FCM System User Guide > System Administration

System Administration

This chapter provides an administration guide for managers of projects or systems which are using FCM.

Note that, where this section refers to the "FCM team" this applies only to Met Office users. External users will either need to refer to the equivalent team within their organisation or will need to perfom these tasks themselves.


Repository design

The FCM system assumes that each project directory has sub-directories called trunk, branches and tags (Subversion recommends it but doesn't insist on it). We recommend that each project within a Subversion repository is in a sub-directory of the repository root.

    |-- <project 1>
    |       |
    |       |-- trunk
    |       |-- branches
    |       |-- tags
    |-- <project 2>
    |       |
    |       |-- trunk
    |       |-- branches
    |       |-- tags
    |-- ...

In theory you could also have the project as the root directory or several levels below the root directory. However, this is not tested and could cause problems with some fcm commands so is best avoided.

You will need to decide whether to use a single project tree for your system or whether to use multiple projects.

Advantages of a single project tree:

Disadvantages of a single project tree:

One common approach is to split the admin type files (things that only the system manager should need to touch) into a separate project from the core system files (which all the developers need access to). If you include any large data files under version control you may also want to use a separate project for them to avoid making your working copies very large when editing code.

Note that there is often no obvious right or wrong answer so you just have to make a decision and see how it works out. You can always re-arrange your repository in the future (although be aware that this will break any changes being prepared on branches at the time).

You also need to decide whether your system requires its own repository (or multiple repositories) or whether it can share with another system.

For simplicity, in most cases you will probably want your own repository for your system.

You will not normally want to have multiple repositories for a system. One exception may be if you are storing large data files where you might not want to keep all the old versions for ever. Removing old versions can't be done without changing all the revision numbers which would mess up all your code history and Trac tickets. Storing the large data files in a separate repository reduces the impact if you do decide to remove old versions in the future. One disadvantage of this approach is that, for the moment at least, Trac only handles one repository so you will need a separate Trac system for the data files.

For further details please see the section Choosing a Repository Layout from the Subversion book.

Creating a repository

Normally the FCM team will help you to set up your initial repository. However, it is quite simple if you need to do it yourself. First you need to issue the command svnadmin create /path/to/repos. This creates an empty repository which is now ready to accept an initial import. To do so, you should create a directory tree in a suitable location, and issue the svn import command. At the top level of your directory tree should be the project directories. Each project should then contain three directories "trunk", "branches" and "tags". The directories "branches" and "tags" should be empty. The directory "trunk" should contain your source files in a directory structure you have chosen. For example, if your directory tree is located at "$HOME/foo", you will do the following to import it to a new repository:

Creating a repository and importing a project tree
(SHELL PROMPT)$ svnadmin create FOO_svn
(SHELL PROMPT)$ svn import $HOME/foo file://$PWD/FOO_svn -m 'Initial import'
Adding         FOO
Adding         FOO/trunk
Adding         FOO/trunk/doc
Adding         FOO/trunk/doc/hello.html
Adding         FOO/trunk/doc/world.html
Adding         FOO/trunk/src
Adding         FOO/trunk/src/bar
Adding         FOO/trunk/src/bar/egg.f90
Adding         FOO/trunk/src/bar/ham.f90
Adding         FOO/branches
Adding         FOO/tags

Committed revision 1.

Note that the svnadmin command takes a PATH as an argument, as opposed to a URL for the svn command.

For further details please see the section Creating the Layout, and Importing Initial Data from the Subversion book.

Access control

You will not normally want to allow anonymous write access to your repository since this means that changes do not get identified with a userid. Therefore system managers need to provide the FCM team with a list of users who should have write access to their repositories. You may also want to arrange passwords for these users although this is only necessary if you need to prevent malicious access. Further restrictions such as preventing anonymous read access or restricting write access to the trunk to a limited set of users can be arranged if necessary.

Repository hosting

The FCM team will organise the hosting of your repository. A number of facilities will be set up for you as standard.

Additional hook scripts can be put in place if you have a requirement. The use of hook scripts is discussed in the section Repository Creation and Configuration from the Subversion book.

Note that if you want to use a Subversion repository for your own individual use there is no need to get the FCM team to host it. You can simply create your repository and then use a file:// URL to access it.

Watching changes in log messages

You can set up a watch facility to monitor changes in revision log messages in your repository. An obvious use of this facility is for system managers to monitor changes of log messages affecting the trunks of their projects. To set up the facility, you will need to add a watch.cfg file to the root of your repository. (To avoid checking out the whole repository, including every branch, make sure that you checkout the root of your repository non-recursively, i.e. fcm checkout -N URL.) The watch.cfg file is an INI-type file, with the basic format:


path/in/repos = list,of,watchers

For example, if your repository is svn://fcm1/FCM_svn/, and you want set up particular users to monitor changes of the log messages affecting several areas within the repository, you may have something like this:


FCM/trunk/src            = fred,bob
FCM/trunk/doc            = fred,bob,alice
FCM/branches/dev/*/*/src = fred

Later on, if "dave" attempts to modify the log message of a changeset that affects the path FCM/trunk/src, "fred" and "bob" will both be notified by e-mail.


Trac configuration

Normally the FCM team will set up your Trac system for you (using a script which helps automate the configuration). This section describes some things you may wish to be configured. This can be done when the Trac system is set up or later if you are unsure what you will require at first.

Access control

You will not normally want to allow anonymous users to make changes to your Trac system since this means that changes may not get identified with a userid. The FCM team will set up your Trac system with accounts for all users who have write access to your Subversion repository. You may also want to arrange passwords for these users although this is only necessary if you need to prevent malicious access. Further restrictions such as preventing anonymous read access can be arranged if necessary.

An additional admin account will be set up for the system manager which will be given TRAC_ADMIN privileges. This allows this account to do additional things which normal users cannot do such as:

We recommend that the system manager uses a normal account most of the time and only uses their admin account when they require the additional privileges.

For further details please see the section Trac Permissions from the Trac documentation.

Email notification

By default, each Trac system is configured such that the owner and reporter and anyone on the "CC" list are notified whenever a change is made to a ticket. If system mangers wish to be notified of all ticket changes then this can also be configured. Alternatively, email notifications can be disabled if they are not wanted.


Milestones are useful for identifying when tickets need to be resolved. Typically, milestones may be particular system releases or time periods. The FCM team can configure milestones for you when they set up your Trac system. However, this is not strictly necessary since milestones can be set up via the web interface using the admin account (go to the Roadmap page).

Other configurable items

There are lots of other things that can be configured in your Trac system such as:

For further details please see the sections The Trac Configuration File and The Trac Ticket System from the Trac documentation.

Trac hosting

The FCM team will organise the hosting of your Trac system. It will be set up on the same server that hosts your Subversion repository and access will be provided via a web server. The FCM team will advise you of the URL. Each night a backup of your Trac system will be taken in case the live system should become corrupted for whatever reason.

FCM keywords

When you set up a repository for a new project, you will normally want the FCM team to set up a set of URL keywords for it in the FCM central configuration file. The name of the project should be a short string containing only word characters. If your project is called "PROJ", the recommended set of keywords are:

If your project has an associated Trac browser, you should also declare the Trac browser URL (that corresponds to the Subversion URL) in the central configuration file. This allows FCM to associate the URL to the Trac browser with a Subversion URL.

For more information on how to set up the keywords, please refer to Repository & Revision Keywords and the Annex: Declarations in FCM central/user configuration file.

Extract and build configuration

The extract and build systems are very flexibile and can be used in lots of different ways. It is therefore difficult to give specific advice explaining how to configure them. However, based on experience with a number of systems, the following general advice can be offered.

Probably the best advice is to look at what has already been set up for other systems. The FCM team can advise on the best systems to examine.

When you create a stable build you should keep an extract configuration file that can reproduce the build. One easy way to do this is to create your build using the standard configuration files and the latest versions of the code. You can then save the expanded extract configuration file which is created when you run the extraction. To help document your stable build you can use the command fcm cmp-ext-cfg to show what has changed.

Maintaining alternate versions of namelists and data files

Sometimes it is useful to be able to access particular revisions of some directories from a FCM repository without having to go via Subversion. Typical examples are namelist or data files used as inputs to a program. The script fcm_update_version_dir.pl is designed to help with this. It can be used to maintain a set of extracted version directories from a FCM repository. The script has the following options and arguments:

If an argument is specified, it must be the location of a configuration file. Otherwise, the command reads its configuration from the standard input. The configuration file is a line-based text file. Blank lines and lines beginning with a "#" are ignored.

Each configuration line must contain the relative path of a sub-directory under the specified source repository URL. If the path ends in "*" then the path is expanded recursively and any sub-directories containing regular files are added to the list of relative paths to extract.

Optionally, each relative path may be followed by a list of space separated "conditions". Each condition is a conditional operator (>, >=, <, <=, == or !=) followed by a revision number or the keyword HEAD.

The command uses the revision log to determine the revisions at which the relative path has been updated in the source repository URL. If these revisions also satisfy the "conditions" set by the user, they will be considered in the extraction. In full mode, everything is re-extracted. In incremental mode, the version directories are only updated if they do not already exist.


fcm_update_version_dir.pl example
(SHELL PROMPT)$ fcm_update_version_dir.pl -u fcm:ver_tr <<EOF
namelists/VerNL_AreaDefinition   >1000 !=1234
namelists/VerNL_GRIBToPPCode     >=600 <3000
elements/*                       >1000


  1. Each time a sub-directory is revised, the script assigns a sequential "v" number for the item. Each "v" number for a sub-directory, therefore, is associated with a revision number. For each extracted revision directory, there is a corresponding "v" number symbolic link pointing to it.
  2. The system also creates a symbolic link "latest" to point to the latest extracted revision directory.

Defining working practises and policies

Some options on working practises and policies are defined in the chapter on Code Management Working Practices. Individual projects should document the approach they have adopted. In addition, each project may also need to define its own working practices and policies to suit its local need. For example each project may need to specify: