move initialization of flags for double radiation calls at the beginning in the case of XIOS
44 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Initialisation of swaero_diag and ok_4xCO2atm needed to be revamped now that output variables are defined before the call to radlwsw.
9 lines of code changed in 2 files:
* Remove explicit usage of "old_phases" values ("gli") from infotrac: now
taken from readTracFiles (the only place they are defined).
* Remove useless variables (StratAer variables definition have been moves to
6 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* fix of the delPhase function.
* getvar1 and getvar2 fixed and modified to avoid the usage of files with
several time records and make the calls rather short.
* works again with iadv==0
* no more issues with tracers numbers (nqo, nqtot, etc.)
* fixes in the algebrical reduction routine used for "isotopes_parems.def"
(containing simple expressions with variables that have to be substituted).
* still to be validated numerically
169 lines of code changed in 12 files:
inclusion de messages d'erreur dans guide_loc_mod.F90
pour que le modele stoppe quand les dimensions des fichiers de guidage
ne correspondent pas aux dimensions de la grille de LMDZ.
87 lines of code changed in 1 file:
From Francis
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Adds a routine 'prt_alerte' to enable developpers to print out informative messages on the first pass through physics
and from the master process only. This can be used to remind oneself of potential problems or further enhancements.
Messages can be differentiated by a 'priority' code 0/1/2 (corresponding to GREEN/ORANGE/RED alerts)
By default, the messages are output in a file called ALERTES.txt but changing the unit number to 6 in the
print_control_mod.F90 file allows you to print out your messages to the screen.
To use you simply need to:
- have this USE statement at the start of your routine:
USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level, lunout, call_alert, prt_alerte
- ensure that the modname variable is defined and contains the name of your routine
- then you just need to add the following lines in your routine wherever you want to ouput your message
(preferably not in a do loop)
message='your informative message'
IF (call_alert) CALL prt_alerte(message,modname,CODE)
* message is the message to print out
* modname is the routine name
* CODE is an integer representing your priority code (0/1/2)
and you should get messages of the form
ALERTE ROUGE cva_driver! ym missing init, need to have a look by developpers
ALERTE VERTE orosetup_strato! ym correction en attendant mieux
in your output file.
49 lines of code changed in 2 files:
je renomme la routine sisvat_sop.F pour faciliter les passerelles entre MAR-SISVAT et LMDZ-SISVAT
765 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Update Irene debug options to be more strict.
2 lines of code changed in 2 files: