Rémy Lapere - 5 publications at/with LMD since 1968

- 2021 -

Lapere, R.; Mailler, S.; Menut, L. and Huneeus, N., Pathways for wintertime deposition of anthropogenic light-absorbing particles on the Central Andes cryosphere Environmental Pollution, 272, 115901 (2021) 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115901

Lapere, R.; Mailler, S. and Menut, L., The 2017 mega-fires in central chile: Impacts on regional atmospheric composition and meteorology assessed from satellite data and chemistry-transport modeling Atmosphere, 12, 344 (2021) 10.3390/atmos12030344

Lapere, R.; Menut, L.; Mailler, S. and Huneeus, N., Seasonal variation in atmospheric pollutants transport in central Chile: Dynamics and consequences Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 6431-6454 (2021) 10.5194/acp-21-6431-2021

- 2020 -

Lapere, R.; Menut, L.; Mailler, S. and Huneeus, N., Soccer games and record-breaking PM2.5 pollution events in Santiago, Chile Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 4681-4694 (2020) 10.5194/acp-20-4681-2020

Bessagnet, B.; Menut, L.; Lapere, R.; Couvidat, F.; Jaffrezo, J. L.; Mailler, S.; Favez, O.; Pennel, R. and Siour, G., High resolution chemistry transport modeling with the on-line CHIMERE-WRF model over the French Alps-Analysis of a feedback of surface particulate matter concentrations on mountain meteorology Atmosphere, 11, 565 (2020) 10.3390/atmos11060565

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