2021-04-30 23:45
Rev.: 3886
20 lines of code changed in 2 files:
2021-04-28 16:55
Rev.: 3880
64284 lines of code changed in 378 files:
makelmdz (new),
makelmdz_fcm (changed)
conf_phys_m.F90 (new),
physiq_mod.F90 (changed),
radlwsw_m.F90 (changed)
AER-BSD3-LICENSE (new 28),
DEPENDENCIES.txt (new 51),
README (new 72),
abor1.F90 (new 34),
abor1.intfb.h (new 5),
cargs.h (new 70),
cas.h (new 62),
crc.h (new 46),
dr_hook_util.h (new 21),
dr_hook_util_multi.h (new 21),
drhook.h (new 242),
easy_netcdf.F90 (new 2328),
ec_meminfo.intfb.h (new 18),
ec_mpi_finalize.intfb.h (new 20),
ec_pmon.intfb.h (new 17),
ecsort_shared.h (new 692),
getstatm.h (new 39),
intercept_alloc.h (new 61),
listing_history (new 1000),
malloc_extension_c.h (new 110),
mpl_module.F90 (new 57),
parkind1.F90 (new 57),
parrrtm.F90 (new 110),
parsrtm.F90 (new 131),
privpub.h (new 649),
radiation_adding_ica_lw.F90 (new 326),
radiation_adding_ica_sw.F90 (new 149),
radiation_aerosol.F90 (new 198),
radiation_aerosol_optics.F90 (new 640),
radiation_aerosol_optics_data.F90 (new 507),
radiation_cloud.F90 (new 656),
radiation_cloud_cover.F90 (new 566),
radiation_cloud_generator.F90 (new 485),
radiation_cloud_optics.F90 (new 491),
radiation_cloud_optics_data.F90 (new 108),
radiation_cloudless_lw.F90 (new 179),
radiation_cloudless_sw.F90 (new 245),
radiation_config.F90 (new 1980),
radiation_constants.F90 (new 35),
radiation_delta_eddington.h (new 93),
radiation_flux.F90 (new 633),
radiation_gas.F90 (new 619),
radiation_homogeneous_lw.F90 (new 317),
radiation_homogeneous_sw.F90 (new 374),
radiation_ice_optics_baran.F90 (new 111),
radiation_ice_optics_baran2016.F90 (new 72),
radiation_ice_optics_baran2017.F90 (new 71),
radiation_ice_optics_fu.F90 (new 130),
radiation_ice_optics_yi.F90 (new 148),
radiation_ifs_rrtm.F90 (new 871),
radiation_ifs_rrtm.F90.or (new 851),
radiation_interface.F90 (new 619),
radiation_io.F90 (new 63),
radiation_liquid_optics_slingo.F90 (new 109),
radiation_liquid_optics_socrates.F90 (new 77),
radiation_lw_derivatives.F90 (new 257),
radiation_matrix.F90 (new 1002),
radiation_mcica_lw.F90 (new 361),
radiation_mcica_sw.F90 (new 348),
radiation_monochromatic.F90 (new 382),
radiation_optical_depth_scaling.h (new 73),
radiation_overlap.F90 (new 459),
radiation_pdf_sampler.F90 (new 210),
radiation_regions.F90 (new 202),
radiation_save.F90 (new 1000),
radiation_scheme.F90 (new 736),
radiation_setup.F90 (new 458),
radiation_single_level.F90 (new 371),
radiation_spartacus_lw.F90 (new 1085),
radiation_spartacus_sw.F90 (new 1720),
radiation_thermodynamics.F90 (new 330),
radiation_tripleclouds_lw.F90 (new 536),
radiation_tripleclouds_sw.F90 (new 608),
radiation_two_stream.F90 (new 729),
radsurf_3d_vegetation.F90.or (new 73),
radsurf_flux.F90 (new 120),
radsurf_homogeneous_vegetation.F90.or (new 38),
radsurf_intermediate.F90 (new 1316),
radsurf_properties.F90 (new 446),
radsurf_save.F90 (new 143),
raise.h (new 44),
random_numbers_mix.F90 (new 440),
rrtm_cmbgb1.F90 (new 124),
rrtm_cmbgb1.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb10.F90 (new 96),
rrtm_cmbgb10.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb11.F90 (new 117),
rrtm_cmbgb11.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb12.F90 (new 86),
rrtm_cmbgb12.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb13.F90 (new 129),
rrtm_cmbgb13.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb14.F90 (new 101),
rrtm_cmbgb14.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb15.F90 (new 102),
rrtm_cmbgb15.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb16.F90 (new 112),
rrtm_cmbgb16.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb2.F90 (new 118),
rrtm_cmbgb2.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb3.F90 (new 149),
rrtm_cmbgb3.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb4.F90 (new 117),
rrtm_cmbgb4.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb5.F90 (new 151),
rrtm_cmbgb5.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb6.F90 (new 104),
rrtm_cmbgb6.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb7.F90 (new 144),
rrtm_cmbgb7.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb8.F90 (new 128),
rrtm_cmbgb8.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_cmbgb9.F90 (new 148),
rrtm_cmbgb9.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_ecrt_140gp_mcica.F90 (new 370),
rrtm_gas_optical_depth.F90 (new 197),
rrtm_gas_optical_depth.intfb.h (new 59),
rrtm_gasabs1a_140gp.F90 (new 235),
rrtm_gasabs1a_140gp.intfb.h (new 61),
rrtm_init_140gp.F90 (new 187),
rrtm_init_140gp.intfb.h (new 5),
rrtm_kgb1.F90 (new 355),
rrtm_kgb1.F90.or (new 355),
rrtm_kgb1.intfb.h (new 5),
rrtm_kgb10.F90 (new 171),
rrtm_kgb10.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb11.F90 (new 345),
rrtm_kgb11.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb12.F90 (new 181),
rrtm_kgb12.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb13.F90 (new 1733),
rrtm_kgb13.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb14.F90 (new 170),
rrtm_kgb14.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb15.F90 (new 918),
rrtm_kgb15.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb16.F90 (new 208),
rrtm_kgb16.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb2.F90 (new 182),
rrtm_kgb2.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb3.F90 (new 1381),
rrtm_kgb3.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb4.F90 (new 229),
rrtm_kgb4.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb5.F90 (new 972),
rrtm_kgb5.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb6.F90 (new 253),
rrtm_kgb6.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb7.F90 (new 1031),
rrtm_kgb7.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb8.F90 (new 625),
rrtm_kgb8.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_kgb9.F90 (new 1028),
rrtm_kgb9.intfb.h (new 4),
rrtm_prepare_gases.F90 (new 232),
rrtm_prepare_gases.intfb.h (new 38),
rrtm_rrtm_140gp_mcica.F90.or (new 304),
rrtm_setcoef_140gp.F90 (new 283),
rrtm_setcoef_140gp.intfb.h (new 56),
rrtm_taumol1.F90 (new 283),
rrtm_taumol1.intfb.h (new 35),
rrtm_taumol10.F90 (new 121),
rrtm_taumol10.intfb.h (new 30),
rrtm_taumol11.F90 (new 149),
rrtm_taumol11.intfb.h (new 34),
rrtm_taumol12.F90 (new 272),
rrtm_taumol12.intfb.h (new 35),
rrtm_taumol13.F90 (new 337),
rrtm_taumol13.intfb.h (new 40),
rrtm_taumol14.F90 (new 121),
rrtm_taumol14.intfb.h (new 30),
rrtm_taumol15.F90 (new 292),
rrtm_taumol15.intfb.h (new 40),
rrtm_taumol16.F90 (new 273),
rrtm_taumol16.intfb.h (new 35),
rrtm_taumol2.F90 (new 132),
rrtm_taumol2.intfb.h (new 32),
rrtm_taumol3.F90 (new 402),
rrtm_taumol3.intfb.h (new 39),
rrtm_taumol4.F90 (new 326),
rrtm_taumol4.intfb.h (new 38),
rrtm_taumol5.F90 (new 354),
rrtm_taumol5.intfb.h (new 41),
rrtm_taumol6.F90 (new 150),
rrtm_taumol6.intfb.h (new 35),
rrtm_taumol7.F90 (new 349),
rrtm_taumol7.intfb.h (new 39),
rrtm_taumol8.F90 (new 190),
rrtm_taumol8.intfb.h (new 38),
rrtm_taumol9.F90 (new 341),
rrtm_taumol9.intfb.h (new 41),
srtm_cmbgb16.F90 (new 105),
srtm_cmbgb16.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb17.F90 (new 96),
srtm_cmbgb17.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb18.F90 (new 94),
srtm_cmbgb18.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb19.F90 (new 94),
srtm_cmbgb19.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb20.F90 (new 91),
srtm_cmbgb20.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb21.F90 (new 96),
srtm_cmbgb21.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb22.F90 (new 94),
srtm_cmbgb22.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb23.F90 (new 79),
srtm_cmbgb23.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb24.F90 (new 115),
srtm_cmbgb24.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb25.F90 (new 61),
srtm_cmbgb25.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb26.F90 (new 41),
srtm_cmbgb26.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb27.F90 (new 67),
srtm_cmbgb27.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb28.F90 (new 72),
srtm_cmbgb28.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_cmbgb29.F90 (new 96),
srtm_cmbgb29.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_gas_optical_depth.F90 (new 334),
srtm_gas_optical_depth.intfb.h (new 41),
srtm_init.F90 (new 158),
srtm_init.intfb.h (new 5),
srtm_kgb16.F90 (new 181),
srtm_kgb16.intfb.h (new 5),
srtm_kgb17.F90 (new 191),
srtm_kgb17.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb18.F90 (new 207),
srtm_kgb18.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb19.F90 (new 207),
srtm_kgb19.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb20.F90 (new 171),
srtm_kgb20.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb21.F90 (new 207),
srtm_kgb21.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb22.F90 (new 207),
srtm_kgb22.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb23.F90 (new 155),
srtm_kgb23.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb24.F90 (new 270),
srtm_kgb24.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb25.F90 (new 91),
srtm_kgb25.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb26.F90 (new 39),
srtm_kgb26.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb27.F90 (new 103),
srtm_kgb27.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb28.F90 (new 117),
srtm_kgb28.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_kgb29.F90 (new 181),
srtm_kgb29.intfb.h (new 4),
srtm_setcoef.F90 (new 234),
srtm_setcoef.intfb.h (new 41),
srtm_spcvrt_mcica.F90.or (new 699),
srtm_srtm_224gp_mcica.F90.or (new 463),
srtm_taumol16.F90 (new 185),
srtm_taumol16.intfb.h (new 37),
srtm_taumol17.F90 (new 199),
srtm_taumol17.intfb.h (new 37),
srtm_taumol18.F90 (new 175),
srtm_taumol18.intfb.h (new 37),
srtm_taumol19.F90 (new 176),
srtm_taumol19.intfb.h (new 37),
srtm_taumol20.F90 (new 150),
srtm_taumol20.intfb.h (new 36),
srtm_taumol21.F90 (new 209),
srtm_taumol21.intfb.h (new 37),
srtm_taumol22.F90 (new 186),
srtm_taumol22.intfb.h (new 37),
srtm_taumol23.F90 (new 135),
srtm_taumol23.intfb.h (new 35),
srtm_taumol24.F90 (new 181),
srtm_taumol24.intfb.h (new 38),
srtm_taumol25.F90 (new 126),
srtm_taumol25.intfb.h (new 30),
srtm_taumol26.F90 (new 97),
srtm_taumol26.intfb.h (new 18),
srtm_taumol27.F90 (new 125),
srtm_taumol27.intfb.h (new 29),
srtm_taumol28.F90 (new 191),
srtm_taumol28.intfb.h (new 31),
srtm_taumol29.F90 (new 145),
srtm_taumol29.intfb.h (new 36),
surdi.F90 (new 129),
surdi.intfb.h (new 4),
surrtab.F90 (new 35),
surrtab.intfb.h (new 4),
surrtftr.F90 (new 279),
surrtftr.intfb.h (new 4),
surrtpk.F90 (new 668),
surrtpk.intfb.h (new 4),
surrtrf.F90 (new 174),
surrtrf.intfb.h (new 4),
susrtm.F90 (new 324),
susrtm.intfb.h (new 4),
yoeaeratm.F90 (new 91),
yoerad.F90 (new 237),
yoerdi.F90 (new 49),
yoerrta1.F90 (new 46),
yoerrta10.F90 (new 45),
yoerrta11.F90 (new 47),
yoerrta12.F90 (new 43),
yoerrta13.F90 (new 46),
yoerrta14.F90 (new 47),
yoerrta15.F90 (new 47),
yoerrta16.F90 (new 45),
yoerrta2.F90 (new 49),
yoerrta3.F90 (new 53),
yoerrta4.F90 (new 45),
yoerrta5.F90 (new 51),
yoerrta6.F90 (new 48),
yoerrta7.F90 (new 51),
yoerrta8.F90 (new 67),
yoerrta9.F90 (new 55),
yoerrtab.F90 (new 29),
yoerrtbg2.F90 (new 29),
yoerrtftr.F90 (new 51),
yoerrtm.F90 (new 99),
yoerrto1.F90 (new 43),
yoerrto10.F90 (new 41),
yoerrto11.F90 (new 44),
yoerrto12.F90 (new 36),
yoerrto13.F90 (new 41),
yoerrto14.F90 (new 42),
yoerrto15.F90 (new 39),
yoerrto16.F90 (new 41),
yoerrto2.F90 (new 45),
yoerrto3.F90 (new 46),
yoerrto4.F90 (new 40),
yoerrto5.F90 (new 45),
yoerrto6.F90 (new 44),
yoerrto7.F90 (new 46),
yoerrto8.F90 (new 57),
yoerrto9.F90 (new 51),
yoerrtrf.F90 (new 31),
yoerrtrwt.F90 (new 36),
yoerrtwn.F90 (new 36),
yoesrta16.F90 (new 59),
yoesrta17.F90 (new 58),
yoesrta18.F90 (new 60),
yoesrta19.F90 (new 58),
yoesrta20.F90 (new 59),
yoesrta21.F90 (new 59),
yoesrta22.F90 (new 59),
yoesrta23.F90 (new 55),
yoesrta24.F90 (new 68),
yoesrta25.F90 (new 52),
yoesrta26.F90 (new 36),
yoesrta27.F90 (new 54),
yoesrta28.F90 (new 53),
yoesrta29.F90 (new 61),
yoesrtab.F90 (new 28),
yoesrtaer.F90 (new 35),
yoesrtm.F90 (new 63),
yoesrtwn.F90 (new 68),
yoesw.F90 (new 213),
yom_ygfl.F90 (new 431),
yomcst.F90 (new 37),
yomdimv.F90 (new 43),
yomdyncore.F90 (new 26),
yomhook.F90 (new 35),
yomhook.F90.or (new 114),
yomlun.F90 (new 24),
yomlun_ifsaux.F90 (new 33),
yommp0.F90 (new 19),
yomtag.F90 (new 23)
2021-04-27 12:15
Rev.: 3878
45 lines of code changed in 5 files:
2021-04-21 09:09
Rev.: 3877
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2021-04-20 21:24
Rev.: 3876
17 lines of code changed in 3 files:
2021-04-20 20:25
Rev.: 3875
240 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2021-04-19 17:27
Rev.: 3874
4 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2021-04-19 17:06
Rev.: 3873
4 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2021-04-12 12:40
Rev.: 3872
50 lines of code changed in 3 files:
2021-04-09 15:38
Rev.: 3871
6 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2021-04-08 22:58
Rev.: 3870
78 lines of code changed in 5 files: