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Rank of array Dimensions of array

Note: an array may have a null size (for any rank ≥ 1), it is no problem (if a null-size array appears in an expression, no operation is done).

Declaration of an array with constant shape

  • Constant explicit shape: the (lower bounds and) extents are known at compile-time. Example :
real a(10), b(10), c(10)
  • The default lower bound is 1. But you can choose another lower bound. Example :

    real x(-2:3, 5)

  • You can use named constants for the extents. Example :

    integer, parameter:: m = 10, n = 5
    real a(m,n)

Array constructor

  • Write expressions, separated by commas, between square brackets: [expression_1, expression_2, ...]

  • All the expressions must have the same type. Examples :

real v(3)
v = [3.2, 4., 6.51]
character(len=3), parameter:: currency(2) = ["EUR", "FRA"]

Selection of an array element

  • Through a list of subscripts. Number of subscripts: rank of the array. Each subscript must be an integer expression.

  • Example : t3(i * j, 1, k / i + 2)

Array section

  • Choose an arithmetic progression for one or more dimensions. a:b:r where :

    • a is first subscript, defaults to lower bound
    • b: is limiting subscript, defaults to upper bound
    • r: is stride, defaults to 1, may be < 0
  • Examples, assuming t1 is a vector and mat a rank-2 array: t1(m:n), t1(m + n:n:-1) mat(i, :), mat(:i, j:)

Array expression

  • All the intrinsic operators (arithmetic, logical, relational, character) apply to array operands.

  • Array operands must be conformable: they must have the same shape.

  • A scalar and an array are also considered as conformable.

  • The result is an array with the same shape as the operands.

  • Examples :

    • Scalar and array, assuming mat is a rank-2 array: mat / 2

    • Several arrays: mat(:, 0) * t3(:, 1, 1)

    real a(5), b(5)

    a == b: logical array

Array assignment

You can assign an array expression to a conformable array. Examples, assuming a is a vector of size 10 and mat a rank-2 array :

a = a(10:1:-1)
inverts order of the elements of æ.

mat = 0

zeroes all elements of mat.

a(::2) = 0.
zeroes the elements of a which have an odd subscript.

Reading or printing an array

In a read or print statement, you can use not only array elements but also whole arrays (or array sections). Examples :

integer a(10, 2, 3), b(8)

Not only:

read *, a(3, 2, 1)
print *, a(4, 1, 2)

but also possible:

read *, b
print *, a(5:, :, 2)

Array element order

  • Reading or printing an array is done in “array element order”.

  • Order: the subscripts along the first dimension vary most rapidly. Exemple :

    real a(2, 2)
    a(1, 1), a(2, 1), a(1, 2), a(2, 2)

  • Nota bene : array element order normally corresponds to storage order. So, if you need to loop over the elements of an array, do it in array element order.

  • Example, which programming is more efficient?

do j = 1, n
  do i = 1, m
  end do
end do
do i = 1, m
  do j = 1, n
  end do
end do

Example of printing an array

integer a(10, 2, 3)
print *, a(5:, :, :)
prints: a(5, 1, 1), a(6, 1, 1), …, a(10, 1, 1), a(5, 2, 1), … on as many lines as necessary (newlines may be inserted, depending on the compiler).

Reading an array

READ *, my_array
When the program runs, the user can enter elements in the terminal, separated by commas, space or newlines.

Boucle implicite dans un constructeur de vecteur anonyme

[(une expression qui dépend éventuellement de l'indice, variable indice = valeur initiale, valeur finale)]

Exemples :

[(i, i = 1, 10)]

au lieu de :

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Un peu plus élaboré :

[(- pi / 2 + i * delta, i = 0, n)]

crée un tableau réel contenant une suite arithmétique de raison delta.

Allocatable arrays

  • When you do not know the extents at compile-time.

  • Declare only the rank of the array, using a colon character : for each dimension

  • Add the attribute allocatable

    real, allocatable:: a(:), b(:, :)

  • Set the shape of the array at execution-time, either implicitly by assigning an array expression:

a = [3, 5, 1]

or explicitly with an allocate statement:

allocate(a(n:m), b(p, q))

The explicit allocation is useful if, afterwards, you are not going to define the whole array in a single statement.

  • The intrinsic function size gives you the total number of elements in an array. Example:
allocate(a(n:m), b(p, q))

size(a) returns m - n + 1, size(b) returns p × q. The function size can also give the number of indices in a given dimension: size(b, 1) returns p, size(b, 2) returns q. Note that the function size also works with non-allocatable arrays.

The things to remember about arrays

  • Fortran allows you to use not only array elements but also whole arrays or array sections in expressions, assignments, input and ouput statements.

  • You improve concision and clarity by using this feature instead of programming loops on array elements.