GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: phys/hbtm2l.f90
Date: 2022-01-11 19:19:34
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 261 0.0%
Branches: 0 132 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
2 ! $Header$
4 SUBROUTINE hbtm2l(knon, paprs, pplay, t2m, t10m, q2m, q10m, ustar, flux_t, flux_q, u, v, t, q, pblh, therm, plcl, cape, &
5 cin, eauliq, ctei, d_qt, d_thv, dlt_2, xhis, posint, omega, diagok)
6 USE dimphy
9 ! ***************************************************************
10 ! * *
11 ! * HBTM2L D'apres Holstag&Boville et Troen&Mahrt *
12 ! * JAS 47 BLM *
13 ! * Algorithmes These Anne Mathieu *
14 ! * Critere d'Entrainement Peter Duynkerke (JAS 50) *
15 ! * written by : Anne MATHIEU & Alain LAHELLEC, 22/11/99 *
16 ! * features : implem. exces Mathieu *
17 ! ***************************************************************
18 ! * mods : decembre 99 passage th a niveau plus bas. voir fixer *
19 ! ***************************************************************
20 ! * fin therm a la HBTM passage a forme Mathieu 12/09/2001 *
21 ! ***************************************************************
22 ! AM Fev 2003 Adaptation a LMDZ version couplee *
23 ! *
24 ! Pour le moment on fait passer en argument les grdeurs de surface :
25 ! flux, t,q2m, t,q10m, on va utiliser systematiquement les grdeurs a 2m ms
26 ! on garde la possibilite de changer si besoin est (jusqu'a present la
27 ! forme de HB avec le 1er niveau modele etait conservee) *
28 ! ***************************************************************
29 ! * re-ecriture complete Alain Mars 2012 dans LMDZ5V5 *
30 ! ***************************************************************
31 include "YOMCST.h"
32 REAL rlvcp, reps
33 ! Arguments:
35 INTEGER knon ! nombre de points a calculer
36 ! AM
37 REAL t2m(klon), t10m(klon) ! temperature a 2 et 10m
38 REAL q2m(klon), q10m(klon) ! q a 2 et 10m
39 REAL ustar(klon)
40 REAL paprs(klon, klev+1) ! pression a inter-couche (Pa)
41 REAL pplay(klon, klev) ! pression au milieu de couche (Pa)
42 REAL flux_t(klon, klev), flux_q(klon, klev) ! Flux
43 REAL u(klon, klev) ! vitesse U (m/s)
44 REAL v(klon, klev) ! vitesse V (m/s)
45 REAL t(klon, klev) ! temperature (K)
46 REAL q(klon, klev) ! vapeur d'eau (kg/kg)
48 INTEGER isommet
49 REAL vk
50 PARAMETER (vk=0.35) ! Von Karman => passer a .41 ! cf U.Olgstrom
51 REAL ricr
52 PARAMETER (ricr=0.4)
53 REAL fak
54 PARAMETER (fak=8.5) ! b calcul du Prandtl et de dTetas
55 REAL fakn
56 PARAMETER (fakn=7.2) ! a
57 REAL onet
58 PARAMETER (onet=1.0/3.0)
59 REAL betam
60 PARAMETER (betam=15.0) ! pour Phim / h dans la S.L stable
61 REAL betah
62 PARAMETER (betah=15.0)
63 REAL betas
64 PARAMETER (betas=5.0) ! Phit dans la S.L. stable (mais 2 formes / z/OBL<>1
65 REAL sffrac
66 PARAMETER (sffrac=0.1) ! S.L. = z/h < .1
67 REAL binm
68 PARAMETER (binm=betam*sffrac)
69 REAL binh
70 PARAMETER (binh=betah*sffrac)
72 REAL q_star, t_star
73 REAL b1, b2, b212, b2sr ! Lambert correlations T' q' avec T* q*
74 PARAMETER (b1=70., b2=20.) ! b1 entre 70 et 100
76 REAL z(klon, klev)
77 ! AM
78 REAL zref, dt0
79 PARAMETER (zref=2.) ! Niveau de ref a 2m
80 PARAMETER (dt0=0.1) ! convergence do while
82 INTEGER i, k, j
83 REAL khfs(klon) ! surface kinematic heat flux [mK/s]
84 REAL kqfs(klon) ! sfc kinematic constituent flux [m/s]
85 REAL heatv(klon) ! surface virtual heat flux
86 REAL rhino(klon, klev) ! bulk Richardon no. mais en Theta_v
87 LOGICAL unstbl(klon) ! pts w/unstbl pbl (positive virtual ht flx)
88 LOGICAL check(klon) ! True=>chk if Richardson no.>critcal
89 LOGICAL omegafl(klon) ! flag de prolongement cape pour pt Omega
90 REAL obklen(klon) ! Monin-Obukhov lengh
92 REAL pblh(klon) ! PBL H (m)
93 REAL therm(klon) ! exces du thermique (K)
94 REAL plcl(klon) ! Lifted Cnd Level (Pa)
95 REAL cape(klon) ! Cape
96 REAL cin(klon) ! Inhibition
97 REAL eauliq(klon) ! Eau Liqu integree
98 REAL ctei(klon) ! Cld Top Entr. Instab.
99 REAL d_qt(klon) ! Saut de qT a l'inversion
100 REAL d_thv(klon) ! Theta_e
101 REAL dlt_2(klon) ! Ordonnee a gauche de courbe de melange
102 REAL xhis(klon) ! fraction de melange pour flottab nulle
103 REAL posint(klon) ! partie positive de l'int. de Peter
104 REAL omega(klon) ! point ultime de l'ascention du thermique
105 REAL diagok(klon) ! pour traiter les sous-mailles sans info
106 ! Algorithme thermique
107 REAL s(klon, klev) ! [P/Po]^Kappa milieux couches
108 REAL th_th(klon) ! potential temperature of thermal
109 REAL the_th(klon) ! equivalent potential temperature of thermal
110 REAL qt_th(klon) ! total water of thermal
111 REAL tbef(klon) ! T thermique niveau ou calcul precedent
112 LOGICAL zsat(klon) ! le thermique est sature
113 LOGICAL zcin(klon) ! calcul d'inhibition
114 REAL kape(klon) ! Cape locale
115 REAL kin(klon) ! Cin locale
116 ! calcul de CTEI etc
117 REAL the1, the2, aa, bb, zthvd, zthvu, qsat, chi, rh, zxt, zdu2
118 REAL rnum, denom, th1, th2, tv1, tv2, thv1, thv2, ql1, ql2, dt
119 REAL dqsat_dt, qsat2, qt1, q1, q2, t1, t2, tl1, te2, xnull, delt_the
120 REAL delt_qt, quadsat, spblh, reduc
121 ! diag REAL dTv21(klon,klev)
123 REAL phiminv(klon) ! inverse phi function for momentum
124 REAL phihinv(klon) ! inverse phi function for heat
125 REAL wm(klon) ! turbulent velocity scale for momentum
126 REAL zm(klon) ! current level height
127 REAL zp(klon) ! current level height + one level up
128 REAL zcor, zdelta, zcvm5
129 REAL fac, pblmin
130 REAL missing_val
132 include "YOETHF.h"
133 include "FCTTRE.h"
135 ! c missing_val=nf90_fill_real (avec include netcdf)
136 missing_val = 0.
138 ! initialisations (Anne)
139 isommet = klev
140 b212 = sqrt(b1*b2)
141 b2sr = sqrt(b2)
143 ! Initialisation thermo
144 rlvcp = rlvtt/rcpd
145 reps = rd/rv
146 ! raz
147 q_star = 0.
148 t_star = 0.
149 cape(:) = missing_val
150 kape(:) = 0.
151 cin(:) = missing_val
152 eauliq(:) = missing_val
153 ctei(:) = missing_val
154 d_qt(:) = missing_val
155 d_thv(:) = missing_val
156 dlt_2(:) = missing_val
157 xhis(:) = missing_val
158 posint(:) = missing_val
159 kin(:) = missing_val
160 omega(:) = missing_val
161 diagok(:) = 0.
162 ! diag dTv21(:,:)= missing_val
164 ! Calculer les hauteurs de chaque couche
165 DO i = 1, knon
166 z(i, 1) = rd*t(i, 1)/(0.5*(paprs(i,1)+pplay(i,1)))*(paprs(i,1)-pplay(i,1))/rg
167 s(i, 1) = (pplay(i,1)/paprs(i,1))**rkappa
168 END DO
169 ! s(k) = [pplay(k)/ps]^kappa
170 ! + + + + + + + + + pplay <-> s(k) t dp=pplay(k-1)-pplay(k)
172 ! ----------------- paprs <-> sig(k)
174 ! + + + + + + + + + pplay <-> s(k-1)
177 ! + + + + + + + + + pplay <-> s(1) t dp=paprs-pplay z(1)
179 ! ----------------- paprs <-> sig(1)
181 DO k = 2, klev
182 DO i = 1, knon
183 z(i, k) = z(i, k-1) + rd*0.5*(t(i,k-1)+t(i,k))/paprs(i, k)*(pplay(i,k-1)-pplay(i,k))/rg
184 s(i, k) = (pplay(i,k)/paprs(i,1))**rkappa
185 END DO
186 END DO
187 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
188 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
189 ! +++ Determination des grandeurs de surface +++++++++++++++++++++
190 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
191 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
192 DO i = 1, knon
193 ! AM Niveau de ref choisi a 2m
194 zxt = t2m(i)
196 ! ***************************************************
197 ! attention, il doit s'agir de <w'theta'>
198 ! ;Calcul de tcls virtuel et de w'theta'virtuel
199 ! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
200 ! tcls=tcls*(1+.608*qcls)
202 ! ;Pour avoir w'theta',
203 ! ; il faut diviser par ro.Cp
204 ! Cp=Cpd*(1+0.84*qcls)
205 ! fcs=fcs/(ro_surf*Cp)
206 ! ;On transforme w'theta' en w'thetav'
207 ! Lv=(2.501-0.00237*(tcls-273.15))*1.E6
208 ! xle=xle/(ro_surf*Lv)
209 ! fcsv=fcs+.608*xle*tcls
210 ! ***************************************************
211 ! dif khfs est deja w't'_v / heatv(i) = khfs(i) + RETV*zxt*kqfs(i)
212 ! AM calcul de Ro = paprs(i,1)/Rd zxt
213 ! AM convention >0 vers le bas ds lmdz
214 khfs(i) = -flux_t(i, 1)*zxt*rd/(rcpd*paprs(i,1))
215 kqfs(i) = -flux_q(i, 1)*zxt*rd/(paprs(i,1))
216 ! AM verifier que khfs et kqfs sont bien de la forme w'l'
217 heatv(i) = khfs(i) + retv*zxt*kqfs(i)
218 ! a comparer aussi aux sorties de clqh : flux_T/RoCp et flux_q/RoLv
219 ! AM ustar est en entree (calcul dans stdlevvar avec t2m q2m)
220 ! Theta et qT du thermique sans exces
221 qt_th(i) = q2m(i)
222 ! Al1 Th_th restera la Theta du thermique sans exces jusqu'au 3eme calcul
223 th_th(i) = t2m(i)
224 END DO
226 DO i = 1, knon
227 rhino(i, 1) = 0.0 ! Global Richardson
228 check(i) = .TRUE.
229 pblh(i) = z(i, 1) ! on initialise pblh a l'altitude du 1er niveau
230 ! Attention Plcl est pression ou altitude ?
231 ! plcl(i) = 6000. ! m
232 plcl(i) = 200. ! hPa
233 IF (heatv(i)>0.0001) THEN
234 ! Lambda = -u*^3 / (alpha.g.kvon.<w'Theta'v>
235 obklen(i) = -t(i, 1)*ustar(i)**3/(rg*vk*heatv(i))
236 ELSE
237 ! set pblh to the friction high (cf + bas)
238 pblh(i) = 700.0*ustar(i)
239 check(i) = .FALSE.
240 END IF
241 END DO
244 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
245 ! PBL height calculation:
246 ! Search for level of pbl. Scan upward until the Richardson number between
247 ! the first level and the current level exceeds the "critical" value.
248 ! (bonne idee Nu de separer le Ric et l'exces de temp du thermique)
249 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
250 fac = 100.0
251 DO k = 2, isommet
252 DO i = 1, knon
253 IF (check(i)) THEN
254 zdu2 = u(i, k)**2 + v(i, k)**2
255 zdu2 = max(zdu2, 1.0E-20)
256 ! Theta_v environnement
257 zthvd = t(i, k)/s(i, k)*(1.+retv*q(i,k))
258 zthvu = th_th(i)*(1.+retv*qt_th(i))
259 ! Le Ri bulk par Theta_v
260 rhino(i, k) = (z(i,k)-zref)*rg*(zthvd-zthvu)/(zdu2*0.5*(zthvd+zthvu))
262 IF (rhino(i,k)>=ricr) THEN
263 pblh(i) = z(i, k-1) + (z(i,k-1)-z(i,k))*(ricr-rhino(i,k-1))/(rhino(i,k-1)-rhino(i,k))
264 ! test04 (la pblh est encore ici sous-estime'e)
265 pblh(i) = pblh(i) + 100.
266 ! pblT(i) = t(i,k-1) + (t(i,k)-t(i,k-1)) *
267 ! . (pblh(i)-z(i,k-1))/(z(i,k)-z(i,k-1))
268 check(i) = .FALSE.
269 END IF
270 END IF
271 END DO
272 END DO
275 ! Set pbl height to maximum value where computation exceeds number of
276 ! layers allowed
278 DO i = 1, knon
279 IF (check(i)) pblh(i) = z(i, isommet)
280 END DO
282 ! Improve estimate of pbl height for the unstable points.
283 ! Find unstable points (sensible heat flux is upward):
285 DO i = 1, knon
286 IF (heatv(i)>0.) THEN
287 unstbl(i) = .TRUE.
288 check(i) = .TRUE.
289 ELSE
290 unstbl(i) = .FALSE.
291 check(i) = .FALSE.
292 END IF
293 END DO
295 ! For the unstable case, compute velocity scale and the
296 ! convective temperature excess:
298 DO i = 1, knon
299 IF (check(i)) THEN
300 phiminv(i) = (1.-binm*pblh(i)/obklen(i))**onet
301 ! ***************************************************
302 ! Wm ? et W* ? c'est la formule pour z/h < .1
303 ! ;Calcul de w* ;;
304 ! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
305 ! w_star=((g/tcls)*fcsv*z(ind))^(1/3.) [ou prendre la premiere approx de h)
306 ! ;; CALCUL DE wm ;;
307 ! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
308 ! ; Ici on considerera que l'on est dans la couche de surf jusqu'a 100m
309 ! ; On prend svt couche de surface=0.1*h mais on ne connait pas h
310 ! ;;;;;;;;;;;Dans la couche de surface
311 ! if (z(ind) le 20) then begin
312 ! Phim=(1.-15.*(z(ind)/L))^(-1/3.)
313 ! wm=u_star/Phim
314 ! ;;;;;;;;;;;En dehors de la couche de surface
315 ! endif else if (z(ind) gt 20) then begin
316 ! wm=(u_star^3+c1*w_star^3)^(1/3.)
317 ! endif
318 ! ***************************************************
319 wm(i) = ustar(i)*phiminv(i)
320 ! ======================================================================
321 ! valeurs de Dominique Lambert de la campagne SEMAPHORE :
322 ! <T'^2> = 100.T*^2; <q'^2> = 20.q*^2 a 10m
323 ! <Tv'^2> = (1+1.2q).100.T* + 1.2Tv.sqrt(20*100).T*.q* + (.608*Tv)^2*20.q*^2;
324 ! et dTetavS = sqrt(<Tv'^2>) ainsi calculee.
325 ! avec : T*=<w'T'>_s/w* et q*=<w'q'>/w*
326 ! !!! on peut donc utiliser w* pour les fluctuations <-> Lambert
327 ! (leur corellation pourrait dependre de beta par ex)
328 ! if fcsv(i,j) gt 0 then begin
329 ! dTetavs=b1*(1.+2.*.608*q_10(i,j))*(fcs(i,j)/wm(i,j))^2+$
330 ! (.608*Thetav_10(i,j))^2*b2*(xle(i,j)/wm(i,j))^2+$
331 ! 2.*.608*thetav_10(i,j)*sqrt(b1*b2)*(xle(i,j)/wm(i,j))*(fcs(i,j)/wm(i,j))
332 ! dqs=b2*(xle(i,j)/wm(i,j))^2
333 ! theta_s(i,j)=thetav_10(i,j)+sqrt(dTetavs)
334 ! q_s(i,j)=q_10(i,j)+sqrt(dqs)
335 ! endif else begin
336 ! Theta_s(i,j)=thetav_10(i,j)
337 ! q_s(i,j)=q_10(i,j)
338 ! endelse
339 ! leur reference est le niveau a 10m, mais on prend 2m ici.
340 ! ======================================================================
341 ! Premier calcul de l'exces tu thermique
342 ! ======================================================================
343 ! HBTM therm(i) = heatv(i)*fak/wm(i)
344 ! forme Mathieu :
345 q_star = max(0., kqfs(i)/wm(i))
346 t_star = max(0., khfs(i)/wm(i))
347 ! Al1 Houston, we have a problem : il arrive en effet que heatv soit
348 ! positif (=thermique instable) mais pas t_star : avec evaporation
349 ! importante, il se peut qu'on refroidisse la 2m Que faire alors ?
350 ! Garder le seul terme en q_star^2 ? ou rendre negatif le t_star^2 ?
351 therm(i) = sqrt(b1*(1.+2.*retv*qt_th(i))*t_star**2+(retv*th_th(i))**2*b2*q_star*q_star+2.*retv*th_th(i)*b212* &
352 q_star*t_star)
354 ! Theta et qT du thermique (forme H&B) avec exces
355 ! (attention, on ajoute therm(i) qui est virtuelle ...)
356 ! pourquoi pas sqrt(b1)*t_star ?
357 ! dqs = b2sr*kqfs(i)/wm(i)
358 qt_th(i) = qt_th(i) + b2sr*q_star
359 rhino(i, 1) = 0.0
360 END IF
361 END DO
363 ! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
364 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
365 ! ++ Improve pblh estimate for unstable conditions using the +++++++
366 ! ++ convective temperature excess : +++++++
367 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
368 ! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
370 DO k = 2, isommet
371 DO i = 1, knon
372 IF (check(i)) THEN
373 ! test zdu2 = (u(i,k)-u(i,1))**2+(v(i,k)-v(i,1))**2+fac*ustar(i)**2
374 zdu2 = u(i, k)**2 + v(i, k)**2
375 zdu2 = max(zdu2, 1.0E-20)
376 ! Theta_v environnement
377 zthvd = t(i, k)/s(i, k)*(1.+retv*q(i,k))
379 ! et therm Theta_v (avec hypothese de constance de H&B,
380 ! qui assimile qT a vapeur)
381 zthvu = th_th(i)*(1.+retv*qt_th(i)) + therm(i)
384 ! Le Ri par Theta_v
385 ! AM Niveau de ref 2m
386 rhino(i, k) = (z(i,k)-zref)*rg*(zthvd-zthvu)/(zdu2*0.5*(zthvd+zthvu))
388 ! Niveau critique atteint
389 IF (rhino(i,k)>=ricr) THEN
390 pblh(i) = z(i, k-1) + (z(i,k-1)-z(i,k))*(ricr-rhino(i,k-1))/(rhino(i,k-1)-rhino(i,k))
391 ! test04
392 pblh(i) = pblh(i) + 100.
393 ! pblT(i) = t(i,k-1) + (t(i,k)-t(i,k-1)) *
394 ! . (pblh(i)-z(i,k-1))/(z(i,k)-z(i,k-1))
395 check(i) = .FALSE.
396 END IF
397 END IF
398 END DO
399 END DO
401 ! Set pbl height to maximum value where computation exceeds number of
402 ! layers allowed (H&B)
404 DO i = 1, knon
405 IF (check(i)) pblh(i) = z(i, isommet)
406 END DO
408 ! PBL height must be greater than some minimum mechanical mixing depth
409 ! Several investigators have proposed minimum mechanical mixing depth
410 ! relationships as a function of the local friction velocity, u*. We
411 ! make use of a linear relationship of the form h = c u* where c=700.
412 ! The scaling arguments that give rise to this relationship most often
413 ! represent the coefficient c as some constant over the local coriolis
414 ! parameter. Here we make use of the experimental results of Koracin
415 ! and Berkowicz (1988) [BLM, Vol 43] for wich they recommend 0.07/f
416 ! where f was evaluated at 39.5 N and 52 N. Thus we use a typical mid
417 ! latitude value for f so that c = 0.07/f = 700. (H&B)
418 ! Al1 calcul de pblT dans ce cas
419 DO i = 1, knon
420 pblmin = 700.0*ustar(i)
421 IF (pblh(i)<pblmin) check(i) = .TRUE.
422 END DO
423 DO i = 1, knon
424 IF (check(i)) THEN
425 pblh(i) = 700.0*ustar(i)
426 ! et par exemple :
427 ! pblT(i) = t(i,2) + (t(i,3)-t(i,2)) *
428 ! . (pblh(i)-z(i,2))/(z(i,3)-z(i,2))
429 END IF
430 END DO
432 ! ********************************************************************
433 ! pblh is now available; do preparation for final calculations :
434 ! ********************************************************************
435 DO i = 1, knon
436 check(i) = .TRUE.
437 zsat(i) = .FALSE.
438 zcin(i) = .FALSE.
439 ! omegafl utilise pour prolongement CAPE
440 omegafl(i) = .FALSE.
442 ! Do additional preparation for unstable cases only, set temperature
443 ! and moisture perturbations depending on stability.
444 ! Rq: les formules sont prises dans leur forme Couche de Surface
445 IF (unstbl(i)) THEN
446 ! Al pblh a change', on recalcule :
447 zxt = (th_th(i)-zref*0.5*rg/rcpd/(1.+rvtmp2*qt_th(i)))*(1.+retv*qt_th(i))
448 phiminv(i) = (1.-binm*pblh(i)/obklen(i))**onet
449 phihinv(i) = sqrt(1.-binh*pblh(i)/obklen(i))
450 wm(i) = ustar(i)*phiminv(i)
451 END IF
452 END DO
455 ! =======================================================
456 ! last upward integration
457 ! For all unstable layers, compute integral info and CTEI
458 ! =======================================================
460 ! 1/Recompute surface characteristics with the improved pblh
461 ! ----------------------------------------------------------
462 DO i = 1, knon
463 IF (unstbl(i)) THEN
464 diagok(i) = 1.
465 ! from missing_value to zero
466 cape(i) = 0.
467 cin(i) = 0.
468 eauliq(i) = 0.
469 ctei(i) = 0.
470 d_qt(i) = 0.
471 d_thv(i) = 0.
472 dlt_2(i) = 0.
473 xhis(i) = 0.
474 posint(i) = 0.
475 kin(i) = 0.
476 omega(i) = 0.
478 phiminv(i) = (1.-binm*pblh(i)/obklen(i))**onet
479 wm(i) = ustar(i)*phiminv(i)
480 q_star = max(0., kqfs(i)/wm(i))
481 t_star = max(0., khfs(i)/wm(i))
482 therm(i) = sqrt(b1*(1.+2.*retv*qt_th(i))*t_star**2+(retv*th_th(i))**2*b2*q_star*q_star+2.*retv*th_th(i)*b212* &
483 q_star*t_star)
484 ! Al1diag
485 ! trmb1(i) = b1*(1.+2.*RETV*qT_th(i))*t_star**2
486 ! trmb2(i) = (RETV*Th_th(i))**2*b2*q_star*q_star
487 ! trmb3(i) = 2.*RETV*Th_th(i)*b212*q_star*t_star
489 ! Th_th will now be the thermal-theta (including exces)
490 ! c Th_th(i) = Th_th(i)+sqrt(b1)*max(0.,khfs(i)/wm(i))
491 th_th(i) = th_th(i) + therm(i)
492 ! al1diag
493 ! trmb2(i) = wm(i)
494 ! trmb3(i) = phiminv(i)
495 ! and computes Theta_e for thermal
496 the_th(i) = th_th(i) + rlvcp*qt_th(i)
497 END IF ! unstbl
498 ! Al1 compute a first guess of Plcl with the Bolton/Emanuel formula
499 t2 = th_th(i)
500 ! thermodyn functions
501 zdelta = max(0., sign(1.,rtt-t2))
502 qsat = r2es*foeew(t2, zdelta)/paprs(i, 1)
503 qsat = min(0.5, qsat)
504 zcor = 1./(1.-retv*qsat)
505 qsat = qsat*zcor
506 ! relative humidity of thermal at 2m
507 rh = qt_th(i)/qsat
508 chi = t2/(1669.0-122.0*rh-t2)
509 plcl(i) = paprs(i, 1)*(rh**chi)
510 ! al1diag
511 ! ctei(i) = Plcl(i)
512 ! cape(i) = T2
513 ! trmb1(i)= Chi
514 ! select unstable columns (=thermals)
515 check(i) = .FALSE.
516 IF (heatv(i)>0.) check(i) = .TRUE.
517 ! diag
518 ! dTv21(i,1) = T2*(1+RETV*qT_th(i))-t(i,1)*(1+RETV*q(i,1))
519 END DO
520 ! ----------------------------------
521 ! 2/ upward integration for thermals
522 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ k loop
523 DO k = 2, isommet
524 DO i = 1, knon
525 IF (check(i) .OR. omegafl(i)) THEN
526 ! CC if (pplay(i,k) .le. plcl(i)) then
527 zm(i) = z(i, k-1)
528 zp(i) = z(i, k)
529 ! Environnement : calcul de Tv1 a partir de t(:,:)== T liquide
530 ! ==============
531 tl1 = t(i, k)
532 t1 = tl1
533 zdelta = max(0., sign(1.,rtt-t1))
534 qsat = r2es*foeew(t1, zdelta)/pplay(i, k)
535 qsat = min(0.5, qsat)
536 zcor = 1./(1.-retv*qsat)
537 qsat = qsat*zcor
538 q1 = min(q(i,k), qsat)
539 ql1 = max(0., q(i,k)-q1)
540 ! thermodyn function (Tl2Tql)
541 dt = rlvcp*ql1
542 DO WHILE (abs(dt)>=dt0)
543 t1 = t1 + dt
544 zdelta = max(0., sign(1.,rtt-t1))
545 zcvm5 = r5les*(1.-zdelta) + r5ies*zdelta
546 qsat = r2es*foeew(t1, zdelta)/pplay(i, k)
547 qsat = min(0.5, qsat)
548 zcor = 1./(1.-retv*qsat)
549 qsat = qsat*zcor
550 dqsat_dt = foede(t1, zdelta, zcvm5, qsat, zcor)
551 ! correction lineaire pour conserver Tl env
552 ! << Tl = T1 + DT - RLvCp*(ql1 - dqsat/dT*DT >>
553 denom = 1. + rlvcp*dqsat_dt
554 q1 = min(q(i,k), qsat)
555 ql1 = q(i, k) - q1 ! can be negative
556 rnum = tl1 - t1 + rlvcp*ql1
557 dt = rnum/denom
558 END DO
559 ql1 = max(0., ql1)
560 tv1 = t1*(1.+retv*q1-ql1)
561 ! Thermique : on atteint le seuil B/E de condensation
562 ! ==============
564 IF (.NOT. zsat(i)) THEN
565 ! first guess from The_th(i) = Th_th(i) + RLvCp* [qv=qT_th(i)]
566 t2 = s(i, k)*the_th(i) - rlvcp*qt_th(i)
567 zdelta = max(0., sign(1.,rtt-t2))
568 qsat = r2es*foeew(t2, zdelta)/pplay(i, k)
569 qsat = min(0.5, qsat)
570 zcor = 1./(1.-retv*qsat)
571 qsat = qsat*zcor
572 q2 = min(qt_th(i), qsat)
573 ql2 = max(0., qt_th(i)-q2)
574 IF (ql2>0.0001) zsat(i) = .TRUE.
575 tbef(i) = t2
576 ! a PBLH non sature
577 IF (zm(i)<pblh(i) .AND. zp(i)>=pblh(i)) THEN
578 reduc = (pblh(i)-zm(i))/(zp(i)-zm(i))
579 spblh = s(i, k-1) + reduc*(s(i,k)-s(i,k-1))
580 ! lmdz : qT1 et Thv1
581 t1 = (t(i,k-1)+reduc*(t(i,k)-t(i,k-1)))
582 thv1 = t1*(1.+retv*q(i,k))/spblh
583 ! on calcule pour le cas sans nuage un ctei en Delta Thv
584 thv2 = t2/spblh*(1.+retv*qt_th(i))
585 ctei(i) = thv1 - thv2
586 tv2 = t2*(1.+retv*q2-ql2)
587 ! diag
588 ! dTv21(i,k) = Tv2-Tv1
589 check(i) = .FALSE.
590 omegafl(i) = .TRUE.
591 END IF
592 END IF
594 IF (zsat(i)) THEN
595 ! thermodyn functions (Te2Tqsat)
596 t2 = tbef(i)
597 dt = 1.
598 te2 = s(i, k)*the_th(i)
599 DO WHILE (abs(dt)>=dt0)
600 zdelta = max(0., sign(1.,rtt-t2))
601 zcvm5 = r5les*(1.-zdelta) + r5ies*zdelta
602 qsat = r2es*foeew(t2, zdelta)/pplay(i, k)
603 qsat = min(0.5, qsat)
604 zcor = 1./(1.-retv*qsat)
605 qsat = qsat*zcor
606 dqsat_dt = foede(t2, zdelta, zcvm5, qsat, zcor)
607 ! correction lineaire pour conserver Te_th
608 ! << Te = T2 + DT + RLvCp*(qsatbef + dq/dT*DT >>
609 denom = 1. + rlvcp*dqsat_dt
610 rnum = te2 - t2 - rlvcp*qsat
611 dt = rnum/denom
612 t2 = t2 + dt
613 END DO
614 q2 = min(qt_th(i), qsat)
615 ql2 = max(0., qt_th(i)-q2)
616 ! jusqu'a PBLH y compris
617 IF (zm(i)<pblh(i)) THEN
619 ! mais a PBLH, interpolation et complements
620 IF (zp(i)>=pblh(i)) THEN
621 reduc = (pblh(i)-zm(i))/(zp(i)-zm(i))
622 spblh = s(i, k-1) + reduc*(s(i,k)-s(i,k-1))
623 ! CAPE et EauLiq a pblH
624 cape(i) = kape(i) + reduc*(zp(i)-zm(i))*rg*.5/(tv2+tv1)*max(0., (tv2-tv1))
625 eauliq(i) = eauliq(i) + reduc*(paprs(i,k-1)-paprs(i,k))*ql2/rg
626 ! CTEI
627 the2 = (t2+rlvcp*q2)/spblh
628 ! T1 est en realite la Tl env (on a donc strict The1)
629 t1 = (t(i,k-1)+reduc*(t(i,k)-t(i,k-1)))
630 the1 = (t1+rlvcp*q(i,k))/spblh
631 ! Calcul de la Cloud Top Entrainement Instability
632 ! cf Mathieu Lahellec QJRMS (2005) Comments to DYCOMS-II
633 ! saut a l'inversion :
634 delt_the = the1 - the2 ! negatif
635 delt_qt = q(i, k) - qt_th(i) ! negatif
636 d_qt(i) = -delt_qt
637 dlt_2(i) = .63*delt_the - the2*delt_qt
638 ! init ctei(i)
639 ctei(i) = dlt_2(i)
640 IF (dlt_2(i)<-0.1) THEN
641 ! integrale de Peter :
642 aa = delt_the - delt_qt*(rlvcp-retv*the2)
643 bb = (rlvcp-(1.+retv)*the2)*ql2
644 d_thv(i) = aa - bb
645 ! approx de Xhi_s et de l'integrale Xint=ctei(i)
646 xhis(i) = bb/(aa-dlt_2(i))
647 ! trmb1(i) = xhis
648 ! trmb3(i) = dlt_2
649 xnull = bb/aa
650 IF (xhis(i)>0.1) THEN
651 ctei(i) = dlt_2(i)*xhis(i) + aa*(1.-xhis(i)) + bb*alog(xhis(i))
652 ELSE
653 ctei(i) = .5*(dlt_2(i)+aa-bb)
654 END IF
655 IF (xnull>0.) THEN
656 posint(i) = aa - bb + bb*alog(xnull)
657 ELSE
658 posint(i) = 0.
659 END IF
660 ELSE
661 ctei(i) = 1.
662 posint(i) = 1.
663 END IF
664 check(i) = .FALSE.
665 omegafl(i) = .TRUE.
666 END IF ! end a pblh
667 IF (check(i)) eauliq(i) = eauliq(i) + (paprs(i,k)-paprs(i,k+1))*ql2/rg
668 END IF
670 END IF ! Zsat
672 ! KAPE : thermique / environnement
673 tv2 = t2*(1.+retv*q2-ql2)
674 ! diag
675 ! dTv21(i,k) = Tv2-Tv1
676 ! Kape courante
677 kape(i) = kape(i) + (zp(i)-zm(i))*rg*.5/(tv2+tv1)*max(0., (tv2-tv1))
678 ! Cin
679 IF (zcin(i) .AND. tv2-tv1>0.) THEN
680 zcin(i) = .FALSE.
681 cin(i) = kin(i)
682 END IF
683 IF (.NOT. zcin(i) .AND. tv2-tv1<0.) THEN
684 zcin(i) = .TRUE.
685 kin(i) = kin(i) + (zp(i)-zm(i))*rg*.5/(tv2+tv1)*min(0., (tv2-tv1))
686 END IF
687 IF (kape(i)+kin(i)<0.) THEN
688 omega(i) = zm(i)
689 ! trmb3(i) = paprs(i,k)
690 omegafl(i) = .FALSE.
691 ! diag
692 ! print*,'Tv2-Tv1 (k): ',i,(dTv21(i,j),j=1,k)
693 END IF
694 ! CC EndIf !plcl
695 END IF ! check(i)
696 END DO
697 END DO ! end of level loop
698 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ end k loop