Katia Laval - 31 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2013 -

Barella-Ortiz, A.; Polcher, J.; Tuzet, A. and Laval, K., Potential evaporation estimation through an unstressed surface-energy balance and its sensitivity to climate change Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 4625-4639 (2013) 10.5194/hess-17-4625-2013

- 2012 -

Guimberteau, M.; Perrier, A.; Laval, K. and Polcher, J., A comprehensive approach to analyze discrepancies between land surface models and in-situ measurements: A case study over the US and Illinois with SECHIBA forced by NLDAS Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 3973-3988 (2012) 10.5194/hess-16-3973-2012

Guimberteau, M.; Laval, K.; Perrier, A. and Polcher, J., Global effect of irrigation and its impact on the onset of the Indian summer monsoon Climate Dynamics, 39, 1329-1348 (2012) 10.1007/s00382-011-1252-5

- 2011 -

Danuor, S.; Gaye, A.; Yacouba, H.; Mariko, A.; Bouzou, M. I.; Maiga, M.; Da, D.; Ginoux, K.; Parker, D. J.; Polcher, J.; Laval, K.; Diallo, D. and Bourles, B., Education in meteorology and climate sciences in West Africa Atmospheric Science Letters, 12, 155-159 (2011) 10.1002/asl.326

- 2007 -

Ngo-Duc, T.; Laval, K.; Ramillien, G.; Polcher, J. and Cazenave, A., Validation of the land water storage simulated by Organising Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data Water Resources Research, 43, W04427 (2007) 10.1029/2006WR004941

- 2006 -

Ramillien, G.; Frappart, F.; Güntner, A.; Ngo-Duc, T.; Cazenave, A. and Laval, K., Time variations of the regional evapotranspiration rate from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite gravimetry Water Resources Research, 42, W10403 (2006) 10.1029/2005WR004331

- 2005 -

Ngo-Duc, T.; Polcher, J. and Laval, K., A 53-year forcing data set for land surface models Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, 110, 1-13 (2005) 10.1029/2004JD005434

Ngo-Duc, T.; Laval, K.; Polcher, J.; Lombard, A. and Cazenave, A., Effects of land water storage on global mean sea level over the past half century Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 1-4 (2005) 10.1029/2005GL022719

Ngo-Duc, T.; Laval, K.; Polcher, J. and Cazenave, A., Contribution of continental water to sea level variations during the 1997-1998 El Niño-Southern Oscillation event: Comparison between Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulations and TOPEX/Poseidon satellite data Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, 110, 1-10 (2005) 10.1029/2004JD004940

- 2004 -

Vérant, S.; Laval, K.; Polcher, J. and De Castro, M., Sensitivity of the continental hydrological cycle to the spatial resolution over the Iberian Peninsula Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5, 267-285 (2004) 10.1175/1525-7541(2004)005<0267:SOTCHC>2.0.CO;2

- 2003 -

de Rosnay, P.; Polcher, J.; Laval, K. and Sabre, M., Integrated parameterization of irrigation in the land surface model ORCHIDEE. Validation over Indian Peninsula Geophysical Research Letters, 30, None (2003) 10.1029/2003GL018024

Ducharne, A.; Golaz, C.; Leblois, E.; Laval, K.; Polcher, J.; Ledoux, E. and De Marsily, G., Development of a high resolution runoff routing model, calibration and application to assess runoff from the LMD GCM Journal of Hydrology, 280, 207-228 (2003) 10.1016/S0022-1694(03)00230-0

- 2002 -

de Rosnay, P.; Polcher, J.; Bruen, M. and Laval, K., Impact of a physically based soil water flow and soil-plant interaction representation for modeling large-scale land surface processes Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 107, None (2002) 10.1029/2001jd000634

- 2000 -

Sabre, M.; Hodges, K.; Laval, K.; Polcher, J. and Désalmand, F., Simulation of monsoon disturbances in the LMD GCM Monthly Weather Review, 128, 3752-3771 (2000) 10.1175/1520-0493(2001)129<3752:SOMDIT>2.0.CO;2

- 1998 -

Ducharne, A.; Laval, K. and Polcher, J., Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to the parametrization of soil hydrology in a GCM Climate Dynamics, 14, 307-327 (1998) 10.1007/s003820050226

- 1997 -

Chen, T. H.; Henderson-Sellers, A.; Milly, P. C.; Pitman, A. J.; Beljaars, A. C.; Polcher, J.; Abramopoulos, F.; Boone, A.; Chang, S.; Chen, F.; Dai, Y.; Desborough, C. E.; Dickinson, R. E.; Dümenil, L.; Ek, M.; Garratt, J. R.; Gedney, N.; Gusev, Y. M.; Kim, J.; Koster, R. and 23 more, Cabauw experimental results from the Project for Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes Journal of Climate, 10, 1194-1215 (1997) 10.1175/1520-0442(1997)010<1194:CERFTP>2.0.CO;2

- 1996 -

Polcher, J.; Laval, K.; Dümenil, L.; Lean, J. and Rowntree, P. R., Comparing three land surface schemes used in general circulation models Journal of Hydrology, 180, 373-394 (1996) 10.1016/0022-1694(95)02886-2

- 1995 -

Raghava, R. C.; Laval, K.; Sadourny, R. and Polcher, J., Atmospheric response to tropical denuding of vegetation Atmospheric Environment, 29, 1963-2000 (1995) 10.1016/1352-2310(94)00291-R

- 1994 -

Polcher, J. and Laval, K., A statistical study of the regional impact of deforestation on climate in the LMD GCM Climate Dynamics, 10, 205-219 (1994) 10.1007/BF00208988

Polcher, J. and Laval, K., The impact of African and Amazonian deforestation on tropical climate Journal of Hydrology, 155, 389-405 (1994) 10.1016/0022-1694(94)90179-1

- 1993 -

Laval, K. and Polcher, J., Sensitivity of climate simulations to hydrological processes with the LMD GCM Macroscale modelling of the hydrosphere. Proc. international conference, Yokohama, 1993, 133-136 (1993)

Polcher, J. and Laval, K., A statistical study of the impact of deforestation on climate using the LMD-GCM Macroscale modelling of the hydrosphere. Proc. international conference, Yokohama, 1993, 113-118 (1993)

- 1986 -

Laval, K., Modelling the impact of soil properties on European climate. Current issues in climate research. Proc. EC Climatology Programme symposium, Sophia Antipolis, 1984, 151-162 (1986)

Laval, K., General circulation model experiments with surface albedo changes Climatic Change, 9, 91-102 (1986) 10.1007/BF00140528

Le Treut, H. and Laval, K., Sensitivity of the climate simulated by a GCM to the parameterization of stratus clouds. Annales Geophysicae, Series B, 4, 377-384 (1986)

Laval, K. and Picon, L., Effect of a change of the surface albedo of the Sahel on climate. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 43, 2418-2429 (1986) 10.1175/1520-0469(1986)043<2418:EOACOT>2.0.CO;2

- 1984 -

Laval, K.; Ottle, C.; Perrier, A. and Serafini, Y., Effect of parameterisation of evapotranspiration on climate simulated by a GCM. New perspectives in climate modelling. Conference papers, 223-247 (1984)

Le Treut, H. and Laval, K., The importance of cloud-radiation interaction for the simulation of climate. New perspectives in climate modelling. Conference papers, 199-221 (1984)

Sadourny, R. and Laval, K., January and July performance of the LMD general circulation model. New perspectives in climate modelling. Conference papers, 173-197 (1984)

- 1981 -

Laval, K.; Sadourny, R. and Serafini, Y., Land Surface Processes in a Simplified General Circulation Model Geophysical &amp; Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 17, 129-150 (1981) 10.1080/03091928108243677

Laval, K.; Treut, H. L. and Sadourny, R., Effect of Cumulus Parameterization on the Dynamics of a General Circulation Model Geophysical &amp; Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 17, 113-127 (1981) 10.1080/03091928108243676

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