2018-11-14 16:48
Rev.: 3414
135 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2018-11-12 14:52
Rev.: 3413
1079 lines of code changed in 16 files:
conf_phys_m.F90 (+2 -3),
create_etat0_unstruct.F90 (+4),
cv3_routines.F90 (+1 -8),
limit_read_mod.F90 (+2 -2),
phys_cal_mod.F90 (+8 -6),
phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+5 -3),
physiq_mod.F90 (+33 -13),
radlwsw_m.F90 (+4 -4),
readaerosol.F90 (new),
readaerosolstrato.F90 (+30 -11),
regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90 (+516 -298),
regr_pr_time_av_m.F90 (+31 -7),
surf_land_mod.F90 (+5),
surf_land_orchidee_mod.F90 (+216 -63)
2018-11-05 16:24
Rev.: 3411
1375 lines of code changed in 98 files:
acama_gwd_rando_m.F90 (+8 -43),
add_wake_tend.F90 (+7 -10),
aero_mod.F90 (+2 -6),
albsno.F90 (+1),
alpale_th.F90 (+6 -18),
alpale_wk.F90 (+3 -6),
calbeta.F90 (+1),
calcul_fluxs_mod.F90 (+1 -1),
calwake.F90 (+13 -19),
cfmip_point_locations.F90 (+1),
clesphys.h (+4 -9),
climb_hq_mod.F90 (+1),
climb_wind_mod.F90 (+1),
coef_diff_turb_mod.F90 (+1),
compbl.h (+1),
concvl.F90 (+2 -2),
condsurf.F90 (+1),
conf_phys_m.F90 (+12 -35),
cpl_mod.F90 (+1),
cv3_crit.F90 (-1),
cv3_enthalpmix.F90 (+1 -1),
cv3_estatmix.F90 (+1 -1),
cv3_routines.F90 (+11 -12),
cva_driver.F90 (-8),
cvltr_noscav.F90 (+3 -7),
ener_conserv.F90 (+2 -8),
flott_gwd_rando_m.F90 (+17 -55),
fonte_neige_mod.F90 (+1),
freinage.F90 (+1 -2),
global_mean.F90 (+1),
hbtm.F90 (+1),
hbtm2l.F90 (+1),
hines_gwd.F90 (+1),
icefrac_lsc_mod.F90 (+1),
indice_sol_mod.F90 (-3),
infotrac_phy.F90 (+1 -1),
ini_bilKP_ave.h (+1),
ini_bilKP_ins.h (+1),
interfoce_lim.F90 (+1),
iophy.F90 (+174 -236),
iophys.F90 (+1 -1),
iostart.F90 (+35 -7),
iotd.h (+1),
iotd_ecrit.F90 (+1),
iotd_fin.F90 (+1),
iotd_ini.F90 (+1),
limit_slab.F90 (+1),
macv2sp.F90 (del),
mo_simple_plumes.F90 (del),
newmicro.F90 (+67 -133),
nonlocal.F90 (+1),
oasis.F90 (+1),
ocean_cpl_mod.F90 (+1),
ocean_forced_mod.F90 (+2 -1),
ocean_slab_mod.F90 (+1),
pbl_surface_mod.F90 (+196 -217),
phyetat0.F90 (+2 -5),
phyredem.F90 (+5 -14),
phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+54 -124),
phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90 (+17 -78),
phys_output_mod.F90 (+1 -66),
phys_output_var_mod.F90 (+2 -8),
phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+83 -202),
phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+37 -48),
physiq_mod.F90 (+113 -333),
phytrac_mod.F90 (+6 -36),
printflag.F90 (+4 -4),
radiation_ar4_param.F90 (-2),
radlwsw_m.F90 (+7 -39),
readchlorophyll.F90 (+41 -33),
regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90 (+3 -3),
regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m.F90 (+3 -3),
regr_pr_time_av_m.F90 (+203 -261),
stratosphere_mask.F90 (+27 -34),
suphel.F90 (-2),
surf_land_mod.F90 (+1),
surf_land_orchidee_mod.F90 (+1),
surf_land_orchidee_nofrein_mod.F90 (+1),
surf_land_orchidee_noz0h_mod.F90 (+1),
surf_landice_mod.F90 (+1),
surf_ocean_mod.F90 (+2 -1),
surf_seaice_mod.F90 (+1),
surface_data.F90 (+2 -2),
tend_to_tke.F90 (+10 -13),
thermcell.F90 (+1),
thermcell_condens.F90 (-2),
thermcell_flux2.F90 (+5 -3),
thermcell_plume.F90 (+37 -25),
thermcell_qsat.F90 (-3),
tracreprobus_mod.F90 (+3 -18),
transp.F90 (+5 -14),
transp_lay.F90 (+1),
tropopause_m.F90 (+2 -12),
wake.F90 (+82 -317),
write_bilKP_ave.h (+1),
write_bilKP_ins.h (+1),
wx_pbl_mod.F90 (del),
yamada4.F90 (+12 -8)
2018-06-29 12:31
Rev.: 3356
3599 lines of code changed in 175 files:
acama_gwd_rando_m.F90 (+43 -8),
add_wake_tend.F90 (+10 -7),
aero_mod.F90 (new),
albsno.F90 (new),
alpale_th.F90 (+18 -6),
alpale_wk.F90 (new),
calbeta.F90 (new),
calcul_fluxs_mod.F90 (+1 -1),
calwake.F90 (+19 -13),
cfmip_point_locations.F90 (new),
clesphys.h (+9 -4),
climb_hq_mod.F90 (-1),
climb_wind_mod.F90 (new),
coef_diff_turb_mod.F90 (-1),
compbl.h (-1),
concvl.F90 (new),
condsurf.F90 (new),
conf_phys_m.F90 (+35 -12),
cpl_mod.F90 (-1),
cv3_crit.F90 (new),
cv3_enthalpmix.F90 (new),
cv3_estatmix.F90 (+1 -1),
cv3_routines.F90 (+12 -11),
cva_driver.F90 (+8),
cvltr_noscav.F90 (new),
ener_conserv.F90 (+8 -2),
flott_gwd_rando_m.F90 (+55 -17),
fonte_neige_mod.F90 (-1),
freinage.F90 (new),
global_mean.F90 (-1),
hbtm.F90 (new),
hbtm2l.F90 (new),
hines_gwd.F90 (-1),
icefrac_lsc_mod.F90 (-1),
indice_sol_mod.F90 (+3),
infotrac_phy.F90 (+1 -1),
ini_bilKP_ave.h (-1),
ini_bilKP_ins.h (-1),
interfoce_lim.F90 (new),
iophy.F90 (+236 -174),
iophys.F90 (new),
iostart.F90 (+7 -35),
iotd.h (-1),
iotd_ecrit.F90 (-1),
iotd_fin.F90 (-1),
iotd_ini.F90 (new),
limit_slab.F90 (new),
macv2sp.F90 (new 174),
mo_simple_plumes.F90 (new 413),
newmicro.F90 (+133 -67),
nonlocal.F90 (-1),
oasis.F90 (new),
ocean_cpl_mod.F90 (-1),
ocean_forced_mod.F90 (+1 -2),
ocean_slab_mod.F90 (new),
pbl_surface_mod.F90 (+217 -196),
phyetat0.F90 (+5 -2),
phyredem.F90 (+14 -5),
phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+124 -54),
phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90 (+78 -17),
phys_output_mod.F90 (+66 -1),
phys_output_var_mod.F90 (new),
phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+202 -83),
phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+48 -37),
physiq_mod.F90 (+333 -113),
phytrac_mod.F90 (new),
printflag.F90 (+4 -4),
radiation_ar4_param.F90 (new),
radlwsw_m.F90 (+39 -7),
readchlorophyll.F90 (new),
regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90 (+3 -3),
regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m.F90 (+3 -3),
regr_pr_time_av_m.F90 (+261 -203),
stratosphere_mask.F90 (new),
suphel.F90 (new),
surf_land_mod.F90 (new),
surf_land_orchidee_mod.F90 (new),
surf_land_orchidee_nofrein_mod.F90 (-1),
surf_land_orchidee_noz0h_mod.F90 (new),
surf_landice_mod.F90 (-1),
surf_ocean_mod.F90 (new),
surf_seaice_mod.F90 (new),
surface_data.F90 (new),
tend_to_tke.F90 (+13 -10),
thermcell.F90 (-1),
thermcell_condens.F90 (new),
thermcell_flux2.F90 (+3 -5),
thermcell_plume.F90 (new),
thermcell_qsat.F90 (+3),
tracreprobus_mod.F90 (+18 -3),
transp.F90 (+14 -5),
transp_lay.F90 (new),
tropopause_m.F90 (+12 -2),
wake.F90 (new),
write_bilKP_ave.h (-1),
write_bilKP_ins.h (-1),
wx_pbl_mod.F90 (new 456),
yamada4.F90 (+8 -12)
2018-06-29 11:12
Rev.: 3355
231 lines of code changed in 12 files:
2018-05-29 15:16
Rev.: 3336
167 lines of code changed in 7 files:
2018-05-16 15:01
Rev.: 3326
8 lines of code changed in 6 files:
2018-05-04 15:54
Rev.: 3323
561 lines of code changed in 3 files:
2018-05-04 15:33
Rev.: 3322
15 lines of code changed in 3 files:
2018-05-03 15:32
Rev.: 3320
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2018-04-11 10:27
Rev.: 3312
251 lines of code changed in 12 files:
2017-11-16 13:12
Rev.: 3077
115 lines of code changed in 4 files:
2017-11-10 15:25
Rev.: 3065
739 lines of code changed in 24 files:
add_phys_tend_mod.F90 (new),
calcul_divers.h (new),
clesphys.h (new),
climoz_mod.F90 (new 80),
conf_phys_m.F90 (+7 -5),
grid_noro_m.F90 (new),
ini_undefSTD.F90 (new),
moy_undefSTD.F90 (new),
phyetat0.F90 (new),
phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+3 -3),
physiq_mod.F90 (new),
regr_lat_time_climoz_m.F90 (new 496),
undefSTD.F90 (new)
2017-10-31 18:56
Rev.: 3055
0 lines of code changed in 6 files:
2017-10-30 11:20
Rev.: 3050
0 lines of code changed in 2 files:
2017-10-29 12:13
Rev.: 3049
0 lines of code changed in 2 files: