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Coupling the radiation scheme


As explained in section 2.3, the land surface scheme of current GCMs should provide the radiation scheme with albedo, emissivity and surface radiative temperature as lower boundary conditions and receive in return the net short-wave flux, the zenith angle and the down-welling long-wave flux.

As the radiation parameterizations are computationally very expensive, their time-step is usually longer than the one used by the other components of the GCM. This contrasts to the LSS which uses the shortest time-step of the physical parameterizations as it is closely linked to the turbulent diffusion. Thus the LSS is called more often that the radiation scheme and special attention has to be paid at the interface to ensure conservation of energy.

It should be noted here that in the case where the radiation scheme uses the same time-step as the LSS another coupling method is possible. The long-wave flux balance can be solved with a mixed closure, thus coupling the surface energy balance equation to the radiation code. This approach will certainly result in a better simulation of the radiative cooling of the surface in regions where this process is dominant. However, only one model is known where this approach has been used; the version of the BMRC GCM coupled to the bucket scheme described in McAvaney et al. (1978). Later this coupling was abandoned at BMRC because of its computational cost.

Most radiation schemes will require from the LSS albedos for direct and diffuse sunlight in the spectral band below and above tex2html_wrap_inline1131 . In order to compute this, the land surface scheme will require the zenith angle, fraction of diffuse radiation and the incoming solar radiation. The latter will have to be computed by the LSS from the net solar radiation and the albedo it provided at the last call. The downward solar flux is only used to compute albedo and photosynthetically active radiation and may thus tolerate numerical approximations if needed. The same argument applies to the choice of fraction of diffuse short-wave radiation instead of a flux.

Priority is given to the net flux because it is the energy received by the surface as computed in the radiation scheme and it is used in the surface energy balance. This ensures energy conservation through the interface even with the different time-stepings. The LSS will receive the same net solar flux at each time-step between two calls to the radiation scheme. The radiation scheme may choose to use the last albedo provided by the LSS or the average of all values obtained since the last radiation time-step. The GCM has also the responsibility of providing the zenith angle for the next point in time to ensure a correct computation of albedo by the LSS for such critical situation as sunrise.

In the long-wave part of the spectrum the radiation scheme will provide incoming radiation at the surface. On the other hand it needs to receive from the LSS the emissivity to determine the fraction of this flux which will be reflected.

Providing a radiative temperature through the interface has practical advantages but also a few pitfalls. While solving the surface energy balance the land surface scheme can use a limited expansion of the surface temperature around its old value to obtain a value for the emitted radiation closer to the new temperature. For instance the upward long-wave flux ( tex2html_wrap_inline1133 ) may be determined by :


where tex2html_wrap_inline1135 is surface emissivity and tex2html_wrap_inline1137 the Stefan-Boltzman constant. The benefits of this approach is to stabilize the numerical scheme used to solve equation 1 in situation where the long-wave radiation dominates the energy balance. The intermediate temperature used to determine the upward long-wave flux will be called the radiative temperature (T) and is defined by:


It needs to be recomputed once the surface energy balance is solved. As can easily be seen, without the Taylor expansion the radiative temperature is the surface temperature at time t. If this is not done energy will not be conserved in the coupled system as the GCM will receive a long-wave flux different from the one used in the LSS.

When the radiative temperature and the emissivity are passed to the radiation scheme, they have to be averaged over the time-steps at which the radiation is not called so that the mean flux emitted from the surface, as calculated by the LSS, is given to the radiation. This averaging has to be linear for the emissivity and in the 4th power of the radiative temperature. In order to perform this process on the fly we propose the following equations which yield the new averages ( tex2html_wrap_inline1143 , n is the time-step at which radiative temperature is available between two calls to the radiation) from the mean over the previous time-steps and the new values:



Using tex2html_wrap_inline1147 and tex2html_wrap_inline1149 in the next call to the radiation scheme will ensure that the time-averaged balance of the long-wave radiative fluxes is conserved.

If the land surface scheme includes a sub-grid scale variability of the surface temperature it has to perform the same type of averaging to obtain a mean radiative temperature for the grid. It will also need to compute an averaged emissivity.

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Fri Mar 6 16:09:11 MET 1998