14 June 2002 (F. Guichard) In this tar file you will find 5 files: new_flux_ideal.dat new_flux_ideal.ps read_new_flux_ideal.f plot_new_flux_ideal.pro readme.txt "new_flux_ideal.dat" contains the new surface and sensible heat fluxes to be used. The file is built as previous surface_*.dat files except for one value every 30 min instead of every 3h. It contains time fields and surface latent and sensible heat fluxes time series. "read_new_flux_ideal.f" a fortran file which read this file "plot_new_flux_ideal.pro" a pv-wave proigramm to plot these fields "new_flux_ideal.ps" the postcript file generated by "plot_new_flux_ideal.pro" Nota: The time series has been constructed from direct observed total sensible and latent heat fluxes splitted into sensible and latent using the Bowen Ratio from the ARM product.