2021-06-28 20:09
Rev.: 3950
4 lines of code changed in 1 file:
phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+4 -4)
2021-06-25 12:56
Rev.: 3949
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
physiq_mod.F90 (+2 -2)
2021-06-23 11:22
Rev.: 3948
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
conf_phys_m.F90 (+2 -2)
2021-06-21 17:15
Rev.: 3947
27 lines of code changed in 2 files:
leapfrog.F (+10)
leapfrog_loc.F (+17)
2021-06-21 07:50
Rev.: 3946
5 lines of code changed in 2 files:
radiation_scheme.F90 (+4 -3),
radiation_setup.F90 (+1 -1)
2021-06-18 17:24
Rev.: 3945
117 lines of code changed in 1 file:
infotrac.F90 (+117 -120)
2021-06-15 13:36
Rev.: 3942
743 lines of code changed in 2 files:
stdlevvar_mod.F90 (new 743),
stdlevvarr_mod.F90 (del)
2021-06-15 13:33
Rev.: 3941
0 lines of code changed in 8 files:
cdrag.F90 (del),
hbtm.F90 (del),
isotopes_mod.F90_bak7fev2018 (del),
isotopologues (del),
screenc.F90 (del),
screenp.F90 (del),
stdlevvar.F90 (del),
stdlevvarr_mod.F90 (changed)
2021-06-15 13:18
Rev.: 3940
4778 lines of code changed in 288 files:
FCTTRE.h (+2 -45),
YOECUMF.h (+2 -48),
YOEGWD.h (+2 -32),
YOEMETH.F90 (+2 -46),
YOETHF.h (+2 -31),
YOMCST.h (+2 -46),
YOMCST2.h (+2 -14),
aaam_bud.F90 (+2 -358),
acama_gwd_rando_m.F90 (+2 -536),
aero_mod.F90 (+2 -106),
aeropt.F90 (+2 -124),
aeropt_2bands.F90 (+2 -1130),
aeropt_5wv.F90 (+2 -826),
albedo.F90 (+2 -161),
albsno.F90 (+2 -62),
alpale.F90 (+2 -197),
alpale_th.F90 (+2 -332),
alpale_wk.F90 (+2 -84),
atm2geo.F90 (+2 -72),
borne_var_surf.F90 (+2 -111),
buffer_mod.F90 (+2 -86),
cal_tools_m.F90 (+2 -89),
calbeta.F90 (+2 -102),
calbeta_clim.F90 (+2 -72),
calcratqs.F90 (+2 -188),
calcratqs_inter.F90 (new 2),
calcul_REGDYN.h (+2 -22),
calcul_STDlev.h (+2 -239),
calcul_divers.h (+2 -57),
calcul_fluxs_mod.F90 (+2 -341),
carbon_cycle_mod.F90 (+2 -527),
cdrag_mod.F90 (new 821),
cfmip_point_locations.F90 (+2 -120),
chem.h (+2 -14),
clcdrag.F90 (+2 -149),
clesphys.h (+2 -146),
climb_wind_mod.F90 (+2 -389),
clouds_bigauss.F90 (+2 -119),
clouds_gno.F90 (+2 -261),
cloudth_mod.F90 (+2 -1540),
cltrac.F90 (+2 -149),
cltracrn.F90 (+2 -288),
cmp_seri_mod.F90 (+2 -156),
coef_diff_turb_mod.F90 (+2 -596),
coefcdrag.F90 (+2 -167),
coefkzmin.F90 (+2 -132),
compbl.h (+2 -12),
comsoil.h (+2 -9),
conccm.F90 (+2 -818),
condsurf.F90 (+2 -136),
conema3.F90 (+2 -412),
conema3.h (+2 -25),
conemav.F90 (+2 -146),
conf_phys_m.F90 (+2 -2801),
conflx.F90 (+2 -1608),
conlmd.F90 (+2 -2250),
convect1.F90 (+2 -641),
convect2.F90 (+2 -1373),
convect3.F90 (+2 -1407),
cpl_mod.F90 (+2 -1553),
create_etat0_limit_unstruct.F90 (+2 -121),
create_etat0_unstruct.F90 (+2 -261),
create_limit_unstruct.F90 (+2 -319),
ctstar.F90 (+2 -128),
cv30param.h (+2 -30),
cv3_buoy.F90 (+2 -155),
cv3_cine.F90 (+2 -461),
cv3_crit.F90 (+2 -59),
cv3_inicp.F90 (+2 -118),
cv3_inip.F90 (+2 -146),
cv3_mixscale.F90 (+2 -34),
cv3p1_closure.F90 (+2 -773),
cv3p2_closure.F90 (+2 -869),
cv3param.h (+2 -44),
cvflag.h (+2 -27),
cvltr.F90 (+2 -696),
cvltr_noscav.F90 (+2 -201),
cvltr_scav.F90 (+2 -707),
cvltr_spl.F90 (+2 -841),
cvltrorig.F90 (+2 -166),
cvparam.h (+2 -29),
cvthermo.h (+2 -16),
declare_STDlev.h (+2 -61),
diag_slp.F90 (+2 -45),
diagphy.F90 (+2 -402),
dimpft.h (+2 -6),
dimphy.F90 (+2 -62),
dimsoil.h (+2 -5),
ener_conserv.F90 (+2 -259),
evappot.F90 (+2 -42),
fcg_gcssold.h (+2 -46),
fcg_racmo.h (+2 -45),
fisrtilp.h (+2 -32),
fisrtilp_tr.F90 (+2 -429),
flott_gwd_rando_m.F90 (+2 -460),
flux_arp.h (+2 -17),
flxtr.F90 (+2 -202),
fonte_neige_mod.F90 (+7 -11),
freinage.F90 (+2 -134),
geo2atm.F90 (+2 -80),
global_mean.F90 (+2 -63),
gr_fi_ecrit.F90 (+2 -24),
grid_noro_m.F90 (+2 -579),
haut2bas.F90 (+2 -19),
hbtm2l.F90 (+2 -700),
hbtm_mod.F90 (new 769),
hgardfou.F90 (+2 -134),
hines_gwd.F90 (+2 -2019),
histo_o500_pctau.F90 (+2 -65),
homogene.F90 (+2 -98),
hydrol.F90 (+2 -118),
icefrac_lsc_mod.F90 (+2 -59),
indice_sol_mod.F90 (+2 -17),
infotrac_phy.F90 (+6 -2),
ini_bilKP_ave.h (+2 -259),
ini_bilKP_ins.h (+2 -326),
ini_coord_REGDYN.h (+2 -81),
ini_histREGDYN.h (+2 -127),
ini_histday_seri.h (+2 -131),
ini_histrac.h (+2 -245),
ini_undefSTD.F90 (+2 -85),
ini_wake.F90 (+2 -88),
inifis_mod.F90 (+2 -81),
iniorbit.F90 (+2 -103),
iniradia.F90 (+2 -38),
init_be.F90 (+2 -565),
initphysto.F90 (+2 -206),
initrrnpb.F90 (+2 -95),
interfoce_lim.F90 (+2 -289),
iophy.F90 (+2 -1545),
iophys.F90 (+2 -184),
iostart.F90 (+2 -556),
iotd.h (+2 -16),
iotd_ecrit.F90 (+2 -180),
iotd_fin.F90 (+2 -25),
iotd_ini.F90 (+2 -116),
isccp_cloud_types.F90 (+2 -1611),
limit_slab.F90 (+2 -195),
lsc_scav.F90 (+2 -300),
macv2sp.F90 (+2 -176),
methox.F90 (+2 -118),
minmaxqfi.F90 (+2 -36),
mo_simple_plumes.F90 (+2 -482),
mod_surf_para.F90 (+2 -351),
mod_synchro_omp.F90 (+2 -60),
moy_undefSTD.F90 (+2 -147),
moyglo_aire.F90 (+2 -149),
newmicro.F90 (+2 -705),
nflxtr.F90 (+2 -159),
nonlocal.F90 (+2 -407),
nuage.F90 (+2 -406),
nuage.h (+2 -20),
o3_chem_m.F90 (+2 -171),
o3cm.F90 (+2 -68),
oasis.F90 (+2 -515),
ocean_albedo.F90 (+2 -256),
ocean_albedo_para.F90 (+2 -646),
ocean_cpl_mod.F90 (+2 -363),
ocean_forced_mod.F90 (+59 -41),
ocean_slab_mod.F90 (+2 -983),
open_climoz_m.F90 (+2 -101),
orbite.F90 (+2 -294),
orografi.F90 (+2 -1681),
orografi_strato.F90 (+2 -1938),
ozonecm_m.F90 (+2 -97),
paramlmdz_phy_mod.F90 (+2 -237),
pbl_surface_mod.F90 (+546 -171),
perturb_radlwsw.F90 (+2 -27),
phyetat0.F90 (+45 -11),
phyredem.F90 (+32 -3),
phys_cal_mod.F90 (+2 -95),
phys_local_var_mod.F90 (+23 -26),
phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90 (+93 -18),
phys_output_mod.F90 (+2 -4),
phys_output_var_mod.F90 (+28),
phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+186 -53),
phys_state_var_mod.F90 (+169 -132),
physiq_mod.F90 (+191 -163),
phystokenc_mod.F90 (+2 -387),
planete.h (+2 -11),
plevel.F90 (+2 -139),
plevel_new.F90 (+2 -148),
pppmer.F90 (+2 -161),
press_coefoz_m.F90 (+2 -74),
print_debug_phys.F90 (+2 -21),
printflag.F90 (+2 -190),
qcheck.F90 (+2 -29),
raddim.160.98.h (+2 -5),
raddim.192.143.h (+2 -5),
raddim.32.24.h (+2 -5),
raddim.48.32.h (+2 -5),
raddim.72.46.h (+2 -5),
raddim.96.72.h (+2 -5),
raddim.defaut.h (+2 -5),
raddim.h (+2 -5),
raddimlw.h (+2 -11),
radepsi.h (+2 -16),
radiation_AR4.F90 (+2 -5716),
radiation_ar4_param.F90 (+2 -243),
radio_decay.F90 (+2 -59),
radlwsw_m.F90 (+2 -1162),
radopt.h (+2 -9),
ran0_vec.F90 (+2 -34),
read_map2D.F90 (+2 -79),
read_pstoke.F90 (+2 -518),
read_pstoke0.F90 (+2 -536),
readaerosol_interp.F90 (+2 -579),
readaerosol_mod.F90 (+2 -739),
readaerosol_optic.F90 (+2 -220),
readaerosolstrato.F90 (+2 -209),
readaerosolstrato_m.F90 (+2 -138),
readchlorophyll.F90 (+2 -123),
regdim.h (+2 -17),
regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90 (+2 -737),
regr_lat_time_coefoz_m.F90 (+2 -348),
regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m.F90 (+2 -163),
regr_pr_int_m.F90 (+2 -106),
regr_pr_o3_m.F90 (+2 -101),
regr_pr_time_av_m.F90 (+2 -717),
screenc_mod.F90 (new 193),
screenp_mod.F90 (new 185),
simu_airs.F90 (+2 -1306),
slab_heat_transp_mod.F90 (+2 -1131),
soil.F90 (+2 -299),
solarlong.F90 (+2 -134),
stdlevvarr_mod.F90 (new 2),
stratocu_if.F90 (+2 -80),
stratosphere_mask.F90 (+2 -252),
sumethox.F90 (+2 -69),
suphel.F90 (+2 -229),
surf_land_orchidee_mod.F90 (+2 -852),
surf_land_orchidee_nofrein_mod.F90 (+2 -683),
surf_land_orchidee_noopenmp_mod.F90 (+2 -796),
surf_land_orchidee_nounstruct_mod.F90 (+2 -683),
surf_land_orchidee_noz0h_mod.F90 (+2 -681),
surf_landice_mod.F90 (+142 -91),
surf_ocean_mod.F90 (+85 -19),
surf_seaice_mod.F90 (+10 -3),
surface_data.F90 (+2 -32),
sw_aeroAR4.F90 (+2 -641),
tend_to_tke.F90 (+2 -149),
thermcell.F90 (+2 -1168),
thermcell.h (+2 -30),
thermcellV0_main.F90 (+2 -2079),
thermcell_alim.F90 (+2 -129),
thermcell_alp.F90 (+2 -475),
thermcell_closure.F90 (+2 -81),
thermcell_condens.F90 (+2 -83),
thermcell_dq.F90 (+2 -323),
thermcell_dry.F90 (+2 -173),
thermcell_dtke.F90 (+2 -123),
thermcell_dv2.F90 (+2 -193),
thermcell_env.F90 (+2 -196),
thermcell_flux.F90 (+2 -519),
thermcell_flux2.F90 (+2 -515),
thermcell_height.F90 (+2 -163),
thermcell_init.F90 (+2 -59),
thermcell_main.F90 (+1 -6),
thermcell_old.F90 (+2 -5341),
thermcell_plume.F90 (+2 -495),
thermcell_plume_6A.F90 (+2 -1186),
thermcell_qsat.F90 (+2 -95),
tilft43.F90 (+2 -99),
time_phylmdz_mod.F90 (+2 -112),
tlift.F90 (+2 -246),
tracco2i_mod.F90 (+2 -342),
tracinca_mod.F90 (+2 -202),
traclmdz_mod.F90 (+2 -628),
tracreprobus_mod.F90 (+2 -130),
transp.F90 (+2 -52),
transp_lay.F90 (+2 -50),
tropopause_m.F90 (+2 -146),
tsoilnudge.h (+2 -7),
undefSTD.F90 (+2 -109),
ustarhb.F90 (+2 -52),
vdif_kcay.F90 (+2 -674),
water_int.F90 (changed),
write_bilKP_ave.h (+2 -155),
write_bilKP_ins.h (+2 -179),
write_histREGDYN.h (+2 -63),
write_histday_seri.h (+2 -165),
write_histrac.h (+2 -126),
wx_pbl_mod.F90 (+2 -479),
wx_pbl_var_mod.F90 (new 655),
yamada.F90 (+2 -169),
yamada4.F90 (+2 -1159),
yamada_c.F90 (+2 -491),
zilch.F90 (+2 -17)
2021-06-15 12:57
Rev.: 3939
0 lines of code changed in 35 files:
MISR_simulator.F90 (-292),
array_lib.F90 (-103),
cosp.F90 (-2353),
cosp_calipso_interface.F90 (-84),
cosp_cloudsat_interface.F90 (-147),
cosp_config.F90 (-343),
cosp_defs.h (-30),
cosp_errorHandling.F90 (-50),
cosp_interface_v1p4.F90 (-2543),
cosp_isccp_interface.F90 (-85),
cosp_kinds.F90 (-40),
cosp_math_constants.F90 (-40),
cosp_misr_interface.F90 (-67),
cosp_modis_interface.F90 (-113),
cosp_optics.F90 (-442),
cosp_output_mod.F90 (-447),
cosp_output_write_mod.F90 (-884),
cosp_parasol_interface.F90 (-90),
cosp_phys_constants.F90 (-68),
cosp_read_otputkeys.F90 (-1255),
cosp_stats.F90 (-285),
cosp_utils.F90 (-89),
icarus.F90 (-645),
lidar_simulator.F90 (-1026),
math_lib.F90 (-404),
mo_rng.F90 (-138),
modis_simulator.F90 (-906),
mrgrnk.F90 (-645),
optics_lib.F90 (-771),
parasol.F90 (-176),
phys_cosp2.F90 (-458),
prec_scops.F90 (-277),
quickbeam.F90 (-387),
quickbeam_optics.F90 (-1406),
scops.F90 (-240)
2021-06-15 12:57
Rev.: 3938
2 lines of code changed in 759 files:
Ocean_skin (new 2)
aeropt_spl.F (-251),
bcscav_spl.F (-55),
bl_for_dms.F (-105),
blcloud_scav.F (-125),
blcloud_scav_lsc.F (-125),
checkmass.F90 (-59),
checknanqfi.F90 (-32),
chem_spla.h (-14),
cltrac_spl.F (-137),
cm3_to_kg.F (-25),
coarsemission.F (-313),
condsurfc.F (-149),
condsurfc_new.F (-225),
condsurfs.F (-317),
condsurfs_new.F (-273),
deposition.F (-56),
dustemission_mod.F90 (-1548),
finemission.F (-144),
gastoparticle.F (-92),
incloud_scav.F (-100),
incloud_scav_lsc.F (-112),
inscav_spl.F (-140),
kg_to_cm3.F (-22),
lsc_scav_orig.F90 (-291),
lsc_scav_spl.F90 (-302),
minmaxqfi2.F (-33),
minmaxsource.F (-34),
neutral.F (-72),
nightingale.F (-83),
phys_output_write_spl_mod.F90 (-1658),
phytracr_spl_mod.F90 (-6069),
precuremission.F (-263),
read_dust.F (-84),
read_newemissions.F (-371),
read_surface.F90 (-164),
read_vent.F (-145),
satellite_out_spla.F90 (-192),
seasalt.F (-52),
sediment_mod.F (-341),
spla_output_dat.h (-605),
spla_output_write.h (-231),
splaeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90 (-180),
splaeropt_6bands_rrtm.F90 (-264),
splaeropt_lw_rrtm.F90 (-91),
splaerosol_optic_rrtm.F90 (-83),
tiedqneg.F (-66),
trconvect.F (-114)
aer_sedimnt.F90 (-133),
aerophys.F90 (-20),
calcaerosolstrato_rrtm.F90 (-123),
coagulate.F90 (-242),
cond_evap_tstep_mod.F90 (-215),
interp_sulf_input.F90 (-263),
micphy_tstep.F90 (-182),
miecalc_aer.F90 (-631),
minmaxsimple.F90 (-23),
nucleation_tstep_mod.F90 (-860),
ocs_to_so2.F90 (-46),
so2_to_h2so4.F90 (-47),
strataer_mod.F90 (-231),
sulfate_aer_mod.F90 (-628),
traccoag_mod.F90 (-415)
MISR_simulator.F90 (-292),
array_lib.F90 (-103),
cosp.F90 (-3665),
cosp_atlid_interface.F90 (-66),
cosp_calipso_interface.F90 (-85),
cosp_cloudsat_interface.F90 (-142),
cosp_config.F90 (-427),
cosp_errorHandling.F90 (-50),
cosp_grLidar532_interface.F90 (-62),
cosp_isccp_interface.F90 (-85),
cosp_kinds.F90 (-39),
cosp_math_constants.F90 (-6),
cosp_misr_interface.F90 (-67),
cosp_modis_interface.F90 (-113),
cosp_optics.F90 (-492),
cosp_parasol_interface.F90 (-90),
cosp_phys_constants.F90 (-65),
cosp_stats.F90 (-307),
cosp_utils.F90 (-94),
icarus.F90 (-645),
lidar_simulator.F90 (-1561),
lmdz_cosp_construct_destroy_mod.F90 (-675),
lmdz_cosp_interface.F90 (-589),
lmdz_cosp_output_mod.F90 (-520),
lmdz_cosp_output_write_mod.F90 (-1055),
lmdz_cosp_read_outputkeys.F90 (-1723),
lmdz_cosp_subsample_and_optics_mod.F90 (-456),
math_lib.F90 (-404),
mo_rng.F90 (-138),
modis_simulator.F90 (-906),
mrgrnk.F90 (-645),
optics_lib.F90 (-771),
parasol.F90 (-176),
prec_scops.F90 (-277),
quickbeam.F90 (-643),
quickbeam_optics.F90 (-1380),
scops.F90 (-240)
1DUTILS.h (-1914),
1D_decl_cases.h (-297),
1D_interp_cases.h (-178),
1D_nudge_sandu_astex.h (-42),
1D_read_forc_cases.h (-113),
1Dconv.h (-876),
comconst_mod.F90 (-37),
comdissnew.h (-30),
comgeom.h (-33),
comgeom2.h (-33),
compar1d.h (-70),
comvert_mod.F90 (-41),
conf_gcm.F90 (-925),
control_mod.F90 (-42),
date_cas.h (-9),
disvert.F90 (-458),
exner_hyb_m.F90 (-147),
infotrac.F90 (-1032),
inigeomphy_mod.F90 (-243),
iniphysiq_mod.F90 (-216),
lmdz1d.F90 (-33),
logic_mod.F90 (-36),
mod_1D_amma_read.F90 (-504),
mod_1D_cases_read.F90 (-1174),
mod_1D_cases_read2.F90 (-1520),
mod_1D_cases_read_std.F90 (-1085),
mod_const_mpi.F90 (-16),
mod_interface_dyn_phys.F90 (-62),
old_1DUTILS_read_interp.h (-3380),
old_1D_decl_cases.h (-293),
old_1D_interp_cases.h (-1032),
old_1D_read_forc_cases.h (-1106),
old_lmdz1d.F90 (-1341),
paramet.h (-29),
scm.F90 (-1106),
serre_mod.F90 (-11),
temps_mod.F90 (-25),
tracstoke.h (-5)
abor1.F90 (-10),
abor1.intfb.h (-5),
abort_trans_mod.F90 (-30),
aeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90 (-607),
aeropt_6bands_rrtm.F90 (-857),
aeropt_lw_rrtm.F90 (-78),
cpledn_mod.F90 (-164),
dates.F90 (-1202),
dump2ds.F (-113),
eq_regions_mod.F90 (-366),
fctast.h (-29),
fcttim.h (-46),
fcttrm.h (-100),
gfl_subs.F90 (-871),
gppre.F90 (-92),
gppre.intfb.h (-13),
gppref.F90 (-172),
gppref.intfb.h (-14),
gppreh.F90 (-76),
gppreh.intfb.h (-12),
gpxyb.F90 (-240),
gpxyb.intfb.h (-21),
gridpoint_buffers.F90 (-117),
gstats.F90 (-309),
lw.F90 (-182),
lw.intfb.h (-35),
lwb.F90 (-272),
lwb.intfb.h (-31),
lwbv.F90 (-168),
lwbv.intfb.h (-28),
lwc.F90 (-420),
lwc.intfb.h (-22),
lwtt.F90 (-199),
lwtt.intfb.h (-14),
lwttm.F90 (-199),
lwttm.intfb.h (-15),
lwu.F90 (-373),
lwu.intfb.h (-25),
lwv.F90 (-188),
lwv.intfb.h (-34),
lwvb.F90 (-259),
lwvb.intfb.h (-35),
lwvd.F90 (-278),
lwvd.intfb.h (-24),
lwvn.F90 (-238),
lwvn.intfb.h (-25),
myrecvset_mod.F90 (-74),
mysendset_mod.F90 (-72),
naeaer.h (-9),
naephy.h (-17),
naerad.h (-21),
namcape.h (-1),
namclop15.h (-3),
namgem.h (-5),
namjfh.h (-1),
namphy.h (-26),
namphy0.h (-41),
namphy1.h (-21),
namphy2.h (-9),
namphy3.h (-12),
namrad15.h (-9),
namrcoef.h (-6),
namrgri.h (-6),
namscen.h (-3),
namscm.h (-5),
namtoph.h (-9),
namvdoz.h (-11),
naphlc.h (-7),
pardim.F90 (-24),
parfpos.F90 (-74),
parkind1.F90 (-33),
parkind2.F90 (-22),
parrint.F90 (-16),
parrrtm.F90 (-57),
parsrtm.F90 (-86),
pe2set_mod.F90 (-113),
posnam.F90 (-108),
posnam.intfb.h (-7),
radlsw.F90 (-1269),
radlsw.intfb.h (-87),
rdcset.intfb.h (-65),
read_rsun_rrtm.F90 (-107),
readaerosol_optic_rrtm.F90 (-343),
readaerosolstrato1_rrtm.F90 (-262),
readaerosolstrato2_rrtm.F90 (-445),
recmwf_aero.F90 (-985),
rrtm_cmbgb1.F90 (-100),
rrtm_cmbgb1.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb10.F90 (-78),
rrtm_cmbgb10.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb11.F90 (-92),
rrtm_cmbgb11.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb12.F90 (-85),
rrtm_cmbgb12.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb13.F90 (-85),
rrtm_cmbgb13.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb14.F90 (-93),
rrtm_cmbgb14.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb15.F90 (-85),
rrtm_cmbgb15.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb16.F90 (-86),
rrtm_cmbgb16.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb2.F90 (-117),
rrtm_cmbgb2.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb3.F90 (-137),
rrtm_cmbgb3.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb4.F90 (-128),
rrtm_cmbgb4.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb5.F90 (-142),
rrtm_cmbgb5.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb6.F90 (-85),
rrtm_cmbgb6.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb7.F90 (-121),
rrtm_cmbgb7.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb8.F90 (-105),
rrtm_cmbgb8.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_cmbgb9.F90 (-135),
rrtm_cmbgb9.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_ecrt_140gp.F90 (-406),
rrtm_ecrt_140gp.intfb.h (-54),
rrtm_gasabs1a_140gp.F90 (-157),
rrtm_gasabs1a_140gp.intfb.h (-39),
rrtm_init_140gp.F90 (-166),
rrtm_init_140gp.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb1.F90 (-2141),
rrtm_kgb1.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb10.F90 (-2080),
rrtm_kgb10.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb11.F90 (-2135),
rrtm_kgb11.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb12.F90 (-3422),
rrtm_kgb12.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb13.F90 (-3422),
rrtm_kgb13.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb14.F90 (-2135),
rrtm_kgb14.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb15.F90 (-3422),
rrtm_kgb15.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb16.F90 (-3422),
rrtm_kgb16.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb2.F90 (-2224),
rrtm_kgb2.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb3.F90 (-11371),
rrtm_kgb3.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb4.F90 (-11307),
rrtm_kgb4.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb5.F90 (-11311),
rrtm_kgb5.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb6.F90 (-571),
rrtm_kgb6.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb7.F90 (-5011),
rrtm_kgb7.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb8.F90 (-2238),
rrtm_kgb8.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_kgb9.F90 (-5043),
rrtm_kgb9.intfb.h (-4),
rrtm_rrtm_140gp.F90 (-275),
rrtm_rrtm_140gp.intfb.h (-42),
rrtm_rtrn1a_140gp.F90 (-899),
rrtm_rtrn1a_140gp.intfb.h (-33),
rrtm_setcoef_140gp.F90 (-185),
rrtm_setcoef_140gp.intfb.h (-35),
rrtm_taumol1.F90 (-241),
rrtm_taumol1.intfb.h (-25),
rrtm_taumol10.F90 (-97),
rrtm_taumol10.intfb.h (-21),
rrtm_taumol11.F90 (-106),
rrtm_taumol11.intfb.h (-24),
rrtm_taumol12.F90 (-143),
rrtm_taumol12.intfb.h (-26),
rrtm_taumol13.F90 (-142),
rrtm_taumol13.intfb.h (-26),
rrtm_taumol14.F90 (-117),
rrtm_taumol14.intfb.h (-24),
rrtm_taumol15.F90 (-157),
rrtm_taumol15.intfb.h (-27),
rrtm_taumol16.F90 (-156),
rrtm_taumol16.intfb.h (-26),
rrtm_taumol2.F90 (-186),
rrtm_taumol2.intfb.h (-26),
rrtm_taumol3.F90 (-240),
rrtm_taumol3.intfb.h (-28),
rrtm_taumol4.F90 (-197),
rrtm_taumol4.intfb.h (-28),
rrtm_taumol5.F90 (-191),
rrtm_taumol5.intfb.h (-29),
rrtm_taumol6.F90 (-106),
rrtm_taumol6.intfb.h (-26),
rrtm_taumol7.F90 (-155),
rrtm_taumol7.intfb.h (-27),
rrtm_taumol8.F90 (-138),
rrtm_taumol8.intfb.h (-28),
rrtm_taumol9.F90 (-198),
rrtm_taumol9.intfb.h (-29),
sdl_module.F90 (-136),
seapre.F90 (-68),
seapre.intfb.h (-9),
set2pe_mod.F90 (-121),
set99.F (-59),
set_resol_mod.F90 (-44),
setup_dims_mod.F90 (-37),
setup_geom_mod.F90 (-79),
setup_trans.F90 (-228),
setup_trans.h (-73),
srtm_cldprop.F90 (-340),
srtm_cldprop.intfb.h (-26),
srtm_cmbgb16.F90 (-103),
srtm_cmbgb16.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb17.F90 (-94),
srtm_cmbgb17.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb18.F90 (-92),
srtm_cmbgb18.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb19.F90 (-92),
srtm_cmbgb19.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb20.F90 (-89),
srtm_cmbgb20.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb21.F90 (-94),
srtm_cmbgb21.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb22.F90 (-92),
srtm_cmbgb22.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb23.F90 (-77),
srtm_cmbgb23.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb24.F90 (-113),
srtm_cmbgb24.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb25.F90 (-59),
srtm_cmbgb25.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb26.F90 (-39),
srtm_cmbgb26.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb27.F90 (-65),
srtm_cmbgb27.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb28.F90 (-70),
srtm_cmbgb28.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_cmbgb29.F90 (-94),
srtm_cmbgb29.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_init.F90 (-136),
srtm_init.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb16.F90 (-4990),
srtm_kgb16.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb17.F90 (-11280),
srtm_kgb17.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb18.F90 (-5030),
srtm_kgb18.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb19.F90 (-5030),
srtm_kgb19.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb20.F90 (-2077),
srtm_kgb20.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb21.F90 (-11297),
srtm_kgb21.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb22.F90 (-5030),
srtm_kgb22.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb23.F90 (-559),
srtm_kgb23.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb24.F90 (-5092),
srtm_kgb24.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb25.F90 (-493),
srtm_kgb25.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb26.F90 (-43),
srtm_kgb26.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb27.F90 (-2007),
srtm_kgb27.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb28.F90 (-11189),
srtm_kgb28.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_kgb29.F90 (-2083),
srtm_kgb29.intfb.h (-4),
srtm_reftra.F90 (-264),
srtm_reftra.intfb.h (-22),
srtm_setcoef.F90 (-256),
srtm_setcoef.intfb.h (-48),
srtm_spcvrt.F90 (-673),
srtm_spcvrt.intfb.h (-79),
srtm_spcvrt_mcica.F90 (-698),
srtm_spcvrt_mcica.intfb.h (-66),
srtm_srtm_224gp.F90 (-396),
srtm_srtm_224gp.intfb.h (-38),
srtm_srtm_224gp_mcica.F90 (-397),
srtm_srtm_224gp_mcica.intfb.h (-38),
srtm_taumol16.F90 (-169),
srtm_taumol16.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol17.F90 (-181),
srtm_taumol17.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol18.F90 (-150),
srtm_taumol18.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol19.F90 (-157),
srtm_taumol19.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol20.F90 (-132),
srtm_taumol20.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol21.F90 (-189),
srtm_taumol21.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol22.F90 (-167),
srtm_taumol22.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol23.F90 (-117),
srtm_taumol23.intfb.h (-34),
srtm_taumol24.F90 (-161),
srtm_taumol24.intfb.h (-36),
srtm_taumol25.F90 (-108),
srtm_taumol25.intfb.h (-29),
srtm_taumol26.F90 (-94),
srtm_taumol26.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_taumol27.F90 (-110),
srtm_taumol27.intfb.h (-28),
srtm_taumol28.F90 (-170),
srtm_taumol28.intfb.h (-29),
srtm_taumol29.F90 (-128),
srtm_taumol29.intfb.h (-35),
srtm_vrtqdr.F90 (-199),
srtm_vrtqdr.intfb.h (-24),
su0phy.F90 (-1122),
su0phy.intfb.h (-6),
su_aerop.F90 (-972),
su_aerop.intfb.h (-4),
su_aerp.F90 (-288),
su_aerp.intfb.h (-4),
su_aerw.F90 (-283),
su_aerw.intfb.h (-4),
su_mcica.F90 (-43646),
su_mcica.intfb.h (-4),
su_uvrad.F90 (-1107),
su_uvrad.intfb.h (-6),
suaer15.F90 (-139),
suaer15.intfb.h (-4),
suaerh.F90 (-213),
suaerh.intfb.h (-4),
suaerl.F90 (-117),
suaerl.intfb.h (-4),
suaersn.F90 (-220),
suaersn.intfb.h (-7),
suaerv.F90 (-154),
suaerv.intfb.h (-27),
suaerv15.F90 (-163),
suaerv15.intfb.h (-28),
sucape.F90 (-91),
sucape.intfb.h (-6),
sucld.F90 (-109),
sucld.intfb.h (-7),
sucldp.intfb.h (-4),
suclop.F90 (-111),
suclop.intfb.h (-4),
suclop15.F90 (-146),
suclop15.intfb.h (-4),
suclopn.F90 (-1086),
suclopn.intfb.h (-8),
sucond.intfb.h (-8),
sucst.F90 (-306),
sucumf.intfb.h (-6),
sucumf2.intfb.h (-6),
suecrad.F90 (-1541),
suecrad.intfb.h (-10),
suecrad15.F90 (-331),
suecrad15.intfb.h (-8),
suecradi.F90 (-627),
suecradi.intfb.h (-4),
suecradi15.F90 (-697),
suecradi15.intfb.h (-4),
suecradl.intfb.h (-5),
sufft_mod.F90 (-39),
sugfl.F90 (-798),
sugwd.intfb.h (-9),
suhlph.intfb.h (-6),
suinit.F90 (-166),
sujfh.F90 (-66),
suleg_mod.F90 (-260),
sulw15.F90 (-1243),
sulw15.intfb.h (-4),
sulwn.F90 (-1215),
sulwn.intfb.h (-4),
sulwneur.intfb.h (-6),
sumethox.intfb.h (-4),
sump_trans_mod.F90 (-236),
sump_trans_preleg_mod.F90 (-125),
sumplat_mod.F90 (-204),
sumplatb_mod.F90 (-216),
sumplatbeq_mod.F90 (-222),
sumplatf_mod.F90 (-139),
sumts.intfb.h (-4),
suovlp.F90 (-50),
suovlp.intfb.h (-6),
suphec.F90 (-348),
suphec.intfb.h (-6),
suphli.intfb.h (-4),
suphmf.F90 (-126),
suphmf.intfb.h (-6),
suphy.F90 (-139),
suphy0.F90 (-723),
suphy0.intfb.h (-6),
suphy1.F90 (-449),
suphy1.intfb.h (-6),
suphy2.F90 (-180),
suphy2.intfb.h (-6),
suphy3.F90 (-404),
suphy3.intfb.h (-6),
suphyfl.intfb.h (-4),
supol_mod.F90 (-130),
surayolmd.F90 (-72),
surdi.F90 (-119),
surdi.intfb.h (-4),
surdi15.F90 (-132),
surdi15.intfb.h (-4),
surf_inq.h (-78),
surface_fields.F90 (-1456),
surhcri.F90 (-100),
surhcri.intfb.h (-6),
surrtab.F90 (-35),
surrtab.intfb.h (-4),
surrtftr.F90 (-84),
surrtftr.intfb.h (-4),
surrtpk.F90 (-695),
surrtpk.intfb.h (-4),
surrtrf.F90 (-67),
surrtrf.intfb.h (-4),
susat.F90 (-225),
susat.intfb.h (-4),
suscm.F90 (-106),
suscm.intfb.h (-6),
susrtaer.F90 (-212),
susrtaer.intfb.h (-4),
susrtcop.F90 (-415),
susrtcop.intfb.h (-4),
susrtm.F90 (-203),
susrtm.intfb.h (-4),
sustaonl_mod.F90 (-411),
susurf.h (-98),
susw15.F90 (-151),
susw15.intfb.h (-4),
suswn.F90 (-1693),
suswn.intfb.h (-7),
sutoph.F90 (-272),
sutoph.intfb.h (-6),
sutrle_mod.F90 (-229),
suvdf.intfb.h (-4),
suvdfs.intfb.h (-4),
suwavedi_mod.F90 (-173),
suwcou.intfb.h (-4),
sw.F90 (-353),
sw.intfb.h (-61),
sw1s.F90 (-450),
sw1s.intfb.h (-42),
swclr.F90 (-495),
swclr.intfb.h (-39),
swde.F90 (-230),
swde.intfb.h (-22),
swni.F90 (-634),
swni.intfb.h (-46),
swr.F90 (-471),
swr.intfb.h (-35),
swtt.F90 (-104),
swtt.intfb.h (-12),
swtt1.F90 (-117),
swtt1.intfb.h (-13),
swu.F90 (-259),
swu.intfb.h (-31),
swuvo3.F90 (-146),
swuvo3.intfb.h (-16),
tpm_constants.F90 (-10),
tpm_dim.F90 (-38),
tpm_distr.F90 (-167),
tpm_fft.F90 (-18),
tpm_fields.F90 (-25),
tpm_gen.F90 (-28),
tpm_geometry.F90 (-24),
tpm_trans.F90 (-49),
trans_inq.F90 (-377),
trans_inq.h (-151),
type_fads.F90 (-70),
type_gfls.F90 (-137),
user_clock.F90 (-76),
user_clock.h (-49),
val923.F90 (-121),
val923.intfb.h (-5),
yoe_mcica.F90 (-17),
yoe_tile_prop.F90 (-22),
yoe_uvrad.F90 (-29),
yoeaeratm.F90 (-54),
yoeaerd.F90 (-74),
yoeaerop.F90 (-38),
yoeaersnk.F90 (-67),
yoeaersrc.F90 (-54),
yoecld.F90 (-79),
yoeclop.F90 (-92),
yoecnd.F90 (-30),
yoedbug.F90 (-18),
yoelw.F90 (-86),
yoeovlp.F90 (-24),
yoephli.F90 (-62),
yoephy.F90 (-102),
yoerad.F90 (-181),
yoerdi.F90 (-47),
yoerdu.F90 (-55),
yoerrta1.F90 (-39),
yoerrta10.F90 (-38),
yoerrta11.F90 (-40),
yoerrta12.F90 (-38),
yoerrta13.F90 (-36),
yoerrta14.F90 (-39),
yoerrta15.F90 (-36),
yoerrta16.F90 (-36),
yoerrta2.F90 (-43),
yoerrta3.F90 (-55),
yoerrta4.F90 (-40),
yoerrta5.F90 (-46),
yoerrta6.F90 (-43),
yoerrta7.F90 (-45),
yoerrta8.F90 (-58),
yoerrta9.F90 (-54),
yoerrtab.F90 (-30),
yoerrtbg2.F90 (-31),
yoerrtftr.F90 (-41),
yoerrto1.F90 (-36),
yoerrto10.F90 (-37),
yoerrto11.F90 (-38),
yoerrto12.F90 (-34),
yoerrto13.F90 (-33),
yoerrto14.F90 (-37),
yoerrto15.F90 (-33),
yoerrto16.F90 (-33),
yoerrto2.F90 (-38),
yoerrto3.F90 (-42),
yoerrto4.F90 (-35),
yoerrto5.F90 (-38),
yoerrto6.F90 (-37),
yoerrto7.F90 (-38),
yoerrto8.F90 (-49),
yoerrto9.F90 (-45),
yoerrtrf.F90 (-29),
yoerrtrwt.F90 (-35),
yoerrtwn.F90 (-39),
yoesat.F90 (-56),
yoesrta16.F90 (-54),
yoesrta17.F90 (-53),
yoesrta18.F90 (-55),
yoesrta19.F90 (-53),
yoesrta20.F90 (-55),
yoesrta21.F90 (-54),
yoesrta22.F90 (-54),
yoesrta23.F90 (-51),
yoesrta24.F90 (-63),
yoesrta25.F90 (-49),
yoesrta26.F90 (-34),
yoesrta27.F90 (-50),
yoesrta28.F90 (-48),
yoesrta29.F90 (-57),
yoesrtaer.F90 (-36),
yoesrtcop.F90 (-136),
yoesrtop.F90 (-46),
yoesrtwn.F90 (-66),
yoesw.F90 (-279),
yoethf.F90 (-65),
yoevdf.F90 (-45),
yoewcou.F90 (-116),
yom_phys_grid.F90 (-114),
yom_ygfl.F90 (-129),
yomaer15.F90 (-35),
yomaerd15.F90 (-75),
yomarar.F90 (-106),
yomarphy.F90 (-45),
yomcape.F90 (-47),
yomcli.F90 (-114),
yomclop15.F90 (-71),
yomcoaphy.F90 (-24),
yomcst.F90 (-85),
yomct0.F90 (-482),
yomct0b.F90 (-19),
yomct3.F90 (-25),
yomcver.F90 (-50),
yomdim.F90 (-240),
yomdphy.F90 (-72),
yomdyn.F90 (-580),
yomfa.F90 (-75),
yomfpc.F90 (-254),
yomgc.F90 (-68),
yomgem.F90 (-193),
yomgrb.F90 (-702),
yomgstats.F90 (-110),
yomhook.F90 (-38),
yomjfh.F90 (-16),
yomleg.F90 (-41),
yomlun.F90 (-145),
yomlun_ifsaux.F90 (-21),
yomlw15.F90 (-82),
yommddh.F90 (-241),
yommp.F90 (-481),
yomoml.F90 (-205),
yomphy.F90 (-424),
yomphy0.F90 (-726),
yomphy1.F90 (-314),
yomphy2.F90 (-69),
yomphy3.F90 (-199),
yompldsw.F90 (-13),
yomprad.F90 (-152),
yomrad15.F90 (-70),
yomradf.F90 (-47),
yomrcoef.F90 (-85),
yomrdi15.F90 (-63),
yomrdu15.F90 (-56),
yomrip.F90 (-104),
yomsc2.F90 (-54),
yomscm.F90 (-54),
yomsimphl.F90 (-55),
yomslphy.F90 (-31),
yomsta.F90 (-128),
yomsw15.F90 (-55),
yomtag.F90 (-114),
yomtddh.F90 (-313),
yomtoph.F90 (-94),
yomvdoz.F90 (-78),
yophlc.F90 (-56),
yophnc.F90 (-54)
LMDZCTR.F90 (-54),
LMDZ_KL.F90 (-43),
PHY_SV.F90 (-70),
VAR0SV.F90 (-31),
VAR_SV.F90 (-18),
VARdCP.F90 (-30),
VARdSV.F90 (-141),
VARlSV.F90 (-11),
VARphy.F90 (-106),
VARtSV.F90 (-73),
VARxSV.F90 (-365),
VARySV.F90 (-150),
sisvat.F (-10186),
surf_sisvat_mod.F90 (-1741)
2021-06-15 12:00
Rev.: 3937
0 lines of code changed in 42 files:
MISR_simulator.F (-475),
array_lib.F90 (-167),
atmos_lib.F90 (-137),
calc_Re.F90 (-262),
congvec.h (-56),
cosp_defs.h (-30),
cosp_output_mod.F90 (-416),
cosp_output_write_mod.F90 (-874),
cosp_read_otputkeys.F90 (-1238),
dsd.F90 (-391),
format_input.F90 (-134),
gases.F90 (-177),
icarus.F (-1270),
isccp_cloud_types.F (-347),
lidar_simulator.F90 (-750),
m_mrgrnk.F90 (-411),
math_lib.F90 (-397),
mod_cosp.F90 (-605),
mod_cosp_constants.F90 (-307),
mod_cosp_isccp_simulator.F90 (-96),
mod_cosp_lidar.F90 (-87),
mod_cosp_misr_simulator.F90 (-80),
mod_cosp_modis_simulator.F90 (-487),
mod_cosp_radar.F90 (-193),
mod_cosp_simulator.F90 (-247),
mod_cosp_stats.F90 (-304),
mod_cosp_types.F90 (-1676),
mod_cosp_utils.F90 (-352),
mod_llnl_stats.F90 (-138),
mod_lmd_ipsl_stats.F90 (-1181),
mod_modis_sim.F90 (-1309),
optics_lib.F90 (-751),
pf_to_mr.F (-130),
phys_cosp.F90 (-450),
prec_scops.F (-270),
predict_mom07.F90 (-41),
radar_simulator.F90 (-454),
radar_simulator_init.F90 (-156),
radar_simulator_types.F90 (-74),
scale_luts_io.F90 (-137),
scops.F (-337),
zeff.F90 (-167)
2021-06-15 11:54
Rev.: 3936
0 lines of code changed in 1 file:
water_int.F90 (changed)
2021-06-14 11:02
Rev.: 3934
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
water_int.F90 (+2 -23)
2021-06-11 22:59
Rev.: 3933
3 lines of code changed in 2 files:
phyetat0.F90 (-1),
phyredem.F90 (+3)
2021-06-11 22:55
Rev.: 3932
26 lines of code changed in 1 file:
conf_phys_m.F90 (+26 -2)
2021-06-11 22:28
Rev.: 3931
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
strataer_mod.F90 (+2 -1)
2021-06-11 21:39
Rev.: 3930
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
strataer_mod.F90 (+2 -1)
2021-06-11 17:01
Rev.: 3929
5 lines of code changed in 1 file:
phys_output_write_mod.F90 (+5 -1)
2021-06-11 16:05
Rev.: 3928
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
physiq_mod.F90 (+1 -1)
2021-06-11 15:51
Rev.: 3927
951530 lines of code changed in 1155 files:
FCTTRE.h (new 88),
YOECUMF.h (new 94),
YOEGWD.h (new 62),
YOEMETH.F90 (new 90),
YOETHF.h (new 60),
YOMCST.h (new 90),
YOMCST2.h (new 26),
aaam_bud.F90 (new 713),
acama_gwd_rando_m.F90 (new 1069),
add_phys_tend_mod.F90 (new 975),
add_wake_tend.F90 (new 90),
aero_mod.F90 (new 209),
aeropt.F90 (new 245),
aeropt_2bands.F90 (new 2257),
aeropt_5wv.F90 (new 1649),
ajsec.F90 (new 670),
albedo.F90 (new 319),
albsno.F90 (new 121),
alpale.F90 (new 391),
alpale_th.F90 (new 661),
alpale_wk.F90 (new 165),
atm2geo.F90 (new 141),
borne_var_surf.F90 (new 219),
buffer_mod.F90 (new 169),
cal_tools_m.F90 (new 175),
calbeta.F90 (new 212),
calbeta_clim.F90 (new 141),
calcratqs.F90 (new 432),
calcul_REGDYN.h (new 41),
calcul_STDlev.h (new 475),
calcul_divers.h (new 111),
calcul_fluxs_mod.F90 (new 667),
calltherm.F90 (new 555),
calwake.F90 (new 442),
carbon_cycle_mod.F90 (new 1076),
cdrag.F90 (new 411),
cfmip_point_locations.F90 (new 237),
change_srf_frac_mod.F90 (new 204),
chem.h (new 25),
clcdrag.F90 (new 295),
clesphys.h (new 297),
clift.F90 (new 73),
climb_hq_mod.F90 (new 837),
climb_wind_mod.F90 (new 775),
clouds_bigauss.F90 (new 235),
clouds_gno.F90 (new 519),
cloudth_mod.F90 (new 3981),
cltrac.F90 (new 295),
cltracrn.F90 (new 573),
cmp_seri_mod.F90 (new 309),
coef_diff_turb_mod.F90 (new 1189),
coefcdrag.F90 (new 331),
coefkzmin.F90 (new 261),
compbl.h (new 21),
comsoil.h (new 15),
conccm.F90 (new 1633),
concvl.F90 (new 816),
condsurf.F90 (new 269),
conema3.F90 (new 821),
conema3.h (new 47),
conemav.F90 (new 289),
conf_phys_m.F90 (new 5889),
conflx.F90 (new 3213),
conlmd.F90 (new 4497),
convect1.F90 (new 1279),
convect2.F90 (new 2743),
convect3.F90 (new 2811),
cpl_mod.F90 (new 3189),
create_etat0_limit_unstruct.F90 (new 239),
create_etat0_unstruct.F90 (new 530),
create_limit_unstruct.F90 (new 635),
ctstar.F90 (new 253),
cv30_routines.F90 (new 6428),
cv30param.h (new 57),
cv3_buoy.F90 (new 307),
cv3_cine.F90 (new 919),
cv3_crit.F90 (new 115),
cv3_enthalpmix.F90 (new 238),
cv3_estatmix.F90 (new 221),
cv3_inicp.F90 (new 233),
cv3_inip.F90 (new 289),
cv3_mixscale.F90 (new 65),
cv3_routines.F90 (new 7713),
cv3a_compress.F90 (new 299),
cv3a_uncompress.F90 (new 504),
cv3p1_closure.F90 (new 1543),
cv3p2_closure.F90 (new 1735),
cv3p_mixing.F90 (new 1374),
cv3param.h (new 85),
cv_driver.F90 (new 1321),
cv_routines.F90 (new 1712),
cva_driver.F90 (new 1782),
cvflag.h (new 51),
cvltr.F90 (new 1389),
cvltr_noscav.F90 (new 399),
cvltr_scav.F90 (new 1411),
cvltr_spl.F90 (new 1679),
cvltrorig.F90 (new 329),
cvparam.h (new 55),
cvthermo.h (new 29),
declare_STDlev.h (new 119),
diag_slp.F90 (new 87),
diagphy.F90 (new 801),
dimpft.h (new 9),
dimphy.F90 (new 121),
dimsoil.h (new 22),
ener_conserv.F90 (new 525),
evappot.F90 (new 82),
fcg_gcssold.h (new 90),
fcg_racmo.h (new 88),
fisrtilp.F90 (new 2739),
fisrtilp.h (new 63),
fisrtilp_tr.F90 (new 856),
flott_gwd_rando_m.F90 (new 918),
flux_arp.h (new 38),
flxtr.F90 (new 402),
fonte_neige_mod.F90 (new 736),
freinage.F90 (new 266),
geo2atm.F90 (new 158),
global_mean.F90 (new 124),
gr_fi_ecrit.F90 (new 46),
grid_noro_m.F90 (new 1156),
haut2bas.F90 (new 36),
hbtm.F90 (new 758),
hbtm2l.F90 (new 1398),
hgardfou.F90 (new 266),
hines_gwd.F90 (new 4036),
histo_o500_pctau.F90 (new 128),
homogene.F90 (new 194),
hydrol.F90 (new 234),
icefrac_lsc_mod.F90 (new 116),
indice_sol_mod.F90 (new 33),
infotrac_phy.F90 (new 525),
ini_bilKP_ave.h (new 516),
ini_bilKP_ins.h (new 650),
ini_coord_REGDYN.h (new 160),
ini_histREGDYN.h (new 252),
ini_histday_seri.h (new 260),
ini_histrac.h (new 245),
ini_undefSTD.F90 (new 168),
ini_wake.F90 (new 174),
inifis_mod.F90 (new 160),
iniorbit.F90 (new 204),
iniradia.F90 (new 74),
init_be.F90 (new 1127),
initphysto.F90 (new 410),
initrrnpb.F90 (new 188),
interfoce_lim.F90 (new 576),
iophy.F90 (new 3116),
iophys.F90 (new 443),
iostart.F90 (new 1110),
iotd.h (new 36),
iotd_ecrit.F90 (new 362),
iotd_fin.F90 (new 48),
iotd_ini.F90 (new 274),
isccp_cloud_types.F90 (new 3220),
isotopes_mod.F90 (new 694),
isotopes_mod.F90_bak7fev2018 (new 712),
isotopes_routines_mod.F90 (new 19008),
isotopes_verif_mod.F90 (new 2861),
isotopologues (new 1),
isotrac_mod.F90 (new 1022),
isotrac_routines_mod.F90 (new 2868),
limit_read_mod.F90 (new 608),
limit_slab.F90 (new 388),
lsc_scav.F90 (new 598),
macv2sp.F90 (new 350),
methox.F90 (new 234),
minmaxqfi.F90 (new 70),
mo_simple_plumes.F90 (new 978),
mod_surf_para.F90 (new 700),
mod_synchro_omp.F90 (new 118),
moy_undefSTD.F90 (new 292),
moyglo_aire.F90 (new 296),
newmicro.F90 (new 1473),
nflxtr.F90 (new 316),
nonlocal.F90 (new 812),
nuage.F90 (new 831),
nuage.h (new 44),
o3_chem_m.F90 (new 340),
o3cm.F90 (new 134),
oasis.F90 (new 1073),
ocean_albedo.F90 (new 510),
ocean_albedo_para.F90 (new 1290),
ocean_cpl_mod.F90 (new 751),
ocean_forced_mod.F90 (new 520),
ocean_slab_mod.F90 (new 1972),
open_climoz_m.F90 (new 200),
orbite.F90 (new 586),
orografi.F90 (new 3360),
orografi_strato.F90 (new 3874),
ozonecm_m.F90 (new 192),
paramlmdz_phy_mod.F90 (new 472),
pbl_surface_mod.F90 (new 3915),
perturb_radlwsw.F90 (new 52),
phyaqua_mod.F90 (new 1095),
phyetat0.F90 (new 677),
phyredem.F90 (new 611),
phys_cal_mod.F90 (new 188),
phys_local_var_mod.F90 (new 1437),
phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90 (new 1972),
phys_output_mod.F90 (new 777),
phys_output_var_mod.F90 (new 233),
phys_output_write_mod.F90 (new 5225),
phys_state_var_mod.F90 (new 837),
physiq_mod.F90 (new 6759),
phystokenc_mod.F90 (new 772),
phytrac_mod.F90 (new 2222),
planete.h (new 20),
plevel.F90 (new 276),
plevel_new.F90 (new 294),
pppmer.F90 (new 320),
press_coefoz_m.F90 (new 146),
print_debug_phys.F90 (new 40),
printflag.F90 (new 378),
qcheck.F90 (new 56),
raddim.160.98.h (new 8),
raddim.192.143.h (new 8),
raddim.32.24.h (new 8),
raddim.48.32.h (new 8),
raddim.72.46.h (new 8),
raddim.96.72.h (new 8),
raddim.defaut.h (new 8),
raddim.h (new 8),
raddimlw.h (new 20),
radepsi.h (new 30),
radiation_AR4.F90 (new 11430),
radiation_ar4_param.F90 (new 484),
radio_decay.F90 (new 116),
radlwsw_m.F90 (new 2812),
radopt.h (new 16),
ran0_vec.F90 (new 66),
read_map2D.F90 (new 156),
read_pstoke.F90 (new 934),
read_pstoke0.F90 (new 1070),
readaerosol_interp.F90 (new 1156),
readaerosol_mod.F90 (new 1476),
readaerosol_optic.F90 (new 438),
readaerosolstrato.F90 (new 416),
readaerosolstrato_m.F90 (new 274),
readchlorophyll.F90 (new 244),
reevap.F90 (new 189),
regdim.h (new 32),
regr_horiz_time_climoz_m.F90 (new 1472),
regr_lat_time_coefoz_m.F90 (new 694),
regr_pr_comb_coefoz_m.F90 (new 324),
regr_pr_int_m.F90 (new 210),
regr_pr_o3_m.F90 (new 200),
regr_pr_time_av_m.F90 (new 1432),
screenc.F90 (new 96),
screenp.F90 (new 109),
simu_airs.F90 (new 2610),
slab_heat_transp_mod.F90 (new 2260),
soil.F90 (new 651),
solarlong.F90 (new 266),
stdlevvar.F90 (new 294),
stratocu_if.F90 (new 158),
stratosphere_mask.F90 (new 502),
sumethox.F90 (new 136),
suphel.F90 (new 458),
surf_land_bucket_mod.F90 (new 360),
surf_land_mod.F90 (new 422),
surf_land_orchidee_mod.F90 (new 1711),
surf_land_orchidee_nofrein_mod.F90 (new 1364),
surf_land_orchidee_noopenmp_mod.F90 (new 1590),
surf_land_orchidee_nounstruct_mod.F90 (new 1363),
surf_land_orchidee_noz0h_mod.F90 (new 1360),
surf_landice_mod.F90 (new 501),
surf_ocean_mod.F90 (new 318),
surf_seaice_mod.F90 (new 212),
surface_data.F90 (new 97),
sw_aeroAR4.F90 (new 1280),
tend_to_tke.F90 (new 296),
thermcell.F90 (new 2334),
thermcell.h (new 30),
thermcellV0_main.F90 (new 2079),
thermcell_alim.F90 (new 250),
thermcell_alp.F90 (new 873),
thermcell_closure.F90 (new 150),
thermcell_condens.F90 (new 83),
thermcell_dq.F90 (new 647),
thermcell_dry.F90 (new 336),
thermcell_dtke.F90 (new 244),
thermcell_dv2.F90 (new 384),
thermcell_env.F90 (new 272),
thermcell_flux.F90 (new 519),
thermcell_flux2.F90 (new 1024),
thermcell_height.F90 (new 320),
thermcell_init.F90 (new 59),
thermcell_main.F90 (new 1078),
thermcell_old.F90 (new 10680),
thermcell_plume.F90 (new 940),
thermcell_plume_6A.F90 (new 2287),
thermcell_qsat.F90 (new 188),
tilft43.F90 (new 196),
time_phylmdz_mod.F90 (new 222),
tlift.F90 (new 490),
tracco2i_mod.F90 (new 820),
tracinca_mod.F90 (new 402),
traclmdz_mod.F90 (new 1226),
tracreprobus_mod.F90 (new 252),
transp.F90 (new 108),
transp_lay.F90 (new 98),
tropopause_m.F90 (new 290),
tsoilnudge.h (new 12),
undefSTD.F90 (new 216),
ustarhb.F90 (new 102),
vdif_kcay.F90 (new 1346),
wake.F90 (new 2629),
water_int.F90 (new 44),
write_bilKP_ave.h (new 308),
write_bilKP_ins.h (new 356),
write_histREGDYN.h (new 124),
write_histday_seri.h (new 328),
write_histrac.h (new 126),
wx_pbl_mod.F90 (new 1708),
yamada.F90 (new 336),
yamada4.F90 (new 2337),
yamada_c.F90 (new 980),
zilch.F90 (new 32)
aeropt_spl.F (new 502),
bcscav_spl.F (new 110),
bl_for_dms.F (new 210),
blcloud_scav.F (new 250),
blcloud_scav_lsc.F (new 250),
checkmass.F90 (new 118),
checknanqfi.F90 (new 64),
chem_spla.h (new 28),
cltrac_spl.F (new 274),
cm3_to_kg.F (new 50),
coarsemission.F (new 626),
condsurfc.F (new 298),
condsurfc_new.F (new 450),
condsurfs.F (new 634),
condsurfs_new.F (new 546),
deposition.F (new 112),
dustemission_mod.F90 (new 3091),
finemission.F (new 288),
gastoparticle.F (new 184),
incloud_scav.F (new 200),
incloud_scav_lsc.F (new 224),
inscav_spl.F (new 280),
kg_to_cm3.F (new 44),
lsc_scav_orig.F90 (new 582),
lsc_scav_spl.F90 (new 604),
minmaxqfi2.F (new 66),
minmaxsource.F (new 68),
neutral.F (new 144),
nightingale.F (new 166),
phys_output_write_spl_mod.F90 (new 3339),
phytracr_spl_mod.F90 (new 10699),
precuremission.F (new 526),
read_dust.F (new 169),
read_newemissions.F (new 742),
read_surface.F90 (new 328),
read_vent.F (new 290),
satellite_out_spla.F90 (new 384),
seasalt.F (new 104),
sediment_mod.F (new 682),
spla_output_dat.h (new 1210),
spla_output_write.h (new 462),
splaeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90 (new 349),
splaeropt_6bands_rrtm.F90 (new 517),
splaeropt_lw_rrtm.F90 (new 178),
splaerosol_optic_rrtm.F90 (new 169),
tiedqneg.F (new 132),
trconvect.F (new 228)
aer_sedimnt.F90 (new 266),
aerophys.F90 (new 40),
calcaerosolstrato_rrtm.F90 (new 245),
coagulate.F90 (new 484),
cond_evap_tstep_mod.F90 (new 430),
interp_sulf_input.F90 (new 526),
micphy_tstep.F90 (new 366),
miecalc_aer.F90 (new 1262),
minmaxsimple.F90 (new 46),
nucleation_tstep_mod.F90 (new 1720),
ocs_to_so2.F90 (new 92),
so2_to_h2so4.F90 (new 94),
strataer_mod.F90 (new 471),
sulfate_aer_mod.F90 (new 1256),
traccoag_mod.F90 (new 829)
MISR_simulator.F (new 950),
array_lib.F90 (new 334),
atmos_lib.F90 (new 274),
calc_Re.F90 (new 524),
congvec.h (new 112),
cosp_defs.h (new 60),
cosp_output_mod.F90 (new 832),
cosp_output_write_mod.F90 (new 1748),
cosp_read_otputkeys.F90 (new 2476),
dsd.F90 (new 788),
format_input.F90 (new 268),
gases.F90 (new 354),
icarus.F (new 2540),
isccp_cloud_types.F (new 694),
lidar_simulator.F90 (new 1500),
m_mrgrnk.F90 (new 822),
math_lib.F90 (new 794),
mod_cosp.F90 (new 1210),
mod_cosp_constants.F90 (new 614),
mod_cosp_isccp_simulator.F90 (new 192),
mod_cosp_lidar.F90 (new 174),
mod_cosp_misr_simulator.F90 (new 160),
mod_cosp_modis_simulator.F90 (new 974),
mod_cosp_radar.F90 (new 386),
mod_cosp_simulator.F90 (new 494),
mod_cosp_stats.F90 (new 608),
mod_cosp_types.F90 (new 3352),
mod_cosp_utils.F90 (new 704),
mod_llnl_stats.F90 (new 276),
mod_lmd_ipsl_stats.F90 (new 2362),
mod_modis_sim.F90 (new 2618),
optics_lib.F90 (new 1502),
pf_to_mr.F (new 260),
phys_cosp.F90 (new 900),
prec_scops.F (new 540),
predict_mom07.F90 (new 82),
radar_simulator.F90 (new 908),
radar_simulator_init.F90 (new 312),
radar_simulator_types.F90 (new 148),
scale_luts_io.F90 (new 274),
scops.F (new 674),
zeff.F90 (new 334)
MISR_simulator.F90 (new 292),
array_lib.F90 (new 270),
cosp.F90 (new 2353),
cosp_calipso_interface.F90 (new 84),
cosp_cloudsat_interface.F90 (new 147),
cosp_config.F90 (new 343),
cosp_defs.h (new 60),
cosp_errorHandling.F90 (new 50),
cosp_interface_v1p4.F90 (new 2543),
cosp_isccp_interface.F90 (new 85),
cosp_kinds.F90 (new 40),
cosp_math_constants.F90 (new 40),
cosp_misr_interface.F90 (new 67),
cosp_modis_interface.F90 (new 113),
cosp_optics.F90 (new 442),
cosp_output_mod.F90 (new 863),
cosp_output_write_mod.F90 (new 1758),
cosp_parasol_interface.F90 (new 90),
cosp_phys_constants.F90 (new 68),
cosp_read_otputkeys.F90 (new 2493),
cosp_stats.F90 (new 285),
cosp_utils.F90 (new 89),
icarus.F90 (new 645),
lidar_simulator.F90 (new 1776),
math_lib.F90 (new 801),
mo_rng.F90 (new 138),
modis_simulator.F90 (new 906),
mrgrnk.F90 (new 645),
optics_lib.F90 (new 1522),
parasol.F90 (new 176),
phys_cosp2.F90 (new 458),
prec_scops.F90 (new 277),
quickbeam.F90 (new 387),
quickbeam_optics.F90 (new 1406),
scops.F90 (new 240)
MISR_simulator.F90 (new 584),
array_lib.F90 (new 206),
cosp.F90 (new 7330),
cosp_atlid_interface.F90 (new 132),
cosp_calipso_interface.F90 (new 170),
cosp_cloudsat_interface.F90 (new 284),
cosp_config.F90 (new 856),
cosp_errorHandling.F90 (new 100),
cosp_grLidar532_interface.F90 (new 124),
cosp_isccp_interface.F90 (new 170),
cosp_kinds.F90 (new 78),
cosp_math_constants.F90 (new 12),
cosp_misr_interface.F90 (new 134),
cosp_modis_interface.F90 (new 226),
cosp_optics.F90 (new 984),
cosp_parasol_interface.F90 (new 180),
cosp_phys_constants.F90 (new 130),
cosp_stats.F90 (new 614),
cosp_utils.F90 (new 199),
icarus.F90 (new 1290),
lidar_simulator.F90 (new 3122),
lmdz_cosp_construct_destroy_mod.F90 (new 1350),
lmdz_cosp_interface.F90 (new 1161),
lmdz_cosp_output_mod.F90 (new 1040),
lmdz_cosp_output_write_mod.F90 (new 2095),
lmdz_cosp_read_outputkeys.F90 (new 3446),
lmdz_cosp_subsample_and_optics_mod.F90 (new 912),
math_lib.F90 (new 808),
mo_rng.F90 (new 276),
modis_simulator.F90 (new 1812),
mrgrnk.F90 (new 1290),
optics_lib.F90 (new 1542),
parasol.F90 (new 352),
prec_scops.F90 (new 554),
quickbeam.F90 (new 1286),
quickbeam_optics.F90 (new 2760),
scops.F90 (new 480)
1DUTILS.h (new 1914),
1D_decl_cases.h (new 297),
1D_interp_cases.h (new 178),
1D_nudge_sandu_astex.h (new 42),
1D_read_forc_cases.h (new 113),
1Dconv.h (new 876),
comconst_mod.F90 (new 37),
comdissnew.h (new 30),
comgeom.h (new 33),
comgeom2.h (new 33),
compar1d.h (new 70),
comvert_mod.F90 (new 41),
conf_gcm.F90 (new 925),
control_mod.F90 (new 42),
date_cas.h (new 9),
disvert.F90 (new 458),
exner_hyb_m.F90 (new 147),
infotrac.F90 (new 1032),
inigeomphy_mod.F90 (new 243),
iniphysiq_mod.F90 (new 216),
lmdz1d.F90 (new 33),
logic_mod.F90 (new 36),
mod_1D_amma_read.F90 (new 504),
mod_1D_cases_read.F90 (new 1174),
mod_1D_cases_read2.F90 (new 1520),
mod_1D_cases_read_std.F90 (new 1085),
mod_const_mpi.F90 (new 16),
mod_interface_dyn_phys.F90 (new 62),
old_1DUTILS_read_interp.h (new 3380),
old_1D_decl_cases.h (new 293),
old_1D_interp_cases.h (new 1032),
old_1D_read_forc_cases.h (new 1106),
old_lmdz1d.F90 (new 1341),
paramet.h (new 29),
scm.F90 (new 1106),
serre_mod.F90 (new 11),
temps_mod.F90 (new 25),
tracstoke.h (new 5)
abor1.F90 (new 20),
abor1.intfb.h (new 10),
abort_trans_mod.F90 (new 60),
aeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90 (new 1214),
aeropt_6bands_rrtm.F90 (new 1714),
aeropt_lw_rrtm.F90 (new 156),
cpledn_mod.F90 (new 328),
dates.F90 (new 2404),
dump2ds.F (new 226),
eq_regions_mod.F90 (new 732),
fctast.h (new 58),
fcttim.h (new 92),
fcttrm.h (new 200),
gfl_subs.F90 (new 1742),
gppre.F90 (new 184),
gppre.intfb.h (new 26),
gppref.F90 (new 344),
gppref.intfb.h (new 28),
gppreh.F90 (new 152),
gppreh.intfb.h (new 24),
gpxyb.F90 (new 480),
gpxyb.intfb.h (new 42),
gridpoint_buffers.F90 (new 234),
gstats.F90 (new 618),
lw.F90 (new 364),
lw.intfb.h (new 70),
lwb.F90 (new 544),
lwb.intfb.h (new 62),
lwbv.F90 (new 336),
lwbv.intfb.h (new 56),
lwc.F90 (new 840),
lwc.intfb.h (new 44),
lwtt.F90 (new 398),
lwtt.intfb.h (new 28),
lwttm.F90 (new 398),
lwttm.intfb.h (new 30),
lwu.F90 (new 746),
lwu.intfb.h (new 50),
lwv.F90 (new 376),
lwv.intfb.h (new 68),
lwvb.F90 (new 518),
lwvb.intfb.h (new 70),
lwvd.F90 (new 556),
lwvd.intfb.h (new 48),
lwvn.F90 (new 476),
lwvn.intfb.h (new 50),
myrecvset_mod.F90 (new 148),
mysendset_mod.F90 (new 144),
naeaer.h (new 18),
naephy.h (new 34),
naerad.h (new 42),
namcape.h (new 2),
namclop15.h (new 6),
namgem.h (new 10),
namjfh.h (new 2),
namphy.h (new 52),
namphy0.h (new 82),
namphy1.h (new 42),
namphy2.h (new 18),
namphy3.h (new 24),
namrad15.h (new 18),
namrcoef.h (new 12),
namrgri.h (new 12),
namscen.h (new 6),
namscm.h (new 10),
namtoph.h (new 18),
namvdoz.h (new 22),
naphlc.h (new 14),
pardim.F90 (new 48),
parfpos.F90 (new 148),
parkind1.F90 (new 66),
parkind2.F90 (new 44),
parrint.F90 (new 32),
parrrtm.F90 (new 114),
parsrtm.F90 (new 172),
pe2set_mod.F90 (new 226),
posnam.F90 (new 216),
posnam.intfb.h (new 14),
radlsw.F90 (new 2538),
radlsw.intfb.h (new 174),
rdcset.intfb.h (new 130),
read_rsun_rrtm.F90 (new 214),
readaerosol_optic_rrtm.F90 (new 674),
readaerosolstrato1_rrtm.F90 (new 524),
readaerosolstrato2_rrtm.F90 (new 890),
recmwf_aero.F90 (new 1996),
rrtm_cmbgb1.F90 (new 200),
rrtm_cmbgb1.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb10.F90 (new 156),
rrtm_cmbgb10.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb11.F90 (new 184),
rrtm_cmbgb11.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb12.F90 (new 170),
rrtm_cmbgb12.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb13.F90 (new 170),
rrtm_cmbgb13.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb14.F90 (new 186),
rrtm_cmbgb14.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb15.F90 (new 170),
rrtm_cmbgb15.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb16.F90 (new 172),
rrtm_cmbgb16.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb2.F90 (new 234),
rrtm_cmbgb2.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb3.F90 (new 274),
rrtm_cmbgb3.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb4.F90 (new 256),
rrtm_cmbgb4.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb5.F90 (new 284),
rrtm_cmbgb5.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb6.F90 (new 170),
rrtm_cmbgb6.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb7.F90 (new 242),
rrtm_cmbgb7.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb8.F90 (new 210),
rrtm_cmbgb8.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_cmbgb9.F90 (new 270),
rrtm_cmbgb9.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_ecrt_140gp.F90 (new 812),
rrtm_ecrt_140gp.intfb.h (new 108),
rrtm_gasabs1a_140gp.F90 (new 314),
rrtm_gasabs1a_140gp.intfb.h (new 78),
rrtm_init_140gp.F90 (new 332),
rrtm_init_140gp.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb1.F90 (new 4282),
rrtm_kgb1.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb10.F90 (new 4160),
rrtm_kgb10.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb11.F90 (new 4270),
rrtm_kgb11.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb12.F90 (new 6844),
rrtm_kgb12.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb13.F90 (new 6844),
rrtm_kgb13.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb14.F90 (new 4270),
rrtm_kgb14.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb15.F90 (new 6844),
rrtm_kgb15.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb16.F90 (new 6844),
rrtm_kgb16.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb2.F90 (new 4448),
rrtm_kgb2.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb3.F90 (new 22742),
rrtm_kgb3.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb4.F90 (new 22614),
rrtm_kgb4.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb5.F90 (new 22622),
rrtm_kgb5.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb6.F90 (new 1142),
rrtm_kgb6.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb7.F90 (new 10022),
rrtm_kgb7.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb8.F90 (new 4476),
rrtm_kgb8.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_kgb9.F90 (new 10086),
rrtm_kgb9.intfb.h (new 8),
rrtm_rrtm_140gp.F90 (new 550),
rrtm_rrtm_140gp.intfb.h (new 84),
rrtm_rtrn1a_140gp.F90 (new 1798),
rrtm_rtrn1a_140gp.intfb.h (new 66),
rrtm_setcoef_140gp.F90 (new 370),
rrtm_setcoef_140gp.intfb.h (new 70),
rrtm_taumol1.F90 (new 482),
rrtm_taumol1.intfb.h (new 50),
rrtm_taumol10.F90 (new 194),
rrtm_taumol10.intfb.h (new 42),
rrtm_taumol11.F90 (new 212),
rrtm_taumol11.intfb.h (new 48),
rrtm_taumol12.F90 (new 286),
rrtm_taumol12.intfb.h (new 52),
rrtm_taumol13.F90 (new 284),
rrtm_taumol13.intfb.h (new 52),
rrtm_taumol14.F90 (new 234),
rrtm_taumol14.intfb.h (new 48),
rrtm_taumol15.F90 (new 314),
rrtm_taumol15.intfb.h (new 54),
rrtm_taumol16.F90 (new 312),
rrtm_taumol16.intfb.h (new 52),
rrtm_taumol2.F90 (new 386),
rrtm_taumol2.intfb.h (new 52),
rrtm_taumol3.F90 (new 480),
rrtm_taumol3.intfb.h (new 56),
rrtm_taumol4.F90 (new 394),
rrtm_taumol4.intfb.h (new 56),
rrtm_taumol5.F90 (new 382),
rrtm_taumol5.intfb.h (new 58),
rrtm_taumol6.F90 (new 212),
rrtm_taumol6.intfb.h (new 52),
rrtm_taumol7.F90 (new 310),
rrtm_taumol7.intfb.h (new 54),
rrtm_taumol8.F90 (new 276),
rrtm_taumol8.intfb.h (new 56),
rrtm_taumol9.F90 (new 396),
rrtm_taumol9.intfb.h (new 58),
sdl_module.F90 (new 272),
seapre.F90 (new 136),
seapre.intfb.h (new 18),
set2pe_mod.F90 (new 242),
set99.F (new 118),
set_resol_mod.F90 (new 88),
setup_dims_mod.F90 (new 74),
setup_geom_mod.F90 (new 158),
setup_trans.F90 (new 456),
setup_trans.h (new 146),
srtm_cldprop.F90 (new 680),
srtm_cldprop.intfb.h (new 52),
srtm_cmbgb16.F90 (new 206),
srtm_cmbgb16.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb17.F90 (new 188),
srtm_cmbgb17.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb18.F90 (new 184),
srtm_cmbgb18.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb19.F90 (new 184),
srtm_cmbgb19.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb20.F90 (new 178),
srtm_cmbgb20.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb21.F90 (new 188),
srtm_cmbgb21.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb22.F90 (new 184),
srtm_cmbgb22.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb23.F90 (new 154),
srtm_cmbgb23.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb24.F90 (new 226),
srtm_cmbgb24.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb25.F90 (new 118),
srtm_cmbgb25.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb26.F90 (new 78),
srtm_cmbgb26.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb27.F90 (new 130),
srtm_cmbgb27.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb28.F90 (new 140),
srtm_cmbgb28.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_cmbgb29.F90 (new 188),
srtm_cmbgb29.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_init.F90 (new 272),
srtm_init.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb16.F90 (new 9980),
srtm_kgb16.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb17.F90 (new 22560),
srtm_kgb17.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb18.F90 (new 10060),
srtm_kgb18.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb19.F90 (new 10060),
srtm_kgb19.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb20.F90 (new 4154),
srtm_kgb20.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb21.F90 (new 22594),
srtm_kgb21.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb22.F90 (new 10060),
srtm_kgb22.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb23.F90 (new 1118),
srtm_kgb23.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb24.F90 (new 10184),
srtm_kgb24.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb25.F90 (new 986),
srtm_kgb25.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb26.F90 (new 86),
srtm_kgb26.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb27.F90 (new 4014),
srtm_kgb27.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb28.F90 (new 22378),
srtm_kgb28.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_kgb29.F90 (new 4166),
srtm_kgb29.intfb.h (new 8),
srtm_reftra.F90 (new 528),
srtm_reftra.intfb.h (new 44),
srtm_setcoef.F90 (new 512),
srtm_setcoef.intfb.h (new 96),
srtm_spcvrt.F90 (new 1346),
srtm_spcvrt.intfb.h (new 158),
srtm_spcvrt_mcica.F90 (new 1396),
srtm_spcvrt_mcica.intfb.h (new 132),
srtm_srtm_224gp.F90 (new 792),
srtm_srtm_224gp.intfb.h (new 76),
srtm_srtm_224gp_mcica.F90 (new 794),
srtm_srtm_224gp_mcica.intfb.h (new 76),
srtm_taumol16.F90 (new 338),
srtm_taumol16.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol17.F90 (new 362),
srtm_taumol17.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol18.F90 (new 300),
srtm_taumol18.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol19.F90 (new 314),
srtm_taumol19.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol20.F90 (new 264),
srtm_taumol20.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol21.F90 (new 378),
srtm_taumol21.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol22.F90 (new 334),
srtm_taumol22.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol23.F90 (new 234),
srtm_taumol23.intfb.h (new 68),
srtm_taumol24.F90 (new 322),
srtm_taumol24.intfb.h (new 72),
srtm_taumol25.F90 (new 216),
srtm_taumol25.intfb.h (new 58),
srtm_taumol26.F90 (new 188),
srtm_taumol26.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_taumol27.F90 (new 220),
srtm_taumol27.intfb.h (new 56),
srtm_taumol28.F90 (new 340),
srtm_taumol28.intfb.h (new 58),
srtm_taumol29.F90 (new 256),
srtm_taumol29.intfb.h (new 70),
srtm_vrtqdr.F90 (new 398),
srtm_vrtqdr.intfb.h (new 48),
su0phy.F90 (new 2244),
su0phy.intfb.h (new 12),
su_aerop.F90 (new 1944),
su_aerop.intfb.h (new 8),
su_aerp.F90 (new 576),
su_aerp.intfb.h (new 8),
su_aerw.F90 (new 566),
su_aerw.intfb.h (new 8),
su_mcica.F90 (new 87292),
su_mcica.intfb.h (new 8),
su_uvrad.F90 (new 2214),
su_uvrad.intfb.h (new 12),
suaer15.F90 (new 278),
suaer15.intfb.h (new 8),
suaerh.F90 (new 426),
suaerh.intfb.h (new 8),
suaerl.F90 (new 234),
suaerl.intfb.h (new 8),
suaersn.F90 (new 440),
suaersn.intfb.h (new 14),
suaerv.F90 (new 308),
suaerv.intfb.h (new 54),
suaerv15.F90 (new 326),
suaerv15.intfb.h (new 56),
sucape.F90 (new 182),
sucape.intfb.h (new 12),
sucld.F90 (new 218),
sucld.intfb.h (new 14),
sucldp.intfb.h (new 8),
suclop.F90 (new 222),
suclop.intfb.h (new 8),
suclop15.F90 (new 292),
suclop15.intfb.h (new 8),
suclopn.F90 (new 2172),
suclopn.intfb.h (new 16),
sucond.intfb.h (new 16),
sucst.F90 (new 612),
sucumf.intfb.h (new 12),
sucumf2.intfb.h (new 12),
suecrad.F90 (new 3082),
suecrad.intfb.h (new 20),
suecrad15.F90 (new 662),
suecrad15.intfb.h (new 16),
suecradi.F90 (new 1254),
suecradi.intfb.h (new 8),
suecradi15.F90 (new 1394),
suecradi15.intfb.h (new 8),
suecradl.intfb.h (new 10),
sufft_mod.F90 (new 78),
sugfl.F90 (new 1596),
sugwd.intfb.h (new 18),
suhlph.intfb.h (new 12),
suinit.F90 (new 332),
sujfh.F90 (new 132),
suleg_mod.F90 (new 520),
sulw15.F90 (new 2486),
sulw15.intfb.h (new 8),
sulwn.F90 (new 2430),
sulwn.intfb.h (new 8),
sulwneur.intfb.h (new 12),
sumethox.intfb.h (new 8),
sump_trans_mod.F90 (new 472),
sump_trans_preleg_mod.F90 (new 250),
sumplat_mod.F90 (new 408),
sumplatb_mod.F90 (new 432),
sumplatbeq_mod.F90 (new 444),
sumplatf_mod.F90 (new 278),
sumts.intfb.h (new 8),
suovlp.F90 (new 100),
suovlp.intfb.h (new 12),
suphec.F90 (new 696),
suphec.intfb.h (new 12),
suphli.intfb.h (new 8),
suphmf.F90 (new 252),
suphmf.intfb.h (new 12),
suphy.F90 (new 278),
suphy0.F90 (new 1446),
suphy0.intfb.h (new 12),
suphy1.F90 (new 898),
suphy1.intfb.h (new 12),
suphy2.F90 (new 360),
suphy2.intfb.h (new 12),
suphy3.F90 (new 808),
suphy3.intfb.h (new 12),
suphyfl.intfb.h (new 8),
supol_mod.F90 (new 260),
surayolmd.F90 (new 144),
surdi.F90 (new 238),
surdi.intfb.h (new 8),
surdi15.F90 (new 264),
surdi15.intfb.h (new 8),
surf_inq.h (new 156),
surface_fields.F90 (new 2912),
surhcri.F90 (new 200),
surhcri.intfb.h (new 12),
surrtab.F90 (new 70),
surrtab.intfb.h (new 8),
surrtftr.F90 (new 168),
surrtftr.intfb.h (new 8),
surrtpk.F90 (new 1390),
surrtpk.intfb.h (new 8),
surrtrf.F90 (new 134),
surrtrf.intfb.h (new 8),
susat.F90 (new 450),
susat.intfb.h (new 8),
suscm.F90 (new 212),
suscm.intfb.h (new 12),
susrtaer.F90 (new 424),
susrtaer.intfb.h (new 8),
susrtcop.F90 (new 830),
susrtcop.intfb.h (new 8),
susrtm.F90 (new 406),
susrtm.intfb.h (new 8),
sustaonl_mod.F90 (new 822),
susurf.h (new 196),
susw15.F90 (new 302),
susw15.intfb.h (new 8),
suswn.F90 (new 3386),
suswn.intfb.h (new 14),
sutoph.F90 (new 544),
sutoph.intfb.h (new 12),
sutrle_mod.F90 (new 458),
suvdf.intfb.h (new 8),
suvdfs.intfb.h (new 8),
suwavedi_mod.F90 (new 346),
suwcou.intfb.h (new 8),
sw.F90 (new 706),
sw.intfb.h (new 122),
sw1s.F90 (new 900),
sw1s.intfb.h (new 84),
swclr.F90 (new 990),
swclr.intfb.h (new 78),
swde.F90 (new 460),
swde.intfb.h (new 44),
swni.F90 (new 1268),
swni.intfb.h (new 92),
swr.F90 (new 942),
swr.intfb.h (new 70),
swtt.F90 (new 208),
swtt.intfb.h (new 24),
swtt1.F90 (new 234),
swtt1.intfb.h (new 26),
swu.F90 (new 518),
swu.intfb.h (new 62),
swuvo3.F90 (new 292),
swuvo3.intfb.h (new 32),
tpm_constants.F90 (new 20),
tpm_dim.F90 (new 76),
tpm_distr.F90 (new 334),
tpm_fft.F90 (new 36),
tpm_fields.F90 (new 50),
tpm_gen.F90 (new 56),
tpm_geometry.F90 (new 48),
tpm_trans.F90 (new 98),
trans_inq.F90 (new 754),
trans_inq.h (new 302),
type_fads.F90 (new 140),
type_gfls.F90 (new 274),
user_clock.F90 (new 152),
user_clock.h (new 98),
val923.F90 (new 242),
val923.intfb.h (new 10),
yoe_mcica.F90 (new 34),
yoe_tile_prop.F90 (new 44),
yoe_uvrad.F90 (new 58),
yoeaeratm.F90 (new 108),
yoeaerd.F90 (new 148),
yoeaerop.F90 (new 76),
yoeaersnk.F90 (new 134),
yoeaersrc.F90 (new 108),
yoecld.F90 (new 158),
yoeclop.F90 (new 184),
yoecnd.F90 (new 60),
yoedbug.F90 (new 36),
yoelw.F90 (new 172),
yoeovlp.F90 (new 48),
yoephli.F90 (new 124),
yoephy.F90 (new 204),
yoerad.F90 (new 362),
yoerdi.F90 (new 94),
yoerdu.F90 (new 110),
yoerrta1.F90 (new 78),
yoerrta10.F90 (new 76),
yoerrta11.F90 (new 80),
yoerrta12.F90 (new 76),
yoerrta13.F90 (new 72),
yoerrta14.F90 (new 78),
yoerrta15.F90 (new 72),
yoerrta16.F90 (new 72),
yoerrta2.F90 (new 86),
yoerrta3.F90 (new 110),
yoerrta4.F90 (new 80),
yoerrta5.F90 (new 92),
yoerrta6.F90 (new 86),
yoerrta7.F90 (new 90),
yoerrta8.F90 (new 116),
yoerrta9.F90 (new 108),
yoerrtab.F90 (new 60),
yoerrtbg2.F90 (new 62),
yoerrtftr.F90 (new 82),
yoerrto1.F90 (new 72),
yoerrto10.F90 (new 74),
yoerrto11.F90 (new 76),
yoerrto12.F90 (new 68),
yoerrto13.F90 (new 66),
yoerrto14.F90 (new 74),
yoerrto15.F90 (new 66),
yoerrto16.F90 (new 66),
yoerrto2.F90 (new 76),
yoerrto3.F90 (new 84),
yoerrto4.F90 (new 70),
yoerrto5.F90 (new 76),
yoerrto6.F90 (new 74),
yoerrto7.F90 (new 76),
yoerrto8.F90 (new 98),
yoerrto9.F90 (new 90),
yoerrtrf.F90 (new 58),
yoerrtrwt.F90 (new 70),
yoerrtwn.F90 (new 78),
yoesat.F90 (new 112),
yoesrta16.F90 (new 108),
yoesrta17.F90 (new 106),
yoesrta18.F90 (new 110),
yoesrta19.F90 (new 106),
yoesrta20.F90 (new 110),
yoesrta21.F90 (new 108),
yoesrta22.F90 (new 108),
yoesrta23.F90 (new 102),
yoesrta24.F90 (new 126),
yoesrta25.F90 (new 98),
yoesrta26.F90 (new 68),
yoesrta27.F90 (new 100),
yoesrta28.F90 (new 96),
yoesrta29.F90 (new 114),
yoesrtaer.F90 (new 72),
yoesrtcop.F90 (new 272),
yoesrtop.F90 (new 92),
yoesrtwn.F90 (new 132),
yoesw.F90 (new 558),
yoethf.F90 (new 130),
yoevdf.F90 (new 90),
yoewcou.F90 (new 232),
yom_phys_grid.F90 (new 228),
yom_ygfl.F90 (new 258),
yomaer15.F90 (new 70),
yomaerd15.F90 (new 150),
yomarar.F90 (new 212),
yomarphy.F90 (new 90),
yomcape.F90 (new 94),
yomcli.F90 (new 228),
yomclop15.F90 (new 142),
yomcoaphy.F90 (new 48),
yomcst.F90 (new 170),
yomct0.F90 (new 964),
yomct0b.F90 (new 38),
yomct3.F90 (new 50),
yomcver.F90 (new 100),
yomdim.F90 (new 480),
yomdphy.F90 (new 144),
yomdyn.F90 (new 1160),
yomfa.F90 (new 150),
yomfpc.F90 (new 508),
yomgc.F90 (new 136),
yomgem.F90 (new 386),
yomgrb.F90 (new 1404),
yomgstats.F90 (new 220),
yomhook.F90 (new 76),
yomjfh.F90 (new 32),
yomleg.F90 (new 82),
yomlun.F90 (new 290),
yomlun_ifsaux.F90 (new 42),
yomlw15.F90 (new 164),
yommddh.F90 (new 482),
yommp.F90 (new 962),
yomoml.F90 (new 410),
yomphy.F90 (new 848),
yomphy0.F90 (new 1452),
yomphy1.F90 (new 628),
yomphy2.F90 (new 138),
yomphy3.F90 (new 398),
yompldsw.F90 (new 26),
yomprad.F90 (new 304),
yomrad15.F90 (new 140),
yomradf.F90 (new 94),
yomrcoef.F90 (new 170),
yomrdi15.F90 (new 126),
yomrdu15.F90 (new 112),
yomrip.F90 (new 208),
yomsc2.F90 (new 108),
yomscm.F90 (new 108),
yomsimphl.F90 (new 110),
yomslphy.F90 (new 62),
yomsta.F90 (new 256),
yomsw15.F90 (new 110),
yomtag.F90 (new 228),
yomtddh.F90 (new 626),
yomtoph.F90 (new 188),
yomvdoz.F90 (new 156),
yophlc.F90 (new 112),
yophnc.F90 (new 108)
LMDZCTR.F90 (new 54),
LMDZ_KL.F90 (new 43),
PHY_SV.F90 (new 70),
VAR0SV.F90 (new 31),
VAR_SV.F90 (new 18),
VARdCP.F90 (new 30),
VARdSV.F90 (new 141),
VARlSV.F90 (new 11),
VARphy.F90 (new 106),
VARtSV.F90 (new 73),
VARxSV.F90 (new 365),
VARySV.F90 (new 150),
YOMCST_SISVAT.F90 (new 59),
sisvat.F (new 10186),
surf_sisvat_mod.F90 (new 1741)
2021-06-08 18:40
Rev.: 3925
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
makelmdz_fcm (+1 -1)
2021-06-08 18:33
Rev.: 3924
104 lines of code changed in 4 files:
makelmdz_fcm (+58 -1)
infotrac.F90 (+29 -29)
iniphysiq_mod.F90 (+3 -3)
infotrac_phy.F90 (+14 -2)
2021-06-08 11:31
Rev.: 3923
176 lines of code changed in 1 file:
infotrac.F90 (+176 -137)