Directory branches/LMDZ-ECRAD/libf/phylmd/

Directory Deleted:
2022-06-17 19:05
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                    Folder removed from repo Dust (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo StratAer (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo cosp (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo dyn1d (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo ecrad (0 files, 0 lines)
                        Folder removed from repo data (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo inlandsis (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo rrtm (0 files, 0 lines)

Lines of Code

branches/LMDZ-ECRAD/libf/phylmd/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 281 (100.0%) 12909 (100.0%) 45.9
lguez 275 (97.9%) 12909 (100.0%) 46.9
idelkadi 6 (2.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

lguez 2022-06-17 19:05 Rev.: 4174

Remove branch

The difference between this branch and the trunk was a mess. Better to
remove the branch and create a new one.

0 lines of code changed in 105 files:

  • branches/LMDZ-ECRAD/libf/phylmd: Ocean_skin (del), YOMCST.h (del), acama_gwd_rando_m.F90 (del), aero_mod.F90 (del), alpale.F90 (del), alpale.h (del), alpale_th.F90 (del), calcratqs.F90 (del), calcratqs_multi_mod.F90 (del), calcul_fluxs_mod.F90 (del), calltherm.F90 (del), calwake.F90 (del), carbon_cycle_mod.F90 (del), cdrag.F90 (del), cdrag_mod.F90 (del), clesphys.h (del), cloudth_mod.F90 (del), comsoil.h (del), conf_phys_m.F90 (del), cpl_mod.F90 (del), create_etat0_unstruct.F90 (del), cv3_routines.F90 (del), cvltr.F90 (del), cvltr_scav.F90 (del), cvltr_spl.F90 (del), dimsoil.h (del), fisrtilp.F90 (del), fisrtilp.h (del), fonte_neige_mod.F90 (del), ice_sursat_mod.F90 (del), indice_sol_mod.F90 (del), infotrac_phy.F90 (del), ini_histrac.h (del), init_be.F90 (del), iophy.F90 (del), iophys.F90 (del), iotd.h (del), iotd_ecrit.F90 (del), iotd_ini.F90 (del), lscp_mod.F90 (del), lscp_tools_mod.F90 (del), mo_simple_plumes.F90 (del), newmicro.F90 (del), nuage.F90 (del), nuage.h (del), o3_chem_m.F90 (del), oasis.F90 (del), ocean_cpl_mod.F90 (del), ocean_forced_mod.F90 (del), pbl_surface_mod.F90 (del), phyetat0.F90 (del), phyredem.F90 (del), phys_local_var_mod.F90 (del), phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90 (del), phys_output_mod.F90 (del), phys_output_var_mod.F90 (del), phys_output_write_mod.F90 (del), phys_state_var_mod.F90 (del), physiq_mod.F90 (del), phytrac_mod.F90 (del), radiation_AR4.F90 (del), radlwsw_m.F90 (del), readaerosol_mod.F90 (del), screenc.F90 (del), screenc_mod.F90 (del), screenp.F90 (del), screenp_mod.F90 (del), sisvat (del), soil.F90 (del), stdlevvar.F90 (del), stdlevvar_mod.F90 (del), suphel.F90 (del), surf_land_bucket_mod.F90 (del), surf_landice_mod.F90 (del), surf_ocean_mod.F90 (del), surf_seaice_mod.F90 (del), surface_data.F90 (del), thermcell.h (del), thermcellV0_main.F90 (del), thermcell_alim.F90 (del), thermcell_alp.F90 (del), thermcell_closure.F90 (del), thermcell_condens.F90 (del), thermcell_dq.F90 (del), thermcell_dry.F90 (del), thermcell_env.F90 (del), thermcell_flux.F90 (del), thermcell_flux2.F90 (del), thermcell_height.F90 (del), thermcell_ini_mod.F90 (del), thermcell_init.F90 (del), thermcell_main.F90 (del), thermcell_old.h (del), thermcell_plume.F90 (del), thermcell_plume_6A.F90 (del), tracco2i_mod.F90 (del), traclmdz_mod.F90 (del), tracreprobus_mod.F90 (del), wake.F90 (del), wake_ini_mod.F90 (del), write_histrac.h (del), wx_pbl_mod.F90 (del), wx_pbl_var_mod.F90 (del), yamada4.F90 (del), yamada_c.F90 (del)
lguez 2022-06-17 18:49 Rev.: 4173

Sync latest trunk changes to branch LMDZ-ECRAD.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/LMDZ-ECRAD/libf/phylmd: infotrac_phy.F90 (-1)
lguez 2022-06-17 16:24 Rev.: 4171

Sync latest trunk changes to branch LMDZ-ECRAD.

12909 lines of code changed in 169 files:

  • branches/LMDZ-ECRAD/libf/phylmd: Ocean_skin (new), YOMCST.h (new), acama_gwd_rando_m.F90 (new), aero_mod.F90 (new), alpale.F90 (new), alpale.h (new 18), alpale_th.F90 (+1 -1), calcratqs.F90 (new), calcratqs_multi_mod.F90 (new 364), calcul_fluxs_mod.F90 (+16 -28), calltherm.F90 (new), calwake.F90 (+5 -3), carbon_cycle_mod.F90 (new), cdrag_mod.F90 (new 823), clesphys.h (+11 -4), cloudth_mod.F90 (+902 -8), comsoil.h (+2 -2), conf_phys_m.F90 (+340 -89), cpl_mod.F90 (+84 -11), create_etat0_unstruct.F90 (+2 -2), cv3_routines.F90 (new), cvltr.F90 (new), cvltr_scav.F90 (+1 -1), cvltr_spl.F90 (+1 -1), dimsoil.h (new), fisrtilp.F90 (new), fisrtilp.h (new), fonte_neige_mod.F90 (new), ice_sursat_mod.F90 (new 895), indice_sol_mod.F90 (new), infotrac_phy.F90 (new), init_be.F90 (-1), iophy.F90 (new), iophys.F90 (+80 -3), iotd.h (new), iotd_ecrit.F90 (new), iotd_ini.F90 (new), lscp_mod.F90 (new 1320), lscp_tools_mod.F90 (new 356), mo_simple_plumes.F90 (new), newmicro.F90 (+87 -22), nuage.F90 (+24 -3), nuage.h (new), o3_chem_m.F90 (new), oasis.F90 (+22 -4), ocean_cpl_mod.F90 (new), ocean_forced_mod.F90 (+20 -11), pbl_surface_mod.F90 (new), phyetat0.F90 (+63 -28), phyredem.F90 (new), phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+87 -20), phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90 (new), phys_output_mod.F90 (+62 -125), phys_output_var_mod.F90 (new), phys_output_write_mod.F90 (new), phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+122 -20), physiq_mod.F90 (+298 -208), phytrac_mod.F90 (+65 -77), radiation_AR4.F90 (new), radlwsw_m.F90 (+259 -153), readaerosol_mod.F90 (+2 -2), screenc_mod.F90 (new 194), screenp_mod.F90 (new 186), soil.F90 (+60 -5), stdlevvar_mod.F90 (new 744), suphel.F90 (+26 -24), surf_land_bucket_mod.F90 (new), surf_landice_mod.F90 (new), surf_ocean_mod.F90 (new), surf_seaice_mod.F90 (+10 -3), surface_data.F90 (+29 -10), thermcell_alim.F90 (new), thermcell_alp.F90 (+83 -158), thermcell_closure.F90 (+13 -23), thermcell_dq.F90 (+19 -16), thermcell_dry.F90 (new), thermcell_env.F90 (new), thermcell_flux2.F90 (+40 -44), thermcell_height.F90 (+17 -21), thermcell_ini_mod.F90 (new 102), thermcell_main.F90 (+194 -319), thermcell_old.h (new 4), thermcell_plume.F90 (+62 -110), thermcell_plume_6A.F90 (new), tracco2i_mod.F90 (+140 -4), traclmdz_mod.F90 (new), tracreprobus_mod.F90 (+1 -7), wake.F90 (+91 -217), wake_ini_mod.F90 (new 207), wx_pbl_mod.F90 (new), wx_pbl_var_mod.F90 (new 655), yamada4.F90 (+20 -21), yamada_c.F90 (+1 -1)
idelkadi 2021-04-28 16:55 Rev.: 3880

Online implementation of the radiative transfer code ECRAD in LMDZ.
- Inclusion of the ecrad directory containing the sources of the ECRAD code
- Adaptation of compilation scripts (CPP_ECRAD keys)
- Call of ecrad in radlwsw_m.F90 under the logical key iflag_rrtm = 2

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • branches/LMDZ-ECRAD/libf/phylmd: conf_phys_m.F90 (changed), physiq_mod.F90 (new), radlwsw_m.F90 (changed)
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