Guillaume Siour - 18 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2021 -

Deroubaix, A.; Brasseur, G.; Gaubert, B.; Labuhn, I.; Menut, L.; Siour, G. and Tuccella, P., Response of surface ozone concentration to emission reduction and meteorology during the COVID-19 lockdown in Europe Meteorological Applications, 28, e1990 (2021) 10.1002/met.1990

- 2020 -

Menut, L.; Siour, G.; Bessagnet, B.; Couvidat, F.; Journet, E.; Balkanski, Y. and Desboeufs, K., Modelling the mineralogical composition and solubility of mineral dust in the Mediterranean area with CHIMERE 2017r4 Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 2051-2071 (2020) 10.5194/gmd-13-2051-2020

Bessagnet, B.; Menut, L.; Lapere, R.; Couvidat, F.; Jaffrezo, J. L.; Mailler, S.; Favez, O.; Pennel, R. and Siour, G., High resolution chemistry transport modeling with the on-line CHIMERE-WRF model over the French Alps-Analysis of a feedback of surface particulate matter concentrations on mountain meteorology Atmosphere, 11, 565 (2020) 10.3390/atmos11060565

Menut, L.; Bessagnet, B.; Siour, G.; Mailler, S.; Pennel, R. and Cholakian, A., Impact of lockdown measures to combat Covid-19 on air quality over western Europe Science of the Total Environment, 741, 140426 (2020) 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140426

Menut, L.; Bessagnet, B.; Mailler, S.; Pennel, R. and Siour, G., Impact of lightning nox emissions on atmospheric composition and meteorology in africa and europe Atmosphere, 11, 1128 (2020) 10.3390/atmos11101128

Turquety, S.; Menut, L.; Siour, G.; Mailler, S.; Hadji-Lazaro, J.; George, M.; Clerbaux, C.; Hurtmans, D. and Coheur, P. F., APIFLAME v2.0 biomass burning emissions model: Impact of refined input parameters on atmospheric concentration in Portugal in summer 2016 Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 2981-3009 (2020) 10.5194/gmd-13-2981-2020

- 2019 -

Deroubaix, A.; Menut, L.; Flamant, C.; Brito, J.; Denjean, C.; Dreiling, V.; Fink, A.; Jambert, C.; Kalthoff, N.; Knippertz, P.; Ladkin, R.; Mailler, S.; Maranan, M.; Pacifico, F.; Piguet, B.; Siour, G. and Turquety, S., Diurnal cycle of coastal anthropogenic pollutant transport over southern West Africa during the DACCIWA campaign Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 473-497 (2019) 10.5194/acp-19-473-2019

Tuccella, P.; Menut, L.; Briant, R.; Deroubaix, A.; Khvorostyanov, D.; Mailler, S.; Siour, G. and Turquety, S., Implementation of aerosol-cloud interaction within WRF-CHIMERE online coupled model: Evaluation and investigation of the indirect radiative effect from anthropogenic emission reduction on the Benelux Union Atmosphere, 10, 20 (2019) 10.3390/atmos10010020

Bessagnet, B.; Menut, L.; Couvidat, F.; Meleux, F.; Siour, G. and Mailler, S., What can we expect from data assimilation for air quality forecast? Part II: Analysis with a semi-real case Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 36, 1433-1448 (2019) 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0117.1

- 2018 -

Deroubaix, A.; Flamant, C.; Menut, L.; Siour, G.; Mailler, S.; Turquety, S.; Briant, R.; Khvorostyanov, D. and Crumeyrolle, S., Interactions of atmospheric gases and aerosols with the monsoon dynamics over the Sudano-Guinean region during AMMA Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 445-465 (2018) 10.5194/acp-18-445-2018

- 2017 -

Menut, L.; Mailler, S.; Bessagnet, B.; Siour, G.; Colette, A.; Couvidat, F. and Meleux, F., An alternative way to evaluate chemistry-transport model variability Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 1199-1208 (2017) 10.5194/gmd-10-1199-2017

Mailler, S.; Menut, L.; Khvorostyanov, D.; Valari, M.; Couvidat, F.; Siour, G.; Turquety, S.; Briant, R.; Tuccella, P.; Bessagnet, B.; Colette, A.; Létinois, L.; Markakis, K. and Meleux, F., CHIMERE-2017: From urban to hemispheric chemistry-transport modeling Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 2397-2423 (2017) 10.5194/gmd-10-2397-2017

- 2016 -

Mailler, S.; Menut, L.; Di Sarra, A. G.; Becagli, S.; Di Iorio, T.; Bessagnet, B.; Briant, R.; Formenti, P.; Doussin, J. F.; Gómez-Amo, J. L.; Mallet, M.; Rea, G.; Siour, G.; Sferlazzo, D. M.; Traversi, R.; Udisti, R. and Turquety, S., On the radiative impact of aerosols on photolysis rates: Comparison of simulations and observations in the Lampedusa island during the ChArMEx/ADRIMED campaign Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 1219-1244 (2016) 10.5194/acp-16-1219-2016

Menut, L.; Siour, G.; Mailler, S.; Couvidat, F. and Bessagnet, B., Observations and regional modeling of aerosol optical properties, speciation and size distribution over Northern Africa and western Europe Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 12961-12982 (2016) 10.5194/acp-16-12961-2016

- 2015 -

Hourdin, F.; Gueye, M.; Diallo, B.; Dufresne, J. L.; Escribano, J.; Menut, L.; Marticoréna, B.; Siour, G. and Guichard, F., Parameterization of convective transport in the boundary layer and its impact on the representation of the diurnal cycle of wind and dust emissions Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 6775-6788 (2015) 10.5194/acp-15-6775-2015

Menut, L.; Mailler, S.; Siour, G.; Bessagnet, B.; Turquety, S.; Rea, G.; Briant, R.; Mallet, M.; Sciare, J.; Formenti, P. and Meleux, F., Ozone and aerosol tropospheric concentrations variability analyzed using the ADRIMED measurements and the WRF and CHIMERE models Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 6159-6182 (2015) 10.5194/acp-15-6159-2015

Rea, G.; Turquety, S.; Menut, L.; Briant, R.; Mailler, S. and Siour, G., Source contributions to 2012 summertime aerosols in the Euro-Mediterranean region Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 8013-8036 (2015) 10.5194/acp-15-8013-2015

- 2013 -

Siour, G.; Colette, A.; Menut, L.; Bessagnet, B.; Coll, I. and Meleux, F., Bridging the scales in a Eulerian air quality model to assess megacity export of pollution Environmental Modelling and Software, 46, 271-282 (2013) 10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.04.001

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