I am a maître de conférences hors-classe at Sorbonne Université (Faculté des Sciences), Paris, France (previously known as Université Pierre et Marie Curie) and a researcher at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique [permanent position since september 2010].
My research domain lies in between astrophysics and geophysical fluid dynamics. I am interested in how the most prominent atmospheric manifestations, witnessed at the planetary scale by telescopes and orbiting spacecraft, arise from smaller-scale atmospheric phenomena: turbulence, waves and instabilities. I work on various planetary atmospheres in the Solar System: from telluric planets (Mars, Venus) to giant planets (Saturn, Jupiter).
I pursue this research goal by creating innovative climate computer models, used as both predictive and interpretative tools to complement the spacecraft exploration of planetary atmospheres to which I also participate. Since 2007, I have led the development of a mesoscale/LES model for Mars, and a similar effort for Venus has started in 2015. I have also been supervising the development of a high-resolution GCM for Saturn and Jupiter since 2012.
Aside from research, I teach general physics, climate science, planetary science (undergraduate and master studies). I also develop software tools, which includes the online interface for the Mars Climate Database, and planetoplot, a Python-based tool to explore and plot data in netCDF files.
- Since September 2020, I am promoted to level "hors classe" (i.e. senior) of maître de conférences.
- Since September 2017, and until 2022, I am a junior IUF member.
- Since spring 2017, I am qualified (i.e. officially allowed) to apply to a Professor position.
- Since November 8th 2016, I am entitled to supervise research [HDR] by UPMC (read my HDR manuscript).
- In 2013/2014, I was granted a 50% "délégation" by CNRS.
- In September 2010, I was recruited on my current permanent position at UPMC.
- In 2009/2010, I was a post-doc at the The Open University, United Kingdom with Stephen R. Lewis. In spring 2010, I visited Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, Spain during three months.
- In 2008, I completed the PhD degree from Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Planetary Science, with François Forget as an advisor. I received the 2009 "Best Thesis in Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences" award from Fondation EADS.
- In 2005, I obtained a MSc degree from UPMC in climate science, atmospheric physics and remote sensing. I also hold a degree from Ecole Polytechnique (X2000) and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. While I was at Ecole Polytechnique in 2003, I was hired as a three-month research intern at NASA Ames Research Center