I am currently (and up to october 2023) a PhD student at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, under supervision of Francois Forget.
Short Vitae
- In 2019 I was recruted on the Mars Through Time (MTT) ERC project as a PhD student to work on recent martian paleoclimates.
- In 2018-2019 I completed my Master's degree at in Planetology at Sorbonne Universite, with my final internship in Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM)
- In 2016-2017 I graduated in Ecole Normale Superieure and did my first year of Master degree in Geosciences, both in geology and climate physics.
- In 2015 I was admitted in the department of Geosciences of Ecole Normale Superieure for the end of my bachelor and my master's degree.