November 2018 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
fairhead 2018-11-15 17:03 Rev.: 3415

Change in default behaviour of iflag_bug_t2m_ipslcm61. By default,
we now want the t2m bug to be present for CMIP6 continuity purposes.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2018-11-14 16:48 Rev.: 3414

New routine from Yann I forgot to include in the convergence commit

135 lines of code changed in 1 file:

fairhead 2018-11-12 14:52 Rev.: 3413

Inclusion of Yann's latest (summer/fall 2018) modifications for
convergence of DYNAMICO/LMDZ physics

1462 lines of code changed in 30 files:

oboucher 2018-11-08 23:39 Rev.: 3412

Externalizing a controlling parameter for activating aerosol radiative feedback
Need to pass the info all the way to recmwf_aero. Default is True as before.

39 lines of code changed in 5 files:

fairhead 2018-11-05 16:24 Rev.: 3411

Undoing merge with trunk (r3356) to properly register Yann's latest modifications

12349 lines of code changed in 238 files:

October 2018 »

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