Directory trunk/libf/phylmdiso/Dust/

Directory Created:
2021-06-11 15:51
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Lines of Code

trunk/libf/phylmdiso/Dust/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 94 (100.0%) 30971 (100.0%) 329.4
fairhead 47 (50.0%) 30971 (100.0%) 658.9
crisi 47 (50.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

crisi 2021-06-15 12:57 Rev.: 3938

symbolic links for directories

0 lines of code changed in 47 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso/Dust: aeropt_spl.F (-251), bcscav_spl.F (-55), bl_for_dms.F (-105), blcloud_scav.F (-125), blcloud_scav_lsc.F (-125), checkmass.F90 (-59), checknanqfi.F90 (-32), chem_spla.h (-14), cltrac_spl.F (-137), cm3_to_kg.F (-25), coarsemission.F (-313), condsurfc.F (-149), condsurfc_new.F (-225), condsurfs.F (-317), condsurfs_new.F (-273), deposition.F (-56), dustemission_mod.F90 (-1548), finemission.F (-144), gastoparticle.F (-92), incloud_scav.F (-100), incloud_scav_lsc.F (-112), inscav_spl.F (-140), kg_to_cm3.F (-22), lsc_scav_orig.F90 (-291), lsc_scav_spl.F90 (-302), minmaxqfi2.F (-33), minmaxsource.F (-34), neutral.F (-72), nightingale.F (-83), phys_output_write_spl_mod.F90 (-1658), phytracr_spl_mod.F90 (-6069), precuremission.F (-263), read_dust.F (-84), read_newemissions.F (-371), read_surface.F90 (-164), read_vent.F (-145), satellite_out_spla.F90 (-192), seasalt.F (-52), sediment_mod.F (-341), spla_output_dat.h (-605), spla_output_write.h (-231), splaeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90 (-180), splaeropt_6bands_rrtm.F90 (-264), splaeropt_lw_rrtm.F90 (-91), splaerosol_optic_rrtm.F90 (-83), tiedqneg.F (-66), trconvect.F (-114)
fairhead 2021-06-11 15:51 Rev.: 3927

Initial import of the physics wih isotopes from Camille Risi

30971 lines of code changed in 47 files:

  • trunk/libf/phylmdiso/Dust: aeropt_spl.F (new 502), bcscav_spl.F (new 110), bl_for_dms.F (new 210), blcloud_scav.F (new 250), blcloud_scav_lsc.F (new 250), checkmass.F90 (new 118), checknanqfi.F90 (new 64), chem_spla.h (new 28), cltrac_spl.F (new 274), cm3_to_kg.F (new 50), coarsemission.F (new 626), condsurfc.F (new 298), condsurfc_new.F (new 450), condsurfs.F (new 634), condsurfs_new.F (new 546), deposition.F (new 112), dustemission_mod.F90 (new 3091), finemission.F (new 288), gastoparticle.F (new 184), incloud_scav.F (new 200), incloud_scav_lsc.F (new 224), inscav_spl.F (new 280), kg_to_cm3.F (new 44), lsc_scav_orig.F90 (new 582), lsc_scav_spl.F90 (new 604), minmaxqfi2.F (new 66), minmaxsource.F (new 68), neutral.F (new 144), nightingale.F (new 166), phys_output_write_spl_mod.F90 (new 3339), phytracr_spl_mod.F90 (new 10699), precuremission.F (new 526), read_dust.F (new 169), read_newemissions.F (new 742), read_surface.F90 (new 328), read_vent.F (new 290), satellite_out_spla.F90 (new 384), seasalt.F (new 104), sediment_mod.F (new 682), spla_output_dat.h (new 1210), spla_output_write.h (new 462), splaeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90 (new 349), splaeropt_6bands_rrtm.F90 (new 517), splaeropt_lw_rrtm.F90 (new 178), splaerosol_optic_rrtm.F90 (new 169), tiedqneg.F (new 132), trconvect.F (new 228)
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