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The vertical diffusion and its numerical scheme

The vertical diffusion of sensible heat and humidity through turbulent mixing can be described by the following generic equation:


where X is potential enthalpy tex2html_wrap_inline1265 (As defined in equation 21.) or specific humidity (q) and K is the ``eddy-diffusivity''. In the following it will be assumed that the diffusion coefficients are the same for both variables. The sensible and latent heat fluxes at the surface are also computed using this equation but with diffusion coefficients which take into account the surface properties. At the surface we will write tex2html_wrap_inline1271 and tex2html_wrap_inline1273 in order to distinguish the diffusion coefficients for each of the fluxes. Land surface schemes are thus intimately linked to the vertical diffusion scheme.

To solve equations 14 over the atmospheric column boundary conditions are needed. Above the planetary boundary layer vertical diffusion becomes sufficiently small that the flux can be considered to vanish. This leads to a zero flux upper boundary condition. The surface is the source of the transported energy and the closure of the equation there is a delicate problem which is discussed in section 4.

Fri Mar 6 16:09:11 MET 1998