
1.3 Outputs

The model results are displayed in the interface through curves and drawings or can be exported in different formats.

Figure 5: Screenshot of the page where results are displayed, on Windows.

Figure 6: Screenshot of the page where results are displayed, when the “Edit simulations” icon is activated, on Windows.

1.3.1 Curves

Curves display:

  1. The global, annual-mean temperature at the Earth's surface, in °C
  2. The $CO_{2}$ concentration, in ppm
  3. $CO_{2}$ emissions, in Gt of Carbone per year (GtC/year)
  4. The sea level
  5. The latitude of ice sheers, in ° of latitude
  6. The global-mean planetary albedo, without unity.
The curves display time in x-axis, in year after JC, and the displayed variable in y-axis.

When superimposing several simulations, the curves are displayed in different colors. The color code connecting the color to the simulation names is indicated in the key.

1.3.2 Drawings

Two types of drawings are displayed:

1.3.3 Export in .csv format

Simulation results may be downloaded as .csv numerical format, which can then be opened as an Excell scheet. To do so, click on the «download» icon near the top-right corner (figure 5).