University Documents
PhD Thesis
General circulation and photochemistry in Titan's atmosphere
Defense: June 14, 2000 at CESR, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
For twenty years, the atmosphere of Titan has been intensively observed
and studied. A lot of questions about this complex system still need to
be adressed, especially about the interactions between microphysics of the haze,
photochemistry and atmospheric dynamics.
To better understand the atmosphere of Titan before the arrival of the
Cassini-Huygens mission, we developed a two-dimensional photochemical general
circulation model. A three-dimensional description of the ultraviolet flux was
used to get a realistic ultraviolet field at every latitude and season,
and an up-to-date review of the hydrocarbon photochemistry was done.
We introduced the transport by meridional winds and horizontal transient
eddies in a two-dimensional (latitude-altitude) photochemical and transport
model, which, along with a purely dynamic study and a sensitivity study,
demonstrated the role of dynamical transport on the latitudinal variations of
the stratospheric composition, as observed by the Voyager I mission.
Comparison between the different observations and our results is fairely good,
but the uncertainties on chemical data remain a main source of difficulties.
We investigated the radiative retroaction of the variations of the composition
on the temperature field. The coupled version of the general circulation model
will be a powerful tool to investigate the new data obtained with the
Cassini-Huygens mission.
[ Full manuscript ]
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
Venus et Titan, étude d'atmosphères en superrotation
Defense: July 5, 2013 at LMD, UPMC, Paris, France
Among the Solar System, Venus and Titan (Saturn's satellite) share a peculiar
atmospheric phenomenon: their dens atmosphere rotate globally much faster than
the solid body below it. This is called the superrotation.
In this document, I describe the studies I have done on these atmosphere during
the past ten years, as well as the perspectives for my research in the years to
To interpret the large datasets being harvested by the Cassini-Huygens and
Venus-Express missions, I participated to the development of efficient numerical
tools: the General Circulation Models (GCM). Used to study Earth's climate,
these GCMs are now adapted to study other similar atmospheres, such as Venus's
and Titan's. The GCMs developed at LMD are recognized as leaders in the field.
My work has been organized around two main axes: first, the analysis of
interactions that play a crucial role in the behavior of these atmospheric
systems; then the in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that control superrotation.
In these atmospheres, several sub-systems are interacting in a deeply coupled
way, through radiative transfer and transport: atmospheric dynamics, haze and
clouds (microphysics), and gas composition (photochemistry). Using GCMs that
include all these couplings, it is possible to demonstrate how the circulation
modifies the distribution of opacity sources, which in return modifies the
thermal structure and the circulation.
Modeling a superrotation atmosphere has often been a difficult problem. It is
extremely sensitive to the details of the GCM dynamical core, as we have
illustrated with an intercomparison study of most of the Venus GCMs developed
around the world, forced with identical physical parameters.
One hypothesis to understand the wide range of results obtained is the crucial
impact of angular momentum conservation in GCMs.
An in-depth analysis of this conservation in the two Venus GCMs I have been
working with shows how it is difficult to guarantee.
Despite these difficulties, the analysis of the circulation modeled with the
LMD Venus and Titan GCM allows to understand the mechanisms behind the
superrotation. Angular momentum distribution is mainly controled by the mean
meridional circulation and by horizontal barotropic waves. However, seasons on
Titan must be taken into account, as well as thermal tides on Venus, that
redistribute angular momentum vertically above the clouds.
The perspectives for my research in the coming years are organized along several
directions: improving the parametrizations of small-scale processes (planetary
boundary layer, convection, gravity waves), extending vertically the GCMs into
the lower thermosphere, and adapting new dynamical cores that will help to
better describe polar regions.
[ Full manuscript ]