last update: 22 July 2014
The initial proposal document is available here.
The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the dominant mode of intraseasonal variability in the tropics. Climate models have persistent difficulties to simulate its characteristics. Why do some models capture it better than others? What processes are key to simulate the MJO? The novelty of this proposal is to address these questions by combining humidity and cloud measurements with water
vapor isotopic measurements (HDO/H2O ratio). We will use the isotope-enabled general circulation model (GCM) LMDZ and compare sensitivity tests to cloud processes to identify critical processes in the MJO simulation. We will design a framework to interpret joint humidity, isotopic and cloud distributions in terms of cloud processes. Model simulations will be compared with several datasets of collocated cloud, humidity and isotopic measurements. This should allow us to discriminate between the different physical processes embedded in the simulations, and thus identify the causes of model biases.
- 1 February 2013: official start of the project
- 1 May 2013: official start of Obbe Tuinenburg's post-doc, for 2.5 years
- August 2013: 6-month assessment report
- 8 October 2013: Kick of meeting
- July 2014: 18-month assessment report
- May 2015: 30-month assessment report
- January 2018: final assessment report
- 30 January 2018: end of the project
Project members
- Coordinator: Camille Risi
- Post-doc: Obbe Tuinenburg
- Collaborators initially mentionned in the project:
- Observers: R. Armante, M. Berkelhammer, H. Chepfer, C. Clerbaux, N. Deutscher, N. Kurita, J-L. Lacour, S. Parkes, M. Schneider, G. Seze, C. Stubenrauch, J. Worden
- Modelers: S. Bony, R. Field, J-Y. Grandpeix, J-P. Pinty, C. Rio, L. Sime, K. Yoshimura
- Other collaborators: Jean-Philippe Duvel, Caroline Muller, Peter Blossey
Advised students
- Alexandre Bobeau, sept 2017: stage d'école d'ingénieur sur les simulations LES isotopiques
- Lea Schmitz, 2017: stage de M1 sur les simulations LES isotopiques: rapport de stage
- Alexandre Hebre, 2017: stage de L3 sur les simulations LES isotopiques: rapport de stage
- Antoine Vaunat, 2017: stage de M1 sur la MJO
- Nicolas Brice, 2017: stage de M1 sur la MJO
- Julia Bres, 2017: stage de M1 sur la MJO: rapport de stage
- Romain Uthayakumar, 2016-2017: stage de L3 sur la simulation de la MJO.
- Natacha Legrix, 2016, stage de L3 sur les processus humidifiants et assechants selon le degré d'aggregation de la convection: proposition initiale
- Florentin Breton, 2016, stage de M1 sur les processus humidifiants et assechants au cours du cycle de vie des systemes convectifs: proposition initiale
- Ella Tribes, 2016, stage de M1 sur l'effet de la représentation des processus convectifs sur la simulation de la MJO avec le modele LMDZ
- Anis Bouchelit, 2014, stage de M1 sur les profils de chauffage diabatique dans LMDZ-1D
Science publications
- Lacour, J-L, Risi, C, Worden, J, Clerbaux, C, Coheurd, P-F. (2018), Importance of depth and intensity of convection on the isotopic composition of water vapor as seen from IASI and TES ¿D observations. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett 41:
- Tuinenburg, O, C. Risi, J.-L. Lacour, M. Schneider, A. Wiegele, J. Worden, N. Kurita, J.P. Duvel, N. Deutscher, S. Bony, P.F. Coheur, C. Clerbaux (2015). Moist processes during MJO events as diagnosed from water isotopic measurements from the IASI satellite. J. Geophys. Res. 120(20):10,619-10,636. DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023461
- C. Risi, J.-L. Lacour, J. Worden, S. Bony (to be submitted). Constraining the depth of tropical convective mixing in climate models using water vapor isotopic measurements.
Outreach publications
- C. Risi and J-P Duvel, L'oscillation de Madden Julian. La Meteorologie. volume 86
- O Tuinenburg, C. Risi, J-L Lacour, J-P Duvel. Diagnostiques isotopiques des processus humidifiants au cours de la MJO. Article in LMDZ-info, 2014
Outreach presentations
- La composition isotopique de la vapeur d'eau dans les tropiques, marqueur des processus convectifs et nuageux preesents et passees. Presentation for the SFIS at the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris, May 2013
Presentations in international conferences and workshops
- Composition isotopique de la vapeur d'eau en fonction du cycle de vie et de l'organisation de la convection. Poster at GDR Megha-Tropiques, Montpellier, October 2016.
- O. Tuinenburg: ESA conference, Rome, October 2015.
- O. Tuinenburg: seasonal prediction workshop, Korea, June 2015.
- O. Tuinenburg, C. Risi, J-L. Lacour, M. Schneider. Using stable
water isotopes to improve MJO understanding and representation. AGU Fall meeting, December 2015, San Francisco, US.
- Stable Water Isotope Dynamics Can Constrain GCM Convective Processes during the MJO. Proposed presentation by Obbe Tuinenburg at the AGU fall meeting in San Francisco, USA, December 2014.
- Water vapor isotopic measurements to evaluate the representation of moist processes in models during Madden-Julian oscillation. presentation at the WWOSC conference, August 2014
- IASI deltaD and q during MJO events. Presentation by Obbe Tuinenburg at the GEWEX conference in Den Haag, the Netherlands, July 2014.
- Relative roles of deep convection, shallow convection and large-scale condensation parameterizations using water isotopic measurements. Poster by Camille Risi at the GEWEX conference in Den Haag, the Netherlands, July 2014.
- Water isotopes for atmospheric water cycle applications. Presentation by Camille Risi at the Pan-Gewex meeting in Den Haag, the Netherlands, July 2014.
- Using HDO/H2O dynamics to constrain GCM convective processes during the MJO Poster by Obbe Tuinenburg at the LATSIS symposium in Zurich, Switzerland, June 2014.
- Using HDO/H2O dynamics to constrain GCM convective processes during the MJOPoster by Obbe Tuinenburg at the EGU in Vienna, April 2014.
- How can we make use of water isotopic observations to better evaluate the representation of moist processes in climate models. Presentation by Camille Risi at the Grand Challenge workshop on Clouds, Circulation and Climate sensitivity, Ringberg, Germany, March 2014
- Evaluating convective and cloud processes during MJO events using measurements of water vapor isotopic composition. Presentation at the 5th International workshop on monsoons in Macao, October 2013.
- Evaluating the role of convective and large-scale condensation
parameterizations on their environment during the MJO
events using measurements of water isotopic composition. Poster at the 5th International workshop on monsoons in Macao, October 2013.
- Use of isotopes for process oriented diagnostics Presentation at an MJO task force meeting in Macao, October 2013.
- The added value of tropospheric water vapor measurements for process-oriented evaluation of convective and cloud processes in climate models. Presentation by Camille Risi at the water isotopes workshop in Gif-sur-Yvette, October 2013.
- IASI deltaD and q during MJO events. Presentation by Obbe Tuinenburg at the water isotopes workshop in Gif-sur-Yvette, October 2013.
- Evaluation of the interplay between deep convective parameterization and large-scale condensation using measurements of water isotopic composition profiles. Poster by Camille Risi at the EGU in Vienna, April 2013.
- The added value of tropospheric water vapor isotopic measurements for process-oriented evaluation of convective, cloud and transport processes in climate models. Poster by Camille Risi at the WGNE workshop on systematic errors in climate models, April 2013.
Meetings between project members, other presentations at various meetings and seminars
- Apport des mesures isotopiques dans la vapeur d'eau pour évaluer la représentation des processus convectifs dans les modèles de climat, presentation at the DEPHY2 meeting, Paris, June 2016.
- Using water vapor isotopic measurements to evaluate moist and cloud processes
in general circulation models. seminar at the NASA/JPL, October 2014
- Trying to constrain precipitation projections and how do water isotopic measurements inform us about moist and cloud processes. seminar at the University of California in Los Angeles, October 2014
- Trying to constrain precipitation projections and how do water isotopic measurements inform us about moist and cloud processes. Invited seminar at the Berlekey University, October 2014
- Water vapor isotopic measurements to evaluate the representation of moist processes in models during Madden-Julian oscillation. presentation at the MJO task force meeting, August 2014
- Nouvelles d'LMDZ-iso. Presentation at the Day of LMDZ users, Paris, June 2014
- Water isotopes during Cindy-Dynamo. Presentation by Obbe Tuinenburg at a meeting of the VOASSI (Variabilite Ocean-Atmosphere du Secteur Sud-ouest de l'ocean Indien) project in Paris, June 2013.
- 13 May 2014: meeting with J Worden and J-L Lacour
- "Convection meetings" gathering LMD people interested in convection, including S Bony, D Coppin, J-P Duvel, J-Y Grandpeix, C Rio, C Risi, G Seze, C Stubenrauch, O Tuinenburg: 28 February 2013, 31 May 2013, 15 November 2013, 6 March 2014, 6 June 2014. Discussions about activities associated with CONVISO, including some presentations:
- L'evenement MJO de fin novembre 2011 vu sous l'angle des isotopes, presentation by Camille Risi, 28 February 2013.
- IASI deltaD and q during MJO events, presentation by Obbe Tuinenburg, 15 November 2013.
- 8 October 2013: Kick-off meeting. Participants: S Bony, D Coppin, J-Y Grandpeix, J-L Lacour, C Rio, C Risi, G Seze, C Stubenrauch, O Tuinenburg. This included some presentations:
- CONVISO project: initial results and way forward. Presentation by Obbe Tuinenburg
- The added value of water isotopic measurements for process-oriented evaluation of atmospheric and land surface hydrological processes in climate models. Seminar by Camille Risi at the Tsinghua University in Beijing, April 2013.
- The added value of tropospheric water vapor isotopic measurements for evaluation cloud and precipitation processes in climate models. Seminar by Camille Risi at the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research in Beijing, April 2013.
- 27 September 2012: short presentation of the project to ANR.