The application was developped by the Cabinet d'Études Informatiques Alain Deseine - This work was supported by the IPSL – Climate Graduate School which is funded by the ANR (ANR-11-IDEX-0004 - 17-EURE-0006).
I thank Jean-Louis Dufresne for discussions on te physical conent of the software, Marion Saint-Lu, Michael Jentzer, Mathieu Rajchenbach and Robin Bosdeveix for discussions on educational use of the software, Mathilde Tricoire for comments on this documentation, Nicolas Gama for coding the first versions of the graphical interface in 2006-2007, Hakim Mamor for coding the Météo-France version of the graphical interface in 2011, Météo-France (and Germaine Rochas) for hosting the software from 2011 to 2019. Thanks also to the many users who reported bugs!