(1 files, 84 lines)
(5 files, 2384 lines)
Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 3 (100.0%) | 28 (100.0%) | 9.3 |
emillour | 1 (33.3%) | 22 (78.6%) | 22.0 |
fairhead | 2 (66.7%) | 6 (21.4%) | 3.0 |
Correction on the values of the longitude boundaries which were offset wrt scalar grid point longitudes.
22 lines of code changed in 1 file:
"Historic" :-) commit merging the physics branch used for DYNAMICO with the LMDZ trunk.
The same physics branch can now be used seamlessly with the traditional lon-lat LMDZ
dynamical core and DYNAMICO.
Testing consisted in running a lon-lat LMDZ bucket simulation with the NPv6.1 physics package
with the original trunk sources and the merged sources. Tests were succesful in the sense that
numeric continuity was preserved in the restart files from both simulation. Further tests
included running both versions of the physics codes for one year in a LMDZOR setting in which
the restart files also came out identical.
- as the physics package now manages unstructured grids, grid information needs to be transmitted
to the surface scheme ORCHIDEE. This means that the interface defined in surf_land_orchidee_mod.F90
is only compatible with ORCHIDEE version orchidee2.1 and later versions. If previous versions of
ORCHIDEE need to be used, the CPP key ORCHIDEE_NOUNSTRUCT needs to be set at compilation time.
This is done automatically if makelmdz/makelmdz_fcm are called with the veget orchidee2.0 switch
- due to a limitation in XIOS, the time at which limit conditions will be read in by DYNAMICO will be
delayed by one physic timestep with respect to the time it is read in by the lon-lat model. This is caused
by the line
IF (MOD(itime-1, lmt_pas) == 0 .OR. (jour_lu /= jour .AND. grid_type /= unstructured)) THEN ! time to read
in limit_read_mod.F90
Work still needed on COSP integration and XML files for DYNAMICO
6 lines of code changed in 2 files: