Directory trunk/libf/phylmdiso/

Directory Created:
2021-06-11 15:51
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                directory in repo Dust (47 files, 14764 lines)
                directory in repo StratAer (15 files, 4068 lines)
                directory in repo cosp (42 files, 17567 lines)
                directory in repo cosp2 (35 files, 4623 lines)
                directory in repo cospv2 (37 files, 19035 lines)
                Folder removed from repo dyn1d (0 files, 0 lines)
                directory in repo rrtm (606 files, 251837 lines)
                Folder removed from repo sisvat (0 files, 0 lines)

Lines of Code

trunk/libf/phylmdiso/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 885 (100.0%) 294992 (100.0%) 333.3
fairhead 430 (48.6%) 283845 (96.2%) 660.1
crisi 329 (37.2%) 5805 (2.0%) 17.6
fhourdin 26 (2.9%) 2616 (0.9%) 100.6
dcugnet 81 (9.2%) 1358 (0.5%) 16.7
jghattas 4 (0.5%) 925 (0.3%) 231.2
evignon 6 (0.7%) 398 (0.1%) 66.3
oboucher 4 (0.5%) 37 (0.0%) 9.2
emillour 4 (0.5%) 8 (0.0%) 2.0
snguyen 1 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

jghattas 2022-09-27 10:39 Rev.: 4285

Reported modifications done in rev [4283] into phydlmdiso which now compiles again.

925 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: pbl_surface_mod.F90 (+61 -58), surf_land_mod.F90 (+7 -5), surf_land_orchidee_nolic_mod.F90 (new 846), surf_landice_mod.F90 (+11 -3)
dcugnet 2022-09-01 09:46 Rev.: 4234

Modification that should have been included in r4232

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: physiq_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
oboucher 2022-08-01 17:58 Rev.: 4229

Cleaning up the energy and humidity diag transport routine

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: physiq_mod.F90 (+3 -3)
dcugnet 2022-06-16 20:16 Rev.: 4170

The variable "types_trac" is the equivalent of "type_trac" in case multiple sections must be read
and used in "tracer.def" file.
Tests on the "type_trac" were replaced with tests on the vector "types_trac".
Most of the time, there are two components: 'lmdz' and a second one. The later has priority on 'lmdz'
and must be used for the tests. For more components, care must be taken to execute specific parts
of the code on the right tracers ; the tracers(:)%component has been created in that respect.

32 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: phyetat0.F90 (+9 -11), phyredem.F90 (+12 -13), phys_output_mod.F90 (+1 -1), physiq_mod.F90 (+10 -10)
dcugnet 2022-05-19 10:47 Rev.: 4158

* include new type "tracer.def" tracers description files in DefLists/
* Remove the old code (lOldCode=.TRUE.)
* Remove the hard-coded part in isotopes_mod that was ensuring the convergence
=> this version will not converge with previous isotopic physics, but the
difference, only due to round off errors on "tdifrel", is acceptable.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: isotopes_mod.F90 (-136)
snguyen 2022-05-18 16:36 Rev.: 4155

remove thread_private for ridicule parameters

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: isotopes_mod.F90 (-1)
dcugnet 2022-05-18 14:58 Rev.: 4153

Switch to the new tracers files "tracer.def".
Still working for the older "traceur.def" files.
The "isotope_params.def" file is now needed ; contains most of the constants formerly hard-coded in isotopes_mod.
Still contains few hard-coded lines for the "tdifrel" parameters, needed for reproductibilite the code is highly sensitive to this parameter: a difference not visible on 16 digits is enough to change the two last digits of deltaD after a one day run.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: isotopes_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
dcugnet 2022-05-14 20:13 Rev.: 4149

* remove striso (use isoName instead)
* few fixes for the lOldCode=.FALSE. code
* add the « isotopes_params.def » file, used in the lOldCode=.FALSE. part of the isotopes_mod module.

100 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: isotopes_mod.F90 (+60 -26), isotopes_routines_mod.F90 (+20 -44), isotopes_verif_mod.F90 (+11 -14), phyredem.F90 (+4 -13), phys_output_mod.F90 (+5 -14)
dcugnet 2022-05-09 12:35 Rev.: 4143

* Some variables are renamed or replaced by direct equivalents:
- iso_indnum -> tracers(:)%iso_iName
- niso_possibles -> niso
- iqiso -> iqIsoPha ; index_trac -> itZonIso
- ok_iso_verif -> isoCheck
- ntraceurs_zone -> nzone ; ntraciso -> ntiso
- qperemin -> min_qparent ; masseqmin -> min_qmass ; ratiomin -> min_ratio
* Some renamed variables are only aliased with the older name (using USE <module>, ONLY: <oldName> => <newName>) in routines where they are repeated many times.
* Few hard-coded indexes are now computed (examples: ilic, iso, ivap, irneb, iq_vap, iq_liq, iso_H2O, iso_HDO, iso_HTO, iso_O17, iso_O18).
* The IF(isoCheck) test is now embedded in the check_isotopes_seq and check_isotopes_loc routines (lighter calling).

654 lines of code changed in 37 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: add_phys_tend_mod.F90 (+2 -2), add_wake_tend.F90 (+4 -4), ajsec.F90 (+2 -2), calwake.F90 (+1 -1), change_srf_frac_mod.F90 (+2 -2), climb_hq_mod.F90 (+1 -2), concvl.F90 (+1 -1), cv30_routines.F90 (+28 -29), cv3_enthalpmix.F90 (+4 -4), cv3_estatmix.F90 (+4 -4), cv3_routines.F90 (+24 -25), cv3a_compress.F90 (+1 -1), cv3a_uncompress.F90 (+1 -1), cv3p_mixing.F90 (+4 -4), cv_driver.F90 (+20 -21), cva_driver.F90 (+10 -10), fisrtilp.F90 (+4 -4), fonte_neige_mod.F90 (+2 -2), isotopes_mod.F90 (+420 -601), isotopes_routines_mod.F90 (+1 -56), isotopes_verif_mod.F90 (+29 -77), isotrac_mod.F90 (+16 -20), isotrac_routines_mod.F90 (+3 -44), limit_read_mod.F90 (-1), ocean_forced_mod.F90 (+10 -10), pbl_surface_mod.F90 (+3 -6), phyredem.F90 (+5 -5), phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+1 -1), phys_output_mod.F90 (+1 -1), physiq_mod.F90 (+19 -23), reevap.F90 (+9 -9), surf_land_bucket_mod.F90 (+8 -8), surf_land_mod.F90 (+5 -5), surf_landice_mod.F90 (+4 -4), surf_ocean_mod.F90 (+1 -1), surf_seaice_mod.F90 (+3 -3), wake.F90 (+1 -1)
dcugnet 2022-04-08 16:47 Rev.: 4124

Remove solsym, ok_isotopes (=niso>0), ok_isotrac (=nzone>0)

21 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: climb_hq_mod.F90 (+3 -7), isotopes_mod.F90 (+4 -4), physiq_mod.F90 (+14 -34)
crisi 2022-04-08 14:21 Rev.: 4123

correction d'un bug dans lequel on avait 0.1 dans les isotopes alors qu'on avait 0.01*grav dans l'eau normale.

101 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: cv3_routines.F90 (+101 -20)
dcugnet 2022-04-05 15:44 Rev.: 4120

* New water names: H2Ov, H2Ol, H2Oi, H2Or -> H2O_g, H2O_l, H2O_s, H2O_r.
* Corrections for the lOldCode=.FALSE., not activated yet.

11 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: phys_output_mod.F90 (+2 -1), physiq_mod.F90 (+9 -11)
evignon 2022-03-29 18:01 Rev.: 4119

add latitude_deg as input of newmicro in phylmdiso/physiq_mod

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: physiq_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
evignon 2022-03-29 12:43 Rev.: 4118

correction variable with

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+4 -4)
fhourdin 2022-03-10 21:15 Rev.: 4092

Nouveaux liens phylmdiso -> phylmd

2294 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: calltherm.F90 (new 539), phys_state_var_mod.F90 (new 882), thermcell_main.F90 (new 873)
fhourdin 2022-03-10 21:14 Rev.: 4091

Fichiers detruits a remplacer par des liens

0 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: calltherm.F90 (del), phys_state_var_mod.F90 (del), thermcell_main.F90 (del)
fhourdin 2022-03-10 20:46 Rev.: 4090

Reecriture des thermiques, ajoutes/supprimes

124 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: alpale.h (new 18), thermcell.h (del), thermcellV0_main.F90 (del), thermcell_condens.F90 (del), thermcell_flux.F90 (del), thermcell_ini_mod.F90 (new 102), thermcell_init.F90 (del), thermcell_old.h (new 4)
fhourdin 2022-03-10 20:23 Rev.: 4089

Reecriture des thermiques

179 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: calltherm.F90 (+52 -69), isotopes_routines_mod.F90 (+2 -3), phyetat0.F90 (+1 -1), phyredem.F90 (+2 -2), phys_output_mod.F90 (+1 -1), phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+1 -1), physiq_mod.F90 (+7 -1), thermcell_main.F90 (+113 -313)
fhourdin 2022-03-10 09:03 Rev.: 4088

Correction isotopes + version identique sur phylmd

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+4 -1)
fairhead 2022-03-01 17:47 Rev.: 4084

Applying r4083 to phylmdiso

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: physiq_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
evignon 2022-02-01 19:34 Rev.: 4072

Mise à jour de la routine de nuages lscp
les principaux changements consistent en:
- des corrections de bug (déclaration et division
par zero) pour que la routine compile avec les modifications d'OB
- des restructurations pour que les fonctions de lscp_tools_mod
travaillent sur des tableaux et non des scalaires
- une séparation des coefficients d'évaporation de la neige et de la pluie

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+5 -4)
dcugnet 2022-01-31 22:20 Rev.: 4071

* Fix for unadvected tracers (iadv==0)
* The key %isH2Ofamily, from the derived type "trac_type", is replaced with the more general
key %isInPhysics, which is TRUE for tracers both in "qx" and "tr_seri".
Currently, FALSE for tracers descending on H2O (isotopes and tagging tracers included). Could be set to FALSE
for interactive CO2 (type_trac=='inco') or ice supersaturated cloud content (tranfered to "rneb_seri")
* Parser routines taken from version 10 of

6 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: phyetat0.F90 (+1 -1), phyredem.F90 (+1 -1), phys_output_mod.F90 (+1 -1), physiq_mod.F90 (+3 -3)
fairhead 2022-01-26 17:00 Rev.: 4065

Corrections to r4059/r4062 so that phylmdiso compiles

1034 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: ice_sursat_mod.F90 (new 907), phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+66 -1), phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90 (+48), physiq_mod.F90 (+13 -7)
oboucher 2022-01-21 17:45 Rev.: 4061

petit oubli

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: physiq_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
oboucher 2022-01-21 17:25 Rev.: 4060

add changes made to physiq_mod in phylmd

25 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: physiq_mod.F90 (+25 -5)
dcugnet 2022-01-12 23:54 Rev.: 4056

Most of the changes are intended to help to eventually remove the constraints about the tracers assumptions, in particular water tracers.
- Remove index tables itr_indice and niadv, replaced by tracers(:)%isAdvected and tracers(:)%isH2OFamily.
Most of the loops are now from 1 to nqtot:
* DO iq=nqo+1,nqtot loops are replaced with:
DO iq=1,nqtot
IF(tracers(iq)%isH2Ofamily) CYCLE
* DO it=1,nbtr; iq=niadv(it+nqo)
and DO it=1,nqtottr; iq=itr_indice(it) loops are replaced with:
it = 0
DO iq = 1, nqtot
IF(.NOT.tracers(iq)%isAdvected .OR. tracers(iq)%isH2Ofamily) CYCLE
it = it+1
- Move some StratAer related code from infotrac to infotrac_phy
- Remove "nqperes" variable:
DO iq=1,nqpere loops are replaced with:
DO iq=1,nqtot
IF(tracers(iq)%parent/='air') CYCLE
- Cosmetic changes (justification, SELECT CASE instead of multiple IF...) mostly in advtrac* routines.

201 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: infotrac_phy.F90 (+2 -221), phyetat0.F90 (+16 -19), phyredem.F90 (+37 -44), phys_output_mod.F90 (+33 -71), phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+2 -2667), physiq_mod.F90 (+111 -102)
dcugnet 2021-12-26 23:27 Rev.: 4052

Fixes for previous commit:
* few tracers(:)%nqChilds were errouneously replaced with tarcers(:)%nqDesc
* minor changes

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: infotrac_phy.F90 (+2 -3)
dcugnet 2021-12-23 19:54 Rev.: 4050

Second commit for new tracers.
* include most of the keys in the tracers descriptor vector "tracers(:)".
* fix in phylmdiso/cv3_routines: fq_* variables were used where their fxt_* counterparts were expected.
* multiple IF(nqdesc(iq)>0) and IF(nqfils(iq)>0) tests suppressed, because they are not needed:
"do ... enddo" loops with 0 upper bound are not executed.
* remove French accents from comments (encoding problem) in phylmdiso/cv3_routines and phylmdiso/cv30_routines.
* modifications in "isotopes_verif_mod", where the call to function "iso_verif_tag17_q_deltad_chn" in "iso_verif_tag17_q_deltad_chn" was not detected at linking stage, although defined in the same module (?).

190 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: cv30_routines.F90 (+83 -83), cv3_routines.F90 (+58 -58), infotrac_phy.F90 (+2 -42), isotopes_verif_mod.F90 (+41 -73), phyetat0.F90 (+1 -1), phys_output_mod.F90 (+1 -4), physiq_mod.F90 (+4 -4)
dcugnet 2021-12-16 18:02 Rev.: 4048

Corrections to fix the isotopic version compilation.

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: infotrac_phy.F90 (+1 -1), phys_output_mod.F90 (+4 -3)
dcugnet 2021-12-16 00:18 Rev.: 4046

First commit for new tracers.
* parser routines readTracFiles, strings_mod and tracer_types added in misc using revision 4 of
* tested in sequential and parallel mode using ioipsl.
* for now, only two fields of "tracers(:)" derived type vector are used: "name" and "longName".

132 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: infotrac_phy.F90 (+8 -15), phyetat0.F90 (+4 -4), phyredem.F90 (+2 -4), phys_output_mod.F90 (+72 -145), phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+46 -37)
crisi 2021-12-01 11:28 Rev.: 4040

mettre à jour avec le cv_gen

23 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: phyetat0.F90 (+3 -3), phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+5 -9), phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+6 -7), phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+7 -2), physiq_mod.F90 (+2 -2)
crisi 2021-12-01 09:23 Rev.: 4036

correction d'un probleme d'initialisation phylmdiso + suite du nettoyage dans phylmdiso

31 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: calltherm.F90 (+1 -1), isotopes_mod.F90 (-3), isotopes_routines_mod.F90 (+18 -3), pbl_surface_mod.F90 (+3 -3), phyetat0.F90 (+1 -1), phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+2 -2), physiq_mod.F90 (+3 -3), wake.F90 (+3 -9)
crisi 2021-11-30 15:00 Rev.: 4033

nettoyage de sorties ecran

99 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: calwake.F90 (-4), cv3_routines.F90 (+3 -3), cv3p_mixing.F90 (+3 -3), cva_driver.F90 (+15 -8), fonte_neige_mod.F90 (+1 -22), isotopes_routines_mod.F90 (+24 -33), isotopes_verif_mod.F90 (+14 -14), ocean_forced_mod.F90 (+5 -5), phys_output_write_mod.F90 (-7), physiq_mod.F90 (+22 -20), surf_land_bucket_mod.F90 (+7 -12), surf_land_mod.F90 (+4 -4), surf_landice_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
emillour 2021-11-26 09:56 Rev.: 4026

Missing initialization in infotrac_phy for isotopes.
While at it removed a dead link in phylmdiso.

1 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: infotrac_phy.F90 (+1), write_histrac.h (del)
dcugnet 2021-11-19 17:28 Rev.: 4011

Cleaning: removing ini_histrac.h
Replacing phylmdios/phytrac_mod.F90 by a link to phylmd/phytrac_mod.F90

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: ini_histrac.h (del), phytrac_mod.F90 (+2 -1119)
emillour 2021-11-18 10:29 Rev.: 4010

Fix OpenMP bug in previous revision.
While at it removed dead link in phylmdiso.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: calcratqs_inter.F90 (del)
evignon 2021-11-18 00:23 Rev.: 4009

! Prise en compte de l'orographie sous maille, des heterogeneites de surface
! sur le ratqs + nouvelle version des ratqs interactifs de Louis
! Le tout est dan un module: calcratqs_multi_mod.
! Pour l'instant, les nouvelles contributions peuvent s'activer
! uniquement de facon separee

388 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: calcratqs_multi_mod.F90 (new 364), phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+5 -5), physiq_mod.F90 (+19 -3)
emillour 2021-11-17 13:06 Rev.: 4007

Some fixes for phylmdiso:
- serial advection scheme updated to match the ones in dyn3dmem
- follow up on the changes in tracer name string length from r4005

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: infotrac_phy.F90 (+7 -6)
fairhead 2021-11-09 18:53 Rev.: 4004

Added properties on phylmdiso directory

108 lines of code changed in 100 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: aaam_bud.F90 (+1), acama_gwd_rando_m.F90 (+1), add_phys_tend_mod.F90 (+2 -1), add_wake_tend.F90 (+1), aero_mod.F90 (+1), aeropt.F90 (+1), aeropt_2bands.F90 (+1), aeropt_5wv.F90 (+1), ajsec.F90 (+1), albedo.F90 (+1), albsno.F90 (+1), alpale.F90 (+1), alpale_th.F90 (+1), alpale_wk.F90 (+1), atm2geo.F90 (+1), borne_var_surf.F90 (+1), buffer_mod.F90 (+1), cal_tools_m.F90 (+1), calbeta.F90 (+1), calbeta_clim.F90 (+1), calcratqs.F90 (+1), calcratqs_inter.F90 (+1), calcul_REGDYN.h (+1), calcul_STDlev.h (+1), calcul_divers.h (+1), calcul_fluxs_mod.F90 (+1), calltherm.F90 (+2 -1), calwake.F90 (+2 -1), carbon_cycle_mod.F90 (+1), cdrag_mod.F90 (+1), cfmip_point_locations.F90 (+1), change_srf_frac_mod.F90 (+2 -1), chem.h (+1), clcdrag.F90 (+1), clesphys.h (+1), clift.F90 (+1), climb_hq_mod.F90 (+1), climb_wind_mod.F90 (+1), clouds_bigauss.F90 (+1), clouds_gno.F90 (+1), cloudth_mod.F90 (+1), cltrac.F90 (+1), cltracrn.F90 (+1), cmp_seri_mod.F90 (+1), coef_diff_turb_mod.F90 (+1), coefcdrag.F90 (+1), coefkzmin.F90 (+1), compbl.h (+1), comsoil.h (+1), conccm.F90 (+1), concvl.F90 (+1), condsurf.F90 (+1), conema3.F90 (+1), conema3.h (+1), conemav.F90 (+1), conf_phys_m.F90 (+1), conflx.F90 (+1), conlmd.F90 (+1), convect1.F90 (+1), convect2.F90 (+1), convect3.F90 (+1), cpl_mod.F90 (+1), create_etat0_limit_unstruct.F90 (+1), create_etat0_unstruct.F90 (+1), create_limit_unstruct.F90 (+1), ctstar.F90 (+1), cv30_routines.F90 (+2 -1), cv30param.h (+1), cv3_buoy.F90 (+1), cv3_cine.F90 (+1), cv3_crit.F90 (+1), cv3_enthalpmix.F90 (+1), cv3_estatmix.F90 (+1), cv3_inicp.F90 (+1), cv3_inip.F90 (+1), cv3_mixscale.F90 (+1), cv3_routines.F90 (+2 -1), cv3a_compress.F90 (+1), cv3a_uncompress.F90 (+1), cv3p1_closure.F90 (+1), cv3p2_closure.F90 (+1), cv3p_mixing.F90 (+1), cv3param.h (+1), cv_driver.F90 (+1), cv_routines.F90 (+2 -1), cva_driver.F90 (+2 -1), cvflag.h (+1), cvltr.F90 (+1), cvltr_noscav.F90 (+1), cvltr_scav.F90 (+1), cvltr_spl.F90 (+1), cvltrorig.F90 (+1), cvparam.h (+1), cvthermo.h (+1), declare_STDlev.h (+1), diag_slp.F90 (+1), diagphy.F90 (+1), dimpft.h (+1), dimphy.F90 (+1), dimsoil.h (+1)
fairhead 2021-11-09 18:26 Rev.: 4003

Resolving some isotope issues introduced by r3999

1655 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso: lscp_mod.F90 (new 1273), lscp_tools_mod.F90 (new 356), phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+5), physiq_mod.F90 (+21 -2)

(11 more)

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