Frederic Hourdin - 57 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2020 -

Sepulchre, P.; Caubel, A.; Ladant, J. B.; Bopp, L.; Boucher, O.; Braconnot, P.; Brockmann, P.; Cozic, A.; Donnadieu, Y.; Dufresne, J. L.; Estella-Perez, V.; Ethé, C.; Fluteau, F.; Foujols, M. A.; Gastineau, G.; Ghattas, J.; Hauglustaine, D.; Hourdin, F.; Kageyama, M.; Khodri, M. and 8 more, IPSL-CM5A2 - An Earth system model designed for multi-millennial climate simulations Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 3011-3053 (2020) 10.5194/gmd-13-3011-2020

Gastineau, G.; Lott, F.; Mignot, J. and Hourdin, F., Alleviation of an Arctic Sea Ice Bias in a Coupled Model Through Modifications in the Subgrid-Scale Orographic Parameterization Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2020MS002111 (2020) 10.1029/2020MS002111

- 2018 -

Jouhaud, J.; Dufresne, J. L.; Madeleine, J. B.; Hourdin, F.; Couvreux, F.; Villefranque, N. and Jam, A., Accounting for Vertical Subgrid-Scale Heterogeneity in Low-Level Cloud Fraction Parameterizations Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 2686-2705 (2018) 10.1029/2018MS001379

- 2017 -

Gaetani, M.; Flamant, C.; Bastin, S.; Janicot, S.; Lavaysse, C.; Hourdin, F.; Braconnot, P. and Bony, S., West African monsoon dynamics and precipitation: the competition between global SST warming and CO2 increase in CMIP5 idealized simulations Climate Dynamics, 48, 1353-1373 (2017) 10.1007/s00382-016-3146-z

Diallo, F. B.; Hourdin, F.; Rio, C.; Traore, A. K.; Mellul, L.; Guichard, F. and Kergoat, L., The Surface Energy Budget Computed at the Grid-Scale of a Climate Model Challenged by Station Data in West Africa Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9, 2710-2738 (2017) 10.1002/2017MS001081

- 2016 -

Krishnan, R.; Sabin, T. P.; Vellore, R.; Mujumdar, M.; Sanjay, J.; Goswami, B. N.; Hourdin, F.; Dufresne, J. L. and Terray, P., Deciphering the desiccation trend of the South Asian monsoon hydroclimate in a warming world Climate Dynamics, 47, 1007-1027 (2016) 10.1007/s00382-015-2886-5

- 2015 -

Aït-Mesbah, S.; Dufresne, J. L.; Cheruy, F. and Hourdin, F., The role of thermal inertia in the representation of mean and diurnal range of surface temperature in semiarid and arid regions Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 7572-7580 (2015) 10.1002/2015GL065553

Locatelli, R.; Bousquet, P.; Hourdin, F.; Saunois, M.; Cozic, A.; Couvreux, F.; Grandpeix, J. Y.; Lefebvre, M. P.; Rio, C.; Bergamaschi, P.; Chambers, S. D.; Karstens, U.; Kazan, V.; Van Der Laan, S.; Meijer, H. A.; Moncrieff, J.; Ramonet, M.; Scheeren, H. A.; Schlosser, C.; Schmidt, M. and 2 more, Atmospheric transport and chemistry of trace gases in LMDz5B: Evaluation and implications for inverse modelling Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 129-150 (2015) 10.5194/gmd-8-129-2015

Dubey, S.; Dubos, T.; Hourdin, F. and Upadhyaya, H. C., On the inter-comparison of two tracer transport schemes on icosahedral grids Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39, 4828-4847 (2015) 10.1016/j.apm.2015.04.015

Dubos, T.; Dubey, S.; Tort, M.; Mittal, R.; Meurdesoif, Y. and Hourdin, F., DYNAMICO-1.0, an icosahedral hydrostatic dynamical core designed for consistency and versatility Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 3131-3150 (2015) 10.5194/gmd-8-3131-2015

Hourdin, F.; Gueye, M.; Diallo, B.; Dufresne, J. L.; Escribano, J.; Menut, L.; Marticoréna, B.; Siour, G. and Guichard, F., Parameterization of convective transport in the boundary layer and its impact on the representation of the diurnal cycle of wind and dust emissions Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 6775-6788 (2015) 10.5194/acp-15-6775-2015

- 2014 -

Cheruy, F.; Dufresne, J. L.; Hourdin, F. and Ducharne, A., Role of clouds and land-atmosphere coupling in midlatitude continental summer warm biases and climate change amplification in CMIP5 simulations Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6493-6500 (2014) 10.1002/2014GL061145

- 2013 -

Cheruy, F.; Campoy, A.; Dupont, J. C.; Ducharne, A.; Hourdin, F.; Haeffelin, M.; Chiriaco, M. and Idelkadi, A., Combined influence of atmospheric physics and soil hydrology on the simulated meteorology at the SIRTA atmospheric observatory Climate Dynamics, 40, 2251-2269 (2013) 10.1007/s00382-012-1469-y

P Sabin, T.; Krishnan, R.; Ghattas, J.; Denvil, S.; Dufresne, J. L.; Hourdin, F. and Pascal, T., High resolution simulation of the South Asian monsoon using a variable resolution global climate model Climate Dynamics, 41, 173-194 (2013) 10.1007/s00382-012-1658-8

Jam, A.; Hourdin, F.; Rio, C. and Couvreux, F., Resolved Versus Parametrized Boundary-Layer Plumes. Part III: Derivation of a Statistical Scheme for Cumulus Clouds Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 147, 421-441 (2013) 10.1007/s10546-012-9789-3

Dufresne, J. L.; Foujols, M. A.; Denvil, S.; Caubel, A.; Marti, O.; Aumont, O.; Balkanski, Y.; Bekki, S.; Bellenger, H.; Benshila, R.; Bony, S.; Bopp, L.; Braconnot, P.; Brockmann, P.; Cadule, P.; Cheruy, F.; Codron, F.; Cozic, A.; Cugnet, D.; de Noblet, N. and 41 more, Climate change projections using the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model: From CMIP3 to CMIP5 Climate Dynamics, 40, 2123-2165 (2013) 10.1007/s00382-012-1636-1

Campoy, A.; Ducharne, A.; Cheruy, F.; Hourdin, F.; Polcher, J. and Dupont, J. C., Response of land surface fluxes and precipitation to different soil bottom hydrological conditions in a general circulation model Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 118, 10,725-10,739 (2013) 10.1002/jgrd.50627

Colaïtis, A.; Spiga, A.; Hourdin, F.; Rio, C.; Forget, F. and Millour, E., A thermal plume model for the Martian convective boundary layer Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 118, 1468-1487 (2013) 10.1002/jgre.20104

- 2012 -

Marchand, M.; Keckhut, P.; Lefebvre, S.; Claud, C.; Cugnet, D.; Hauchecorne, A.; Lefèvre, F.; Lefebvre, M. P.; Jumelet, J.; Lott, F.; Hourdin, F.; Thuillier, G.; Poulain, V.; Bossay, S.; Lemennais, P.; David, C. and Bekki, S., Dynamical amplification of the stratospheric solar response simulated with the Chemistry-Climate Model LMDz-Reprobus Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 75-76, 147-160 (2012) 10.1016/j.jastp.2011.11.008

Sane, Y.; Bonazzola, M.; Rio, C.; Chambon, P.; Fiolleau, T.; Musat, I.; Hourdin, F.; Roca, R.; Grandpeix, J. Y. and Diedhiou, A., An analysis of the diurnal cycle of precipitation over Dakar using local rain-gauge data and a general circulation model Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138, 2182-2195 (2012) 10.1002/qj.1932

- 2010 -

Marti, O.; Braconnot, P.; Dufresne, J. L.; Bellier, J.; Benshila, R.; Bony, S.; Brockmann, P.; Cadule, P.; Caubel, A.; Codron, F.; De Noblet, N.; Denvil, S.; Fairhead, L.; Fichefet, T.; Foujols, M. A.; Friedlingstein, P.; Goosse, H.; Grandpeix, J. Y.; Guilyardi, E.; Hourdin, F. and 9 more, Key features of the IPSL ocean atmosphere model and its sensitivity to atmospheric resolution Climate Dynamics, 34, 1-26 (2010) 10.1007/s00382-009-0640-6

Couvreux, F.; Hourdin, F. and Rio, C., Resolved versus parametrized boundary-layer plumes. Part I: A parametrization-oriented conditional sampling in large-eddy simulations Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 134, 441-458 (2010) 10.1007/s10546-009-9456-5

Rio, C.; Hourdin, F. and Chãdin, A., Numerical simulation of tropospheric injection of biomass burning products by pyro-thermal plumes Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 3463-3478 (2010) 10.5194/acp-10-3463-2010

Rio, C.; Hourdin, F.; Couvreux, F. and Jam, A., Resolved versus parametrized boundary-layer plumes. Part II: Continuous formulations of mixing rates for mass-flux schemes Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 135, 469-483 (2010) 10.1007/s10546-010-9478-z

- 2009 -

Eymet, V.; Fournier, R.; Dufresne, J. L.; Lebonnois, S.; Hourdin, F. and Bullock, M. A., Net exchange parameterization of thermal infrared radiative transfer in Venus' atmosphere Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 114, E11008 (2009) 10.1029/2008JE003276

Rio, C.; Hourdin, F.; Grandpeix, J. Y. and Lafore, J. P., Shifting the diurnal cycle of parameterized deep convection over land Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L07809 (2009) 10.1029/2008GL036779

- 2008 -

Crespin, A.; Lebonnois, S.; Vinatier, S.; Bézard, B.; Coustenis, A.; Teanby, N. A.; Achterberg, R. K.; Rannou, P. and Hourdin, F., Diagnostics of Titan's stratospheric dynamics using Cassini/CIRS data and the 2-dimensional IPSL circulation model Icarus, 197, 556-571 (2008) 10.1016/j.icarus.2008.05.010

- 2007 -

Coindreau, O.; Hourdin, F.; Haeffelin, M.; Mathieu, A. and Rio, C., Assessment of physical parameterizations using a global climate model with stretchable grid and nudging Monthly Weather Review, 135, 1474-1489 (2007) 10.1175/MWR3338.1

Bertaux, J. L.; Nevejans, D.; Korablev, O.; Villard, E.; Quémerais, E.; Neefs, E.; Montmessin, F.; Leblanc, F.; Dubois, J. P.; Dimarellis, E.; Hauchecorne, A.; Lefèvre, F.; Rannou, P.; Chaufray, J. Y.; Cabane, M.; Cernogora, G.; Souchon, G.; Semelin, F.; Reberac, A.; Van Ransbeek, E. and 16 more, SPICAV on Venus Express: Three spectrometers to study the global structure and composition of the Venus atmosphere Planetary and Space Science, 55, 1673-1700 (2007) 10.1016/j.pss.2007.01.016

Braconnot, P.; Hourdin, F.; Bony, S.; Dufresne, J. L.; Grandpeix, J. Y. and Marti, O., Impact of different convective cloud schemes on the simulation of the tropical seasonal cycle in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model Climate Dynamics, 29, 501-520 (2007) 10.1007/s00382-007-0244-y

- 2006 -

Rannou, P.; Montmessin, F.; Hourdin, F. and Lebonnois, S., The latitudinal distribution of clouds on Titan Science, 311, 201-205 (2006) 10.1126/science.1118424

Hourdin, F.; Talagrand, O. and Idelkadi, A., Eulerian backtracking of atmospheric tracers. II: Numerical aspects Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 132, 585-603 (2006) 10.1256/qj.03.198.B

Hourdin, F. and Talagrand, O., Eulerian backtracking of atmospheric tracers. I: Adjoint derivation and parametrization of subgrid-scale transport Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 132, 567-583 (2006) 10.1256/qj.03.198.A

Lin, J. L.; Kiladis, G. N.; Mapes, B. E.; Weickmann, K. M.; Sperber, K. R.; Lin, W.; Wheeler, M. C.; Schubert, S. D.; Del Genio, A.; Donner, L. J.; Emori, S.; Gueremy, J. F.; Hourdin, F.; Rasch, P. J.; Roeckner, E. and Scinocca, J. F., Tropical intraseasonal variability in 14 IPCC AR4 climate models. Part I: Convective signals Journal of Climate, 19, 2665-2690 (2006) 10.1175/JCLI3735.1

- 2005 -

Cosme, E.; Hourdin, F.; Genthon, C. and Martinerie, P., Origin of dimethylsulfide, non-sea-salt sulfate, and methanesulfonic acid in eastern Antarctica Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, 110, 1-17 (2005) 10.1029/2004JD004881

Bertaux, J. L.; Korablev, O.; Fonteyn, D.; Guibert, S.; Chassefière, E.; Lefèvre, F.; Dimarellis, E.; Dubois, J. P.; Hauchecorne, A.; Cabane, M.; Rannou, P.; Levasseur-Regourd, A. C.; Cernogora, G.; Quémerais, E.; Hermans, C.; Kockarts, G.; Lippens, C.; De Maziere, M.; Moreau, D.; Muller, C. and 9 more, Global structure and composition of the martian atmosphere with SPICAM on Mars express Advances in Space Research, 35, 31-36 (2005) 10.1016/j.asr.2003.09.055

Rannou, P.; Lebonnois, S.; Hourdin, F. and Luz, D., Titan atmosphere database Advances in Space Research, 36, 2194-2198 (2005) 10.1016/j.asr.2005.09.041

Peylin, P.; Rayner, P. J.; Bousquet, P.; Carouge, C.; Hourdin, F.; Heinrich, P.; Ciais, P.; Adolphsen, A.; Apadula, F.; Graul, R.; Haszpra, L.; Ramonet, M.; Santaguida, R. and Schmidt, M., Daily CO2 flux estimates over Europe from continuous atmospheric measurements: 1, inverse methodology Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 3173-3186 (2005) 10.5194/acp-5-3173-2005

Lott, F.; Fairhead, L.; Hourdin, F. and Levan, P., The stratospheric version of LMDz: Dynamical climatologies, arctic oscillation, and impact on the surface climate Climate Dynamics, 25, 851-868 (2005) 10.1007/s00382-005-0064-x

- 2004 -

Hauglustaine, D. A.; Hourdin, F.; Jourdain, L.; Filiberti, M. A.; Walters, S.; Lamarque, J. F. and Holland, E. A., Interactive chemistry in the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique general circulation model: Description and background tropospheric chemistry evaluation Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 109, None (2004) 10.1029/2003jd003957

Bertaux, J. L.; Fonteyn, D.; Korablev, O.; Chassefière, E.; Dimarellis, E.; Dubois, J. P.; Hauchecorne, A.; Lefèvre, F.; Cabane, M.; Rannou, P.; Levasseur-Regourd, A. C.; Cernogora, G.; Quemerais, E.; Hermans, C.; Kockarts, G.; Lippens, C.; De Maziere, M.; Moreau, D.; Muller, C.; Neefs, E. and 8 more, SPICAM: Studying the global structure and composition of the martian atmosphere European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 95-120 (2004)

Rannou, P.; Hourdin, F.; McKay, C. P. and Luz, D., A coupled dynamics-microphysics model of Titan's atmosphere Icarus, 170, 443-462 (2004) 10.1016/j.icarus.2004.03.007

- 2003 -

Luz, D. and Hourdin, F., Latitudinal transport by barotropic waves in Titan's stratosphere. I. General properties from a horizontal shallow-water model Icarus, 166, 328-342 (2003) 10.1016/j.icarus.2003.08.015

Luz, D.; Hourdin, F.; Rannou, P. and Lebonnois, S., Latitudinal transport by barotropic waves in Titan's stratosphere. II. Results from a coupled dynamics-microphysics-photochemistry GCM Icarus, 166, 343-358 (2003) 10.1016/j.icarus.2003.08.014

- 2002 -

Rannou, P.; Hourdin, F. and McKay, C. P., A wind origin for Titan’s haze structure Nature, 418, 853-856 (2002) 10.1038/nature00961

- 2001 -

Chassefière, E.; Forget, F.; Hourdin, F.; Vial, F.; Rème, H.; Mazelle, C.; Vignes, D.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Blelly, P. L.; Toublanc, D.; Berthelier, J. J.; Cerisier, J. C.; Chanteur, G.; Duvet, L.; Menvielle, M.; Lilensten, J.; Witasse, O.; Touboul, P.; Quèmerais, E.; Bertaux, J. L. and 49 more, Scientific objectives of the DYNAMO mission Advances in Space Research, 27, 1851-1860 (2001) 10.1016/S0273-1177(01)00338-6

Lebonnois, S.; Toublanc, D.; Hourdin, F. and Rannou, P., Seasonal Variations of Titan's Atmospheric Composition Icarus, 152, 384-406 (2001) 10.1006/icar.2001.6632

Bonazzola, M.; Picon, L.; Laurent, H.; Hourdin, F.; Sèze, G.; Pawlowska, H. and Sadourny, R., Retrieval of large-scale wind divergences from infrared Meteosat-5 brightness temperatures over the Indian Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 106, 28113-28128 (2001) 10.1029/2000JD900690

- 2000 -

Bertaux, J. L.; Fonteyn, D.; Korablev, O.; Chassefière, E.; Dimarellis, E.; Dubois, J. P.; Hauchecorne, A.; Cabane, M.; Rannou, P.; Levasseur-Regourd, A. C.; Cernogora, G.; Quemerais, E.; Hermans, C.; Kockarts, G.; Lippens, C.; De Maziere, M.; Moreau, D.; Muller, C.; Neefs, B.; Simon, P. C. and 7 more, The study of the Martian atmosphere from top to bottom with SPICAM light on Mars Express Planetary and Space Science, 48, 1303-1320 (2000) 10.1016/s0032-0633(00)00111-2

Defraigne, P.; De Viron, O.; Dehant, V.; Van Hoolst, T. and Hourdin, F., Mars rotation variations induced by atmosphere and ice caps Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 105, 24563-24570 (2000) 10.1029/1999JE001227

- 1998 -

Billebaud, F.; Rosenqvist, J.; Lellouch, E.; Maillard, J. P.; Encrenaz, T. and Hourdin, F., Observations of CO in the atmosphere of Mars in the (2-0) vibrational band at 2.35 microns Astronomy and Astrophysics, 333, 1092-1099 (1998)

- 1997 -

Read, P. L.; Collins, M.; Forget, F.; Fournier, R.; Hourdin, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Talagrand, O.; Taylor, F. W. and Thomas, N. P., A GCM climate database for Mars: For mission planning and for scientific studies Advances in Space Research, 19, 1213-1222 (1997) 10.1016/S0273-1177(97)00272-X

- 1996 -

Collins, M.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L. and Hourdin, F., Baroclinic wave transitions in the Martian atmosphere Icarus, 120, 344-357 (1996) 10.1006/icar.1996.0055

Collins, M.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Thomas, N. P.; Talagrand, O.; Forget, F.; Fournier, R.; Hourdin, F. and Huot, J. P., A climate database for the Martian atmosphere European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 323-327 (1996)

Hourdin, F.; Forget, F.; Fournier, R.; Talagrand, O.; Read, P. L.; Collins, M.; Lewis, S. R.; Thomas, N. P. and Huot, J. P., Numerical modelling of the general circulation of the Martian atmosphere European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 315-320 (1996)

Hourdin, F.; Talagrand, O.; Menou, K.; Fournier, R.; Dufresnes, J. L.; Gautier, D.; Courtin, R.; Bézard, B. and McKay, C. P., Numerical modelling of the circulation of superrotating atmospheres: Venus and Titan European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 329-333 (1996)

- 1993 -

Hourdin, F.; Le Van, P.; Forget, F. and Talagrand, O., Meteorological variability and the annual surface pressure cycle on Mars Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 50, 3625-3640 (1993) 10.1175/1520-0469(1993)050<3625:MVATAS>2.0.CO;2

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