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Lott, F.,
    Etudes des interactions entre une perturbation et un écoulement   moyen au voisinage d'un niveau critique: influence des dissipation,
    Thèse doctorat de l'Université Paris~6 (Ph. D.), 180pp, Novembre 1989
Lott, F., G. Madec, and J. Verron,
        Topographic experiments in an Ocean General Circulation Model,
        Ocean modelling, 88, 1990
Lott, F., and H. Teitelbaum,
        Influence of dissipation on gravity waves propagating through a shear layer and on instabilities: validity of the  linear approximation,
         Annales Geophysicae 8, 37--52, 1990
Lott, F., and H. Teitelbaum, Nonlinear evolution of an unstable stratified  shear layer,
        Advances In Space Research, 12, 10199--10202,  1992
Lott, F., and H. Teitelbaum,
        Nonlinear dissipative critical level interaction  in a stratified shear flow: instabilities and gravity waves,
        Geophysical  and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 66, 133--167, 1992
Lott, F., H.Kelder, and H.Teitelbaum,
        A transition from Kelvin-Helmholtz  instabilities to propagating wave instabilities,
        Physics of Fluids A, 4, (9), 1990--1997, 1992
Lott, F., and H. Teitelbaum,
        Linear unsteady mountain waves,
        Tellus, 45 A, 201--220, 1993
Lott, F., and H. Teitelbaum,
        Topographic waves generated by a transient wind,
        Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 50, 2607--2624, 1993
Vial, F., F. Lott, and H. Teitelbaum,
        A possible signal of the el nino-southern  oscillation in time series of the diurnal tide,
         Geophysical Research  Letters21, 13, 1603--1606, 1993
Lott, F.,
        The significance of subgrid scale orography and problems in their  representation in GCM,
        in Parametrization of sub-grid scale physical  processes, Seminar Proceedings, 277--303, ECMWF, 1994
 Teitelbaum, H., J. Ovarlez, H. Kelder, and F. Lott,
        Some observations of gravity wave induced structure in ozone and water vapor during EASOE,
        Geophysical Research  Letters, 21, 1483--1487, 1994
Lott, F.,
        Comparison between the orographic response of the ECMWF model and  the PYREX 1990 data,
        Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological  Society, 121, 1323--1348, 1995
Lott, F.,
    Etudes des ondes atmosphérique de petite échelle et de leur  impact sur la circulation générale de l'atmosphère,
    Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Paris 6,   35pp, Novembre 1996.
Lott, F., and M. Miller,
        The representation of sub-grid scale orography in  GCMs,
        in  Gravity Wave Processes and Their Parameterization in Global  Climate Models, NATO Advanced Workshop Proceedings, 1996
Madec, C., F.  Lott, P.  Delecluse, and M.  Crepon,
        Large scale preconditionning of deep water formation in the north-western  Mediterranean sea,
       Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26, 1393-1408, 1996
Lott, F., and M. Miller,
        A new subgrid scale orographic drag parameterization;  its testing in the ECMWF model,
        Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 123, 101--127, 1997
Lott, F.,
        Impact of various representation of orography on a GCM winter climate,
         in ECMWF Workshop on Orography proceedings, 1997
Lott, F.,
        The transient emission of propagating gravity waves by a stably stratified shear layer,
        Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 123, 1603--1619, 1997
Lott, F.,
        Linear mountain drag  and averaged pseudo momentum profiles in the presence of  trapped lee waves,
        Tellus, 50A,  12--25, 1998
Scavuzzo, M., C. Lamfri, H. Teitelbaum, and F. Lott,
        A study of the low  frequency inertio-gravity waves observed during PYREX,
        Journal of Geophysical Reasearch,  D2, 103, 1747-1758, 1998
Lott, F.,
        Alleviation of stationary biases in a GCM through  a mountain drag parametrization scheme and a  simple representation of mountain lift forces,
        Monthly Weather Review,   127, 788--801, 1999
Teitelbaum, H., M. Moustaoui, R. Sadourny, and F. Lott,
        Critical levels and mixing layers induced by convectively generated  gravity waves duringCEPEX,
        Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 125, 1715-1734, 1999
Lott, F., A. W. Robertson and M. Ghil,
        Mountain Torques and Atmospheric Oscillations,
        Geophysical Research  Letters, 8, 1207-1210, 2001.
Georgelin, M. and F. Lott,
      On the transfer of momentum by trapped lee waves.  Case of the IOP3 of PYREX,
      Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,  58, 3563--3580, 2001
Moldovan, H., Lott, F. and H. Teitelbaum,
      Wave breaking and critical levels for propagating inertio-gravity waves  in the lower stratosphere,
       Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,  713-732, 2002.
Lott, F.,
        Large-scale flow response to short gravity waves breaking in a rotating shear flow,
        Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 60, 1691-1704, 2003.
Tobie, G., F. Forget and F. Lott,
        Numerical simulation of the winter polar wave clouds observed by Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter,
        Icarus, 164, 33-49, 2003.
Ollers, M. C., L. P. Kamp, F. Lott, P. Van Velthoven, H.M. Kelder and F.W. Sluijter,
         Propagation properties of inertia gravity waves through a barotropic shear layer and application to the Antarctic polar vortex,
         Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 129, 2495-2511, 2003.
Lott, F., A. W. Robertson and M. Ghil,
        Mountain torques and  Northern-Hemisphere low-frequency variability Part I: Hemispheric and oscillatory aspects,
        Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 61, 1259-1271, 2004.
Lott, F., A. W. Robertson and M. Ghil,
        Mountain torques and  Northern-Hemisphere low-frequency variability Part II:   Regional and episodic aspects,
        Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 61, 1272-1283, 2004.
Lott, F. and F. d'Andrea,
        Mass and wind axial angular momentum responses to mountain torques in the 1-25 day band. Links with the Arctic Oscillation.
        Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 131, 1483-1500, doi: 10.1256/qg.03.168, 2005.
Lott, F.,L. Fairhead, F. Hourdin and P. Levan,
        The stratospheric version of LMDz: Dynamical Climatologies, Arctic Oscillation, and Impact on the Surface Climate.
        Climate Dynamics, 25, 851-868, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-005-0064-x, 2005.
de Viron O., G. Schwarzbaum, F. Lott and V. Dehan,
        Diurnal and sub-diurnal effects of the atmosphere on the Earth rotation and geocenter Motion,
        Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, No B11404, doi: 10.1029/2005JB003761, 2005.
Lott, F., L. Goudard and A. Martin,
        Links between the mountain torque and the Arctic Oscillation in the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMDz) general circulation model,
        Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D22107, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006073, 2005.
Hourdin, F., I. Musat, S. Bony, P. Braconnot, F. Codron, J.-L. Dufresne, L. Fairhead, M.-A. Filiberti, P. Friedlingstein, J.-Y. Grandpeix, G. Krinner, P. Levan,  and  F. Lott,
        The LMDZ4 general circulation model: climate performance and sensitivity to parametrized physics with emphasis on tropical convection,
        Climate Dynamics,  Submitted 2005.
Martin, A. and F. Lott,
    Synoptic  responses  to mountain gravity waves  encoutering directional critical levels,
  Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Submitted, 2005.