Jean-Louis Dufresne - 38 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2018 -

Jouhaud, J.; Dufresne, J. L.; Madeleine, J. B.; Hourdin, F.; Couvreux, F.; Villefranque, N. and Jam, A., Accounting for Vertical Subgrid-Scale Heterogeneity in Low-Level Cloud Fraction Parameterizations Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 2686-2705 (2018) 10.1029/2018MS001379

- 2017 -

Cheruy, F.; Dufresne, J. L.; Aït Mesbah, S.; Grandpeix, J. Y. and Wang, F., Role of Soil Thermal Inertia in Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture-Temperature Feedback Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9, 2906-2919 (2017) 10.1002/2017MS001036

- 2016 -

Wang, F.; Cheruy, F. and Dufresne, J. L., The improvement of soil thermodynamics and its effects on land surface meteorology in the IPSL climate model Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 363-381 (2016) 10.5194/gmd-9-363-2016

Konsta, D.; Dufresne, J. L.; Chepfer, H.; Idelkadi, A. and Cesana, G., Use of A-train satellite observations (CALIPSO–PARASOL) to evaluate tropical cloud properties in the LMDZ5 GCM Climate Dynamics, 47, 1263-1284 (2016) 10.1007/s00382-015-2900-y

Krishnan, R.; Sabin, T. P.; Vellore, R.; Mujumdar, M.; Sanjay, J.; Goswami, B. N.; Hourdin, F.; Dufresne, J. L. and Terray, P., Deciphering the desiccation trend of the South Asian monsoon hydroclimate in a warming world Climate Dynamics, 47, 1007-1027 (2016) 10.1007/s00382-015-2886-5

- 2015 -

Aït-Mesbah, S.; Dufresne, J. L.; Cheruy, F. and Hourdin, F., The role of thermal inertia in the representation of mean and diurnal range of surface temperature in semiarid and arid regions Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 7572-7580 (2015) 10.1002/2015GL065553

Hourdin, F.; Gueye, M.; Diallo, B.; Dufresne, J. L.; Escribano, J.; Menut, L.; Marticoréna, B.; Siour, G. and Guichard, F., Parameterization of convective transport in the boundary layer and its impact on the representation of the diurnal cycle of wind and dust emissions Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 6775-6788 (2015) 10.5194/acp-15-6775-2015

- 2014 -

Bodas-Salcedo, A.; Williams, K. D.; Ringer, M. A.; Beau, I.; Cole, J. N.; Dufresne, J. L.; Koshiro, T.; Stevens, B.; Wang, Z. and Yokohata, T., Origins of the solar radiation biases over the Southern Ocean in CFMIP2 models Journal of Climate, 27, 41-56 (2014) 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00169.1

Cheruy, F.; Dufresne, J. L.; Hourdin, F. and Ducharne, A., Role of clouds and land-atmosphere coupling in midlatitude continental summer warm biases and climate change amplification in CMIP5 simulations Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6493-6500 (2014) 10.1002/2014GL061145

- 2013 -

Szopa, S.; Balkanski, Y.; Schulz, M.; Bekki, S.; Cugnet, D.; Fortems-Cheiney, A.; Turquety, S.; Cozic, A.; Déandreis, C.; Hauglustaine, D.; Idelkadi, A.; Lathière, J.; Lefevre, F.; Marchand, M.; Vuolo, R.; Yan, N. and Dufresne, J. L., Aerosol and ozone changes as forcing for climate evolution between 1850 and 2100 Climate Dynamics, 40, 2223-2250 (2013) 10.1007/s00382-012-1408-y

Dufresne, J. L.; Foujols, M. A.; Denvil, S.; Caubel, A.; Marti, O.; Aumont, O.; Balkanski, Y.; Bekki, S.; Bellenger, H.; Benshila, R.; Bony, S.; Bopp, L.; Braconnot, P.; Brockmann, P.; Cadule, P.; Cheruy, F.; Codron, F.; Cozic, A.; Cugnet, D.; de Noblet, N. and 41 more, Climate change projections using the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model: From CMIP3 to CMIP5 Climate Dynamics, 40, 2123-2165 (2013) 10.1007/s00382-012-1636-1

Huebener, H.; Sanderson, M. G.; Höschel, I.; Körper, J.; Johns, T. C.; Royer, J. F.; Roeckner, E.; Manzini, E.; Dufresne, J. L.; Otterå, O. H.; Tjiputra, J.; Salas y Melia, D.; Giorgetta, M.; Denvil, S. and Fogli, P. G., Regional hydrological cycle changes in response to an ambitious mitigation scenario Climatic Change, 120, 389-403 (2013) 10.1007/s10584-013-0829-x

Körper, J.; Höschel, I.; Lowe, J. A.; Hewitt, C. D.; Salas y Melia, D.; Roeckner, E.; Huebener, H.; Royer, J. F.; Dufresne, J. L.; Pardaens, A.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Sanderson, M. G.; Otterå, O. H.; Tjiputra, J. and Denvil, S., The effects of aggressive mitigation on steric sea level rise and sea ice changes Climate Dynamics, 40, 531-550 (2013) 10.1007/s00382-012-1612-9

- 2012 -

Nam, C.; Bony, S.; Dufresne, J. L. and Chepfer, H., The too few, too bright tropical low-cloud problem in CMIP5 models Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L21801 (2012) 10.1029/2012GL053421

Déandreis, C.; Balkanski, Y.; Dufresne, J. L. and Cozic, A., Radiative forcing estimates of sulfate aerosol in coupled climate-chemistry models with emphasis on the role of the temporal variability Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 5583-5602 (2012) 10.5194/acp-12-5583-2012

- 2011 -

Johns, T. C.; Royer, J. F.; Höschel, I.; Huebener, H.; Roeckner, E.; Manzini, E.; May, W.; Dufresne, J. L.; Otterå, O. H.; van Vuuren, D. P.; Salas y Melia, D.; Giorgetta, M. A.; Denvil, S.; Yang, S.; Fogli, P. G.; Körper, J.; Tjiputra, J. F.; Stehfest, E. and Hewitt, C. D., Climate change under aggressive mitigation: The ENSEMBLES multi-model experiment Climate Dynamics, 37, 1975-2003 (2011) 10.1007/s00382-011-1005-5

Rayner, P. J.; Koffi, E.; Scholze, M.; Kaminski, T. and Dufresne, J. L., Constraining predictions of the carbon cycle using data Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 369, 1955-1966 (2011) 10.1098/rsta.2010.0378

Bodas-Salcedo, A.; Webb, M. J.; Bony, S.; Chepfer, H.; Dufresne, J. L.; Klein, S. A.; Zhang, Y.; Marchand, R.; Haynes, J. M.; Pincus, R. and John, V. O., COSP: Satellite simulation software for model assessment Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 1023-1043 (2011) 10.1175/2011BAMS2856.1

- 2010 -

Marti, O.; Braconnot, P.; Dufresne, J. L.; Bellier, J.; Benshila, R.; Bony, S.; Brockmann, P.; Cadule, P.; Caubel, A.; Codron, F.; De Noblet, N.; Denvil, S.; Fairhead, L.; Fichefet, T.; Foujols, M. A.; Friedlingstein, P.; Goosse, H.; Grandpeix, J. Y.; Guilyardi, E.; Hourdin, F. and 9 more, Key features of the IPSL ocean atmosphere model and its sensitivity to atmospheric resolution Climate Dynamics, 34, 1-26 (2010) 10.1007/s00382-009-0640-6

Chepfer, H.; Bony, S.; Winker, D.; Cesana, G.; Dufresne, J. L.; Minnis, P.; Stubenrauch, C. J. and Zeng, S., The GCM-oriented CALIPSO cloud product (CALIPSO-GOCCP) Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 115, D00H16 (2010) 10.1029/2009JD012251

- 2009 -

Mokhov, I. I.; Chernokul'Skii, A. V.; Akperov, M. G.; Dufresne, J. L. and Le Treut, H., Variations in the characteristics of cyclonic activity and cloudiness in the atmosphere of extratropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere based from model calculations compared with the data of the reanalysis and satellite data Doklady Earth Sciences, 424, 147-150 (2009) 10.1134/S1028334X09010310

Hannart, A.; Dufresne, J. L. and Naveau, P., Why climate sensitivity may not be so unpredictable Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L16707 (2009) 10.1029/2009GL039640

Eymet, V.; Fournier, R.; Dufresne, J. L.; Lebonnois, S.; Hourdin, F. and Bullock, M. A., Net exchange parameterization of thermal infrared radiative transfer in Venus' atmosphere Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets, 114, E11008 (2009) 10.1029/2008JE003276

- 2008 -

Chepfer, H.; Bony, S.; Winker, D.; Chiriaco, M.; Dufresne, J. L. and Sèze, G., Use of CALIPSO lidar observations to evaluate the cloudiness simulated by a climate model Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L15704 (2008) 10.1029/2008GL034207

- 2007 -

Krinner, G.; Magand, O.; Simmonds, I.; Genthon, C. and Dufresne, J. L., Simulated Antarctic precipitation and surface mass balance at the end of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries Climate Dynamics, 28, 215-230 (2007) 10.1007/s00382-006-0177-x

Braconnot, P.; Hourdin, F.; Bony, S.; Dufresne, J. L.; Grandpeix, J. Y. and Marti, O., Impact of different convective cloud schemes on the simulation of the tropical seasonal cycle in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model Climate Dynamics, 29, 501-520 (2007) 10.1007/s00382-007-0244-y

- 2006 -

Bony, S.; Colman, R.; Kattsov, V. M.; Allan, R. P.; Bretherton, C. S.; Dufresne, J. L.; Hall, A.; Hallegatte, S.; Holland, M. M.; Ingram, W.; Randall, D. A.; Soden, B. J.; Tselioudis, G. and Webb, M. J., How well do we understand climate change feedbacks? Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87, 1487-1488 (2006)

- 2005 -

Eymet, V.; Fournier, R.; Blanco, S. and Dufresne, J. L., A boundary-based net-exchange Monte Carlo method for absorbing and scattering thick media Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 91, 27-46 (2005) 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.05.049

Dufresne, J. L.; Quaas, J.; Boucher, O.; Denvil, S. and Fairhead, L., Contrasts in the effects on climate of anthropogenic sulfate aerosols between the 20th and the 21st century Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 1-4 (2005) 10.1029/2005GL023619

- 2004 -

Bony, S.; Dufresne, J. L.; Le Treut, H.; Morcrette, J. J. and Senior, C., On dynamic and thermodynamic components of cloud changes Climate Dynamics, 22, 71-86 (2004) 10.1007/s00382-003-0369-6

Eymet, V.; Dufresne, J. L.; Ricchiazzi, P.; Fournier, R. and Blanco, S., Long-wave radiative analysis of cloudy scattering atmospheres using a net exchange formulation Atmospheric Research, 72, 239-261 (2004) 10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.03.017

- 2003 -

Friedlingstein, P.; Dufresne, J. L.; Cox, P. M. and Rayner, P., How positive is the feedback between climate change and the carbon cycle? Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 55, 692-700 (2003) 10.1034/j.1600-0889.2003.01461.x

- 2002 -

Berthelot, M.; Friedlingstein, P.; Ciais, P.; Monfray, P.; Dufresne, J. L.; Le Treut, H. and Fairhead, L., Global response of the terrestrial biosphere to CO2 and climate change using a coupled climate-carbon cycle model Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16, None (2002) 10.1029/2001gb001827

De Lataillade, A.; Dufresne, J. L.; El Hafi, M.; Eymet, V. and Fournier, R., A net-exchange Monte Carlo approach to radiation in optically thick systems Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 74, 563-584 (2002) 10.1016/S0022-4073(01)00272-2

De Lataillade, A.; Blanco, S.; Clergent, Y.; Dufresne, J. L.; El Hafi, M. and Fournier, R., Monte Carlo method and sensitivity estimations Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 75, 529-538 (2002) 10.1016/S0022-4073(02)00027-4

Dufresne, J. L.; Fairhead, L.; Le Treut, H.; Berthelot, M.; Bopp, L.; Ciais, P.; Friedlingstein, P. and Monfray, P., On the magnitude of positive feedback between future climate change and the carbon cycle Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 43-1-43-4 (2002) 10.1029/2001gl013777

- 1999 -

Dufresne, J. L.; Fournier, R. and Grandpeix, J. Y., Inverse Gaussian k-distributions Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 61, 433-441 (1999) 10.1016/S0022-4073(97)00214-8

- 1996 -

Cherkaoui, M.; Dufresne, J. L.; Fournier, R.; Grandpeix, J. Y. and Lahellec, A., Monte carlo simulation of radiation in gases with a narrow-band model and a net-exchange formulation Journal of Heat Transfer, 118, 401-407 (1996) 10.1115/1.2825858

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