Quick reference

Note: some sub-commands can be invoked with alternate names. For example, "fcm help" is the same as "fcm ?". In this annex, some favourite alternate names are listed, separated by a pipe, i.e. the above example will be given as "fcm help|?".

Getting help

fcm help|? get list of subcommands
fcm help|? SUBCOMMAND get help on SUBCOMMAND

Maintaining the working copy

fcm checkout|co [OPTIONS] URL [DEST] Checkout URL (and create a working copy at DEST)
  -r N Checkout revision N of URL
fcm info Print working copy information
fcm status|st [OPTIONS] Print status of working copy
  -u Show update information
  -v Show verbose information
fcm update|up Update working copy with repository changes
fcm switch|sw URL Switch your working copy to point to a branch specified by URL
fcm commit|ci Commit local changes back into the repository

Preparing changes

fcm diff|di [OPTIONS] Display working copy changes in unified diff format
  -b Show differences relative to the base of the branch
  -g Display working copy changes with a graphical diff tool
  -r N Display working copy changes against revision N
  -t Display differences in Trac, (with -b only)
fcm revert [OPTIONS] PATH Restore the file PATH to the pristine copy
  -R Descend PATH recursively, restoring any modified files to the pristine copy
fcm mkdir [PATH] Add a directory PATH under revision control
fcm add [OPTIONS] [PATH] Add PATH under revision control
  -c Check for items not under revision control and add them
fcm delete|del|rm [OPTIONS] [PATH] Remove PATH from revision control
  -c Check for missing items and remove them
fcm copy|cp SRC DST Duplicate SRC to DST, remembering history
fcm move|mv SRC DST Move or rename SRC to DST, remembering history


fcm log [OPTIONS] [TARGET] Show the log message of a TARGET that can either be working copy or URL
  -r N[:M] Show the log message of a range of reivsions
fcm list|ls [OPTIONS] [TARGET] List directory entries in TARGET
  -r N List directory entries of revision N
  -v List directory entries in verbose mode
  -R List directory entries recursively down the directories
fcm trac [TARGET] Open a WWW browser to browse TARGET with Trac


fcm branch|br [OPTIONS] [URL] Show branch information of URL or local working copy
  -d Show branch information and delete the branch
  -c -n NAME Create a branch
fcm merge [SOURCE] Merge changes from SOURCE to your working copy
fcm conflicts|cf Use xxdiff to resolve conflicts in your working copy