chazette, P.; Crewell, S.; Delanoë, J.; Emanuel, K.; Farrell, D.; Flamant, C.; Gross, S.; Hirsch, L.; Karstensen, J.; Mayer, B.; Nuijens, L.; Ruppert, J. H.; Sandu, I.; Siebesma, P.; Speich, S.; Szczap, F. and 4 more, EUREC4A: A Field Campaign to Elucidate the Couplings Between Clouds, Convection and Circulation Surveys in Geophysics, 38, 1529-1568 (2017) 10.1007/s10712-017-9428-0

Alberti, A.; Poulain, J.; Engelen, S.; Labadie, K.; Romac, S.; Ferrera, I.; Albini, G.; Aury, J. M.; Belser, C.; Bertrand, A.; Cruaud, C.; Da Silva, C.; Dossat, C.; Gavory, F.; Gas, S.; Guy, J.; Haquelle, M.; Jacoby, E.; Jaillon, O.; Lemainque, A. and 72 more, Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition Scientific Data, 4, 170093 (2017) 10.1038/sdata.2017.93

Royo-Llonch, M.; Ferrera, I.; Cornejo-Castillo, F. M.; Sánchez, P.; Salazar, G.; Stepanauskas, R.; González, J. M.; Sieracki, M. E.; Speich, S.; Stemmann, L.; Pedrós-Alió, C. and Acinas, S. G., Exploring microdiversity in novel Kordia sp. (Bacteroidetes) with proteorhodopsin from the tropical Indian Ocean via Single Amplified Genomes Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 1317 (2017) 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01317

- 2016 -

Hutchinson, K.; Swart, S.; Meijers, A.; Ansorge, I. and Speich, S., Decadal-scale thermohaline variability in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, 3171-3189 (2016) 10.1002/2015JC011491

Guidi, L.; Chaffron, S.; Bittner, L.; Eveillard, D.; Larhlimi, A.; Roux, S.; Darzi, Y.; Audic, S.; Berline, L.; Brum, J. R.; Coelho, L. P.; Espinoza, J. C. I.; Malviya, S.; Sunagawa, S.; Dimier, C.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Picheral, M.; Poulain, J.; Searson, S.; Stemmann, L. and 19 more, Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean Nature, 532, 465-470 (2016) 10.1038/nature16942

- 2015 -

Blanke, B.; Speich, S. and Rusciano, E., Lagrangian water mass tracing from pseudo-Argo, model-derived salinity, tracer and velocity data: An application to Antarctic Intermediate Water in the South Atlantic Ocean Ocean Modelling, 85, 56-67 (2015) 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.11.004

Pesant, S.; Not, F.; Picheral, M.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Le Bescot, N.; Gorsky, G.; Iudicone, D.; Karsenti, E.; Speich, S.; Trouble, R.; Dimier, C. and Searson, S., Open science resources for the discovery and analysis of Tara Oceans data Scientific Data, 2, 150023 (2015) 10.1038/sdata.2015.23

Lima-Mendez, G.; Faust, K.; Henry, N.; Decelle, J.; Colin, S.; Carcillo, F.; Chaffron, S.; Ignacio-Espinosa, J. C.; Roux, S.; Vincent, F.; Bittner, L.; Darzi, Y.; Wang, J.; Audic, S.; Berline, L.; Bontempi, G.; Cabello, A. M.; Coppola, L.; Cornejo-Castillo, F. M.; D'Ovidio, F. and 42 more, Determinants of community structure in the global plankton interactome Science, 348, 1262073 (2015) 10.1126/science.1262073

De Vargas, C.; Audic, S.; Henry, N.; Decelle, J.; Mahé, F.; Logares, R.; Lara, E.; Berney, Ć.; Le Bescot, N.; Probert, I.; Carmichael, M.; Poulain, J.; Romac, S.; Colin, S.; Aury, J. M.; Bittner, L.; Chaffron, S.; Dunthorn, M.; Engelen, S.; Flegontova, O. and 42 more, Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean Science, 348, 1261605 (2015) 10.1126/science.1261605

Villar, E.; Farrant, G. K.; Follows, M.; Garczarek, L.; Speich, S.; Audic, S.; Bittner, L.; Blanke, B.; Brum, J. R.; Brunet, C.; Casotti, R.; Chase, A.; Dolan, J. R.; D'Ortenzio, F.; Gattuso, J. P.; Grima, N.; Guidi, L.; Hill, C. N.; Jahn, O.; Jamet, J. L. and 44 more, Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect interocean plankton transport Science, 348, 1261447 (2015) 10.1126/science.1261447

Sunagawa, S.; Coelho, L. P.; Chaffron, S.; Kultima, J. R.; Labadie, K.; Salazar, G.; Djahanschiri, B.; Zeller, G.; Mende, D. R.; Alberti, A.; Cornejo-Castillo, F. M.; Costea, P. I.; Cruaud, C.; D'Ovidio, F.; Engelen, S.; Ferrera, I.; Gasol, J. M.; Guidi, L.; Hildebrand, F.; Kokoszka, F. and 38 more, Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome Science, 348, 1261359 (2015) 10.1126/science.1261359

Brum, J. R.; Cesar Ignacio-Espinoza, J.; Roux, S.; Doulcier, G.; Acinas, S. G.; Alberti, A.; Chaffron, S.; Cruaud, C.; De Vargas, C.; Gasol, J. M.; Gorsky, G.; Gregory, A. C.; Guidi, L.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Poulos, B. T.; Schwenck, S. M. and 24 more, Patterns and ecological drivers of ocean viral communities Science, 348, 1261498 (2015) 10.1126/science.1261498

- 2007 -

Doglioli, A. M.; Blanke, B.; Speich, S. and Lapeyre, G., Tracking coherent structures in a regional ocean model with wavelet analysis: Application to Cape Basin eddies Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112, C05043 (2007) 10.1029/2006JC003952

- 2002 -

Beckers, J. M.; Rixen, M.; Brasseur, P.; Brankart, J. M.; Elmoussaoui, A.; Crépon, M.; Herbaut, C.; Martel, F.; Van den Berghe, F.; Mortier, L.; Lascaratos, A.; Drakopoulos, P.; Korres, G.; Nittis, K.; Pinardi, N.; Masetti, E.; Castellari, S.; Carini, P.; Tintore, J.; Alvarez, A. and 4 more, Model intercomparison in the Mediterranean: MEDMEX simulations of the seasonal cycle Journal of Marine Systems, 33-34, 215-251 (2002) 10.1016/S0924-7963(02)00060-X

- 1995 -

Lehucher, P. M.; Beautier, L.; Chartier, M.; Martel, F.; Mortier, L.; Brehmer, P.; Millot, C.; Alberola, C.; Benzhora, M.; Taupierletage, I.; Chabert D'Hieres, G.; Didelle, H.; Gleizon, P.; Obaton, D.; Crepon, M.; Herbaut, C.; Madec, G.; Speich, S.; Nihoul, J.; Beckers, J. M. and 23 more, Progress from 1989 to 1992 in understanding the circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea Oceanologica Acta, 18, 255-271 (1995)

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