Genevieve Seze - 6 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2020 -

Nlend, B.; Celle-Jeanton, H.; Risi, C.; Pohl, B.; Huneau, F.; Ngo Boum-Nkot, S.; Seze, G.; Roucou, P.; Camberlin, P.; Etame, J. and Ketchemen-Tandia, B., Identification of processes that control the stable isotope composition of rainwater in the humid tropical West-Central Africa Journal of Hydrology, 584, 124650 (2020) 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124650

- 2013 -

Rojas, M.; Li, L. Z.; Kanakidou, M.; Hatzianastassiou, N.; Seze, G. and Le Treut, H., Winter weather regimes over the Mediterranean region: Their role for the regional climate and projected changes in the twenty-first century Climate Dynamics, 41, 551-571 (2013) 10.1007/s00382-013-1823-8

- 1997 -

Giraud, V.; Buriez, J. C.; Fouquart, Y.; Parol, F. and Seze, G., Large-scale analysis of cirrus clouds from AVHRR data: Assessment of both a microphysical index and the cloud-top temperature Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36, 664-675 (1997) 10.1175/1520-0450-36.6.664

Buriez, J. C.; Vanbauce, C.; Parol, F.; Goloub, P.; Herman, M.; Bonnel, B.; Fouquart, Y.; Couvert, P. and Seze, G., Cloud detection and derivation of cloud properties from POLDER International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18, 2785-2813 (1997) 10.1080/014311697217332

- 1996 -

Stubenrauch, C. J.; Seze, G.; Scott, N. A.; Chedin, A.; Desbois, M. and Kandel, R. S., Cloud field identification for earth radiation budget studies. Part II: Cloud field classification for the ScaRaB radiometer Journal of Applied Meteorology, 35, 428-443 (1996) 10.1175/1520-0450(1996)035<0428:CFIFER>2.0.CO;2

- 1984 -

Desbois, M. and Seze, G., Use of space and time sampling to produce representative satellite cloud classifications. Annales Geophysicae, 2, 599-606 (1984)

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