Directory trunk/libf/dyn3dmem/

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Lines of Code

trunk/libf/dyn3dmem/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 149 (100.0%) 2755 (100.0%) 18.4
dcugnet 74 (49.7%) 1094 (39.7%) 14.7
fairhead 36 (24.2%) 712 (25.8%) 19.7
emillour 9 (6.0%) 493 (17.9%) 54.7
acozic 8 (5.4%) 228 (8.3%) 28.5
evignon 2 (1.3%) 92 (3.3%) 46.0
fhourdin 2 (1.3%) 49 (1.8%) 24.5
oboucher 1 (0.7%) 37 (1.3%) 37.0
lguez 8 (5.4%) 25 (0.9%) 3.1
lfalletti 1 (0.7%) 20 (0.7%) 20.0
lmdz-users 2 (1.3%) 5 (0.2%) 2.5
jbmadeleine 2 (1.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
crisi 4 (2.7%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

dcugnet 2022-09-21 12:47 Rev.: 4270

Fix for reprobus

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+2 -2)
dcugnet 2022-09-21 10:41 Rev.: 4268

Last (hopefully) fix for REPROBUS and exceptions about HNO3.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+4 -4)
dcugnet 2022-09-21 10:16 Rev.: 4266

Fix for reprobus

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+1)
dcugnet 2022-09-21 09:58 Rev.: 4265

Add modifications for sequantial version of dynetat0 + fix in reprobus case.

11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+11 -10)
dcugnet 2022-09-21 09:43 Rev.: 4264

Exceptions for REPROBUS with old conventions for HNO3 in the file were wrongly placed.

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+9 -9)
dcugnet 2022-09-21 09:35 Rev.: 4263

Fixes for INCO, CO2i AND REPROBUS, mostly because some sections are specific to type_trac=="lmdz",
which is not always equivalent to ANY(types_trac=='lmdz).
Also force the water phases to get tracers(*)%component='lmdz' so that nqo can be correctly computed.

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+13)
evignon 2022-09-14 15:14 Rev.: 4246

controle dans les .def du presnivs limite en dessous duquel on ne guide plus
si guide_BL=false
Etienne, pour valentin

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: guide_loc_mod.F90 (+5 -2)
acozic 2022-06-28 17:06 Rev.: 4187

Add a syntax correction in leapfrog_loc for compilation with inca / add a condition on inca in phys_output_write to be use without inca

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: leapfrog_loc.F (+4 -4)
dcugnet 2022-06-17 17:49 Rev.: 4172

* add the computation of nqINCA in the "tracer.def" case (A. Cozic)
* few fixes

19 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynredem_loc.F90 (+7 -8), leapfrog_loc.F (+12 -24)
dcugnet 2022-06-16 20:16 Rev.: 4170

The variable "types_trac" is the equivalent of "type_trac" in case multiple sections must be read
and used in "tracer.def" file.
Tests on the "type_trac" were replaced with tests on the vector "types_trac".
Most of the time, there are two components: 'lmdz' and a second one. The later has priority on 'lmdz'
and must be used for the tests. For more components, care must be taken to execute specific parts
of the code on the right tracers ; the tracers(:)%component has been created in that respect.

10 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynredem_loc.F90 (+2 -2), leapfrog_loc.F (+8 -8)
fairhead 2022-05-11 10:06 Rev.: 4148

Forgot a CPP condition

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: leapfrog_loc.F (+2)
fairhead 2022-05-10 18:50 Rev.: 4146

Source code and xml files needed for XIOS output in the LMDZ LonLat dynamical core.
One flag controls everything: ok_dyn_xios. Parameters controlling outputs need to be put in the xml
files, nothing is set in the code
Work to follow on the dynzon file and the modipsl/libIGCM framework.
ok_dyn_xios = n should not change anything

503 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: conf_gcm.F90 (+18), gcm.F90 (+28 -3), leapfrog_loc.F (+34 -2), mod_const_mpi.F90 (+1), mod_xios_dyn3dmem.F90 (new 238), writedyn_xios.F90 (new 184)
dcugnet 2022-05-09 12:35 Rev.: 4143

* Some variables are renamed or replaced by direct equivalents:
- iso_indnum -> tracers(:)%iso_iName
- niso_possibles -> niso
- iqiso -> iqIsoPha ; index_trac -> itZonIso
- ok_iso_verif -> isoCheck
- ntraceurs_zone -> nzone ; ntraciso -> ntiso
- qperemin -> min_qparent ; masseqmin -> min_qmass ; ratiomin -> min_ratio
* Some renamed variables are only aliased with the older name (using USE <module>, ONLY: <oldName> => <newName>) in routines where they are repeated many times.
* Few hard-coded indexes are now computed (examples: ilic, iso, ivap, irneb, iq_vap, iq_liq, iso_H2O, iso_HDO, iso_HTO, iso_O17, iso_O18).
* The IF(isoCheck) test is now embedded in the check_isotopes_seq and check_isotopes_loc routines (lighter calling).

303 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: advtrac_loc.F90 (+1 -1), check_isotopes_loc.F (del), check_isotopes_loc.F90 (new 187), dynetat0_loc.F90 (+3 -4), iniacademic_loc.F90 (+4 -6), integrd_loc.F (new), leapfrog_loc.F (+23 -69), qminimum_loc.F (+49 -46), vlsplt_loc.F (+13 -13), vlspltgen_loc.F (+11 -27), vlspltqs_loc.F (+9 -9)
acozic 2022-04-28 12:21 Rev.: 4139

added (and call) a routine for the calculation of mass flux used in offline mode

205 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: caladvtrac_mod.F90 (+18 -1), fluxstokenc_p.F (new 175), gcm.F90 (+7 -8), leapfrog_loc.F (+5)
dcugnet 2022-04-11 18:13 Rev.: 4125

Fix in parallel mode

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: check_isotopes_loc.F (+1 -1)
dcugnet 2022-04-08 16:47 Rev.: 4124

Remove solsym, ok_isotopes (=niso>0), ok_isotrac (=nzone>0)

15 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: check_isotopes_loc.F (+6 -6), dynetat0_loc.F90 (+1 -1), iniacademic_loc.F90 (+2 -2), qminimum_loc.F (+6 -9)
dcugnet 2022-04-05 15:44 Rev.: 4120

* New water names: H2Ov, H2Ol, H2Oi, H2Or -> H2O_g, H2O_l, H2O_s, H2O_r.
* Corrections for the lOldCode=.FALSE., not activated yet.

65 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+52 -48), iniacademic_loc.F90 (+13 -11)
fairhead 2022-03-17 12:51 Rev.: 4103

Inclusion of some corrections and optimisations for XIOS done by
Arnaud Durocher during his TGCC mission.
Included here are r3703, r3704, r3750, r3751, r3752 from his
LMDZ6/branches/Optimisation_LMDZ branch

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: gcm.F90 (+1 -2), vlsplt_loc.F (+2 -2)
oboucher 2022-03-15 15:20 Rev.: 4100

Tidying up and adding ok_guide to output

37 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: conf_gcm.F90 (+37 -39)
dcugnet 2022-01-25 20:14 Rev.: 4064

* minor fixes (unused variables suppressed, comas after a WRITE() statement, etc.)
* parser routines taken from version 7 of
* few changes in infotrac, and few fixes of (at least) the sequential version:
- uadv and vadv were deallocated twice (fix was lost by mistake just before last commit)
- in [( dum(im), im=1, nm)] implicit loops, ifort evaluates "dum(im)" even if nm==0,
resulting in a crash, "im" being unitialized.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: advtrac_loc.F90 (+1 -1)
dcugnet 2022-01-25 02:01 Rev.: 4063

Except if the bench fails, last commit before switching to the new parser.
* parser routines taken from version 6 of
* significant changes in "infotrac", now close to its target version.
Modified old code is active (hard-coded flag: lOldCode=.TRUE.).
New code will be activated in the next commit, then old code will be suppressed.
* probably problems with the isotopic version, to be fixed after tgcc maintenance...

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+2 -1), dynredem_loc.F90 (+4 -2)
dcugnet 2022-01-14 00:47 Rev.: 4058

Fix the call to vlspltgen_loc in advtrac_loc (one wrong additional calling argument).

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: advtrac_loc.F90 (+7 -6)
dcugnet 2022-01-12 23:54 Rev.: 4056

Most of the changes are intended to help to eventually remove the constraints about the tracers assumptions, in particular water tracers.
- Remove index tables itr_indice and niadv, replaced by tracers(:)%isAdvected and tracers(:)%isH2OFamily.
Most of the loops are now from 1 to nqtot:
* DO iq=nqo+1,nqtot loops are replaced with:
DO iq=1,nqtot
IF(tracers(iq)%isH2Ofamily) CYCLE
* DO it=1,nbtr; iq=niadv(it+nqo)
and DO it=1,nqtottr; iq=itr_indice(it) loops are replaced with:
it = 0
DO iq = 1, nqtot
IF(.NOT.tracers(iq)%isAdvected .OR. tracers(iq)%isH2Ofamily) CYCLE
it = it+1
- Move some StratAer related code from infotrac to infotrac_phy
- Remove "nqperes" variable:
DO iq=1,nqpere loops are replaced with:
DO iq=1,nqtot
IF(tracers(iq)%parent/='air') CYCLE
- Cosmetic changes (justification, SELECT CASE instead of multiple IF...) mostly in advtrac* routines.

343 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: advtrac_loc.F (del), advtrac_loc.F90 (new 290), call_calfis_mod.F90 (+17 -17), iniacademic_loc.F90 (+11 -17), leapfrog_loc.F (+3 -3), vlspltgen_loc.F (+22 -17)
lguez 2022-01-10 14:59 Rev.: 4055

Check that the value of `iflag_top_bound` is valid

This check is useful because if `iflag_top_bound` is not between 0 and
2 then the program runs with an undefined value of lambda in procedure

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: conf_gcm.F90 (+2)
lguez 2022-01-10 14:52 Rev.: 4054

Only compute pk if we are going to need it

In revsion revision 4042, wa added the computation of pk for
guide_plevs == 1. We can restrict a little better the cases where we
need pk.

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: guide_loc_mod.F90 (+10 -7)
dcugnet 2021-12-26 23:27 Rev.: 4052

Fixes for previous commit:
* few tracers(:)%nqChilds were errouneously replaced with tarcers(:)%nqDesc
* minor changes

23 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+4 -5), iniacademic_loc.F90 (+6 -6), vlsplt_loc.F (+1 -1), vlspltgen_loc.F (+1 -1), vlspltqs_loc.F (+11 -11)
dcugnet 2021-12-23 19:54 Rev.: 4050

Second commit for new tracers.
* include most of the keys in the tracers descriptor vector "tracers(:)".
* fix in phylmdiso/cv3_routines: fq_* variables were used where their fxt_* counterparts were expected.
* multiple IF(nqdesc(iq)>0) and IF(nqfils(iq)>0) tests suppressed, because they are not needed:
"do ... enddo" loops with 0 upper bound are not executed.
* remove French accents from comments (encoding problem) in phylmdiso/cv3_routines and phylmdiso/cv30_routines.
* modifications in "isotopes_verif_mod", where the call to function "iso_verif_tag17_q_deltad_chn" in "iso_verif_tag17_q_deltad_chn" was not detected at linking stage, although defined in the same module (?).

242 lines of code changed in 20 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: advtrac_loc.F (+24 -23), advtrac_mod.F90 (-1), caladvtrac_mod.F90 (+1 -1), call_calfis_mod.F90 (+2 -2), check_isotopes_loc.F (+3 -1), dynetat0_loc.F90 (+10 -7), dynredem_loc.F90 (+2 -3), gcm.F90 (+1 -1), groupe_mod.F90 (new), iniacademic_loc.F90 (+15 -17), initdynav_loc.F (+1 -1), inithist_loc.F (-1), vlsplt_loc.F (+78 -94), vlspltgen_loc.F (new), vlspltqs_loc.F (+52 -60), vlz_mod.F90 (new)
dcugnet 2021-12-16 00:18 Rev.: 4046

First commit for new tracers.
* parser routines readTracFiles, strings_mod and tracer_types added in misc using revision 4 of
* tested in sequential and parallel mode using ioipsl.
* for now, only two fields of "tracers(:)" derived type vector are used: "name" and "longName".

19 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+4 -3), dynredem_loc.F90 (+5 -4), initdynav_loc.F (+2 -1), inithist_loc.F (+2 -1), writedynav_loc.F (new), writehist_loc.F (+3 -3)
lguez 2021-12-01 22:15 Rev.: 4042

Bug fix: define pk also for `guide_plevs` == 1

We will need pk later in `guide_interp` if `guide_T` and not `guide_teta`.

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: guide_loc_mod.F90 (+7 -6)
lguez 2021-12-01 22:04 Rev.: 4041

Bug fix: replace `i` by 1

`i` is not defined if `guide_plevs` equals 1.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: guide_loc_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
crisi 2021-12-01 09:27 Rev.: 4038

correction dans check_isotopes + suppression d'un call check_isotopes problematique dans advtrac

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: advtrac_loc.F (new), check_isotopes_loc.F (changed)
emillour 2021-10-29 17:38 Rev.: 3995

Nudging: fixed some indexes in parallel about process domain boundaries and updated the serial nudging routine so that it matches the parallel one (they had diverged at some point).
Also added an "is_master" logical in the parallel_lmdz module to ease decreasing the number of messages written to standard output.

216 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: guide_loc_mod.F90 (+206 -196), parallel_lmdz.F90 (new)
evignon 2021-09-21 18:55 Rev.: 3984

inclusion de messages d'erreur dans guide_loc_mod.F90
pour que le modele stoppe quand les dimensions des fichiers de guidage
ne correspondent pas aux dimensions de la grille de LMDZ.

87 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: guide_loc_mod.F90 (+87 -3)
fairhead 2021-09-10 18:31 Rev.: 3982

From Francis

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: guide_loc_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
fhourdin 2021-08-06 16:30 Rev.: 3976

Options supplementaires pour iniacademic

44 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: iniacademic_loc.F90 (+44 -34)
acozic 2021-07-26 11:24 Rev.: 3967

get_var2 can now work with 3d variables which don't have a fourth time axis dimension in

Solve first part of ticket [#133]

19 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynetat0_loc.F90 (+19 -6)
emillour 2021-06-21 17:15 Rev.: 3947

Nudging: fix the problem of having one extra step in the output file. This is done by reseting ok_guide to .false. once the restart file is generated, and thus in the ultimate forward Matsuno step that is done afterwards, nudging is not called.

17 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: leapfrog_loc.F (+17)
lmdz-users 2021-03-23 17:14 Rev.: 3865

Modifications from Thibaut to create an ESM with interactive CO2 + INCA aerosols

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynredem_loc.F90 (+1 -1), leapfrog_loc.F (+4 -4)
emillour 2021-01-18 21:02 Rev.: 3803

Make dynamics file be in "64-bit offset" mode to enable generating large files. While at it also enforce this for, and generated by the model.

4 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: dynredem_loc.F90 (+3 -2), guide_loc_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
lguez 2021-01-16 20:57 Rev.: 3802

Move existing constraint on ngroup from `groupeun_loc` to `conf_gcm`
(abort as soon as possible if input is bad) and add constraint on
ngroup and jjm.

4 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/libf/dyn3dmem: conf_gcm.F90 (+4), groupe_loc.F (new)

(10 more)

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