Abdoulaye Deme - 4 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2008 -

Janicot, S.; Thorncroft, C. D.; Ali, A.; Asencio, N.; Berry, G.; Bock, O.; Bourles, B.; Caniaux, G.; Chauvin, F.; Deme, A.; Kergoat, L.; Lafore, J. P.; Lavaysse, C.; Lebel, T.; Marticorena, B.; Mounier, F.; Nedelec, P.; Redelsperger, J. L.; Ravegnani, F.; Reeves, C. E. and 6 more, Large-scale overview of the summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006 Annales Geophysicae, 26, 2569-2595 (2008) 10.5194/angeo-26-2569-2008

- 2006 -

Knudsen, B. M.; Christensen, T.; Hertzog, A.; Deme, A.; Vial, F. and Pommereau, J. P., Accuracy of analyzed temperatures, winds and trajectories in the Southern Hemisphere tropical and midlatitude stratosphere as compared to long-duration balloon flights Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 5391-5397 (2006) 10.5194/acp-6-5391-2006

- 2005 -

Sow, B.; Viltard, A.; de Félice, P.; Deme, A. and Adamou, G., Are squall lines detected by NCEP-NCAR reanalyses? Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 90, 209-214 (2005) 10.1007/s00703-004-0083-x

- 2003 -

Deme, A.; Viltard, A. and de Félice, P., Daily precipitation forecasting in Dakar using the NCEP-NCAR reanalyses Weather and Forecasting, 18, 93-105 (2003) 10.1175/1520-0434(2003)018<0093:DPFIDU>2.0.CO;2

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